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"Ten years of coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei" series reports

The petal of synergy is concentric, and Beijing Tianjin Hebei join hands to benefit the people

People's Daily Online Joint Reporting Group
February 25, 2024 18:19 | Source: People's Xiong'an Network
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Tongzhou, the sub center of Beijing, the newly built Beijing Art Center, Beijing City Library and Beijing Grand Canal Museum were unveiled, and high-quality cultural and tourism resources were simultaneously "updated";

Xiong'an New Area, Beihai Kindergarten, Xiong'an Shijia Hutong Primary School, and Xiong'an Campus of Beijing No. 4 Middle School are built next to each other. Xiong'an Wa can go to Beijing's famous schools at her home;

Aerial photo of Xiong'an Shijia Hutong Primary School. Photographed by Li Zhaomin, reporter of People's Daily Online

Under the "three boundary monument" of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, Hebei Langfang Economic and Technological Development Zone is building a "1-hour logistics distribution circle of fresh agricultural products around Beijing and Tianjin";


Since the implementation of the Beijing Tianjin Hebei coordinated development strategy for 10 years, a map planning, a chess game construction, integrated development, many livelihood projects have been implemented, and more and more "synergy dividends" have benefited the people in the three regions.

Famous doctors are at home, and there is no "distance" between them

The pile machine rises and falls, the boom comes and goes, and the roar of the machine comes and goes... The construction of the Xiong'an Hospital Area Project of Peking University People's Hospital is in full swing.

"We are one of the first relief projects, and we have not stopped since we started in November last year." Jiang Kewei, director of the Infrastructure Department of Peking University People's Hospital, said, "As a 'national team' of public hospitals, Xiong'an residents will be able to enjoy 'national level' medical services at home after the opening of the new hospital."

Aerial photo of Xiong'an Xuanwu Hospital. Photographed by Li Zhaomin, reporter of People's Daily Online

Nine kilometers away, Xiong'an Xuanwu Hospital is located. The management team and key doctors are stationed by Xuanwu Hospital of Capital Medical University, and the clinic has been open for 4 months.

At 6:00 a.m. on February 8, Xu Min, the chief physician of the Department of Neurology of Xuanwu Hospital of Capital Medical University, and her colleagues took the shuttle bus to Xiong'an, the day when she went to Xiong'an for a visit.

As usual, Xu Min opened the "Xiong'an Xuanwu Hospital" APP, and appointments for registration were full. In the two-hour drive, Xu Min has read all the patient information.

Beijing experts came to the "gate", and medical expenses can be directly settled with medical insurance. Xiong'an Xuanwu Hospital, Li Jing, who came from Rongcheng County, Xiong'an New Area, tightly clutched the registration form. The old man at home suffered from cerebrovascular disease and was called an expert. Li Jing's heart "fell on a stone".

"I didn't intend to be hospitalized at first, but the doctor said that now the record of medical treatment in other places has been cancelled, and I can also 'report when I leave the hospital', so I was steadfast and went through the hospitalization procedures immediately." Wang Shujun, who returned from Tianjin to his hometown of Wu'an, Hebei, for the Spring Festival, told reporters, "This hospitalization cost a total of more than 7000 yuan, and after leaving the hospital, he directly reimbursed nearly 4000 yuan."

Wang Shujun said, "Such a good policy reduces the trouble of going back and forth, and the people welcome it!"

The cancellation of the record of medical treatment in different places in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, the direct settlement of medical treatment in different places across provinces, and the mutual recognition of the inspection results of medical institutions... The comprehensive cooperation in the public health field of the three places has led to the overall improvement of the regional medical level, and the people's sense of access to medical treatment has been significantly enhanced.

There are many "hidden" functions, and three places can enjoy "one card"

When the Spring Festival started, Huang Siyu, who worked in a science and technology enterprise in Xicheng District, Beijing, received a new third-generation social security card. "I'm from Cangzhou, Hebei Province. I just came to work in Beijing. I can use the new social security card directly when I catch up with the update of the card. I feel a little lucky."

"The new social security card is like a bank card, which can deposit and withdraw money, can also pay online, and is free of annual account fees, inter-bank agency fees, and inter-bank cash withdrawal fees." Huang Siyu warmed to her heart.

The third generation social security card of Beijing can also be used as the "Park Annual Pass". Yuyuantan Park, Jingshan Park, Taoranting Park... Just bind the social security card when purchasing the annual pass, and you can directly swipe the card to enter the park. "It is said that there will be more cultural and tourism functions in the future, and I'm looking forward to it," said Huang Siyu.

Wang Yasi, who is in Xiong'an New Area of Hebei Province, was also attracted by its "hidden function" when he applied for the local "exclusive" Xiong'an One Card "in January.

Being able to be a bus card, Beijing Tianjin Hebei GM, Wang Yasi found "treasure". "The social security card can be used in the main museums and libraries in Hebei Province. This year, the Hebei Special Exhibition of 'Chinese Painting Series of Past Dynasties' held by the Hebei Museum is very popular, and I plan to visit it," said Wang Yasi.

According to the relevant person in charge of the Information Center of the Department of Human Resources and Social Security of Hebei Province, 19 state-owned museums and 147 libraries in the province have realized visiting and borrowing social security cards, which not only benefit Hebei social security card holders, but also apply to the social security card holders in Beijing and Tianjin.

The launching ceremony of the public issuance of the "Xiong'an One Card" social security card. Photographed by Li Zhaomin, reporter of People's Daily Online

With the signing of the "One Card" Cooperation Framework Agreement for Beijing Tianjin Hebei Social Security Card Residents Service, the human resources and social security departments in the three regions are currently speeding up the preparation of the unified directory list of "One Card" applications in Beijing Tianjin Hebei, and implementing the "One Card" collaborative legislative planning of the people's congresses in the three provinces and cities.

The relevant person in charge of Tianjin Social Security Center said that the social security card, as an important carrier of public service co construction and sharing in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, can be used in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei with "all-in-one card" regardless of medical treatment, social security, transportation, culture and tourism.

"Smile is the sense of gain", quality education benefits three places

Although it is winter vacation, teachers and children are still active on the campus of Xiong'an Shijia Hutong Primary School, with bursts of laughter and songs.

Wang Ying, assistant principal of Xiong'an Shijia Hutong Primary School, said, "The school has carried out free trusteeship services during the winter vacation, which includes not only the guidance of winter homework, but also various interest groups and sports activities, so that children can have a more meaningful holiday."

"I'm very happy to spend the winter vacation with my teachers and classmates." Zhang Yueyue, who was in the first grade, said in her innocent voice, "My teacher praised that my handwriting is getting better and better."

Zhang Yantao, Zhang Yueyue's father, said, "The school benchmarking Beijing's advanced education philosophy, with special emphasis on comprehensive quality training, after a semester, it is obvious that the children are becoming more confident and sunny."

Xiong'an Shijia Hutong Primary School is one of the three "turn key" schools in Xiong'an New District aided by Beijing, and is managed by Beijing Shijia Education Group. The school proposed a "double teacher class" in the third to fifth grades, allowing students from Beijing and Xiongyang to "have a class together".

Mathematics teacher Xu Jinshuai is one of the main teachers of the "Double Teacher Class". "This teaching method enables me to communicate one-on-one with teachers in Beijing and carry out teaching and research activities together with the teaching team in Beijing, realizing the consensus of teaching philosophy and the sharing and improvement of quality education." After a semester of teaching practice, Xu Jinshuai has achieved a lot.

Students from Xiong'an Shijia Hutong Primary School had a "double teacher class", and students from Beijing and Xiongyang had a "class together". Photographed by Xing Huixin

"The 'double teacher classroom' is an innovation of our teaching work, and we will extend to the first and second grades in the new semester." Zhang Xinxin, the principal of Xiong'an Shijia Hutong Primary School, revealed that the school plans to build a "historian college", inviting educational experts to Xiong'an, and turning the primary school into a "university" for teachers to grow.

Education synergy is an important part of the coordinated development of Beijing Tianjin Hebei. As of January 2024, a total of 496 primary and secondary schools and kindergartens in Hebei have cooperated with 314 primary and secondary schools and kindergartens in Beijing and Tianjin in running schools in various forms, and more high-quality educational resources have taken root in Hebei.

On February 21, the Beijing Tianjin Hebei collaborative development of artificial intelligence to help personnel training pilot reform demonstration park was established in Gu'an, Hebei. Beijing Hebei vocational colleges jointly carry out cross provincial through training, and enrollment will start within the year.

The results of the coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei have enhanced the well-being of the people. Based on the new starting point of the 10th anniversary, Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei are working together to draw a new picture of the pilot area and demonstration area of Chinese modernization.

(Liu Shihao, Li Xueqing, Wang Hong, Fu Zhaosa, Yang Wenjuan, Tao Jian, Chi Mengrui)

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(Editor in charge: Fang Tong, Fu Zhaosa)

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