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Hebei Zanhuang: Literature and art preaching enters into the community, eyes and ears, and heart

December 7, 2023 19:25 | Source: People's Daily Online Hebei Channel
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Shijiazhuang,, December 7, reported that "the CPC Central Committee, pointing to the direction, the spirit of the 20th National Congress shines, the Party seeks happiness for the people, and the people's heart goes to the Party.

In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, strengthen the construction of socialist spiritual civilization, and enrich the people's spiritual and cultural life, on December 5, Zanhuang County organized cultural, scientific, technological and health departments to go to Zhipingsi Street Community to carry out the "three to the countryside" centralized service and the new era of civilized practice volunteer service activities. At the event site, the writers and artists integrated the innovative theory of the Party into the literature and art programs, and delivered a wonderful cultural feast to the community through songs, dances and other popular propaganda forms.

At the same time, the Health Bureau, the Culture and Tourism Bureau, the Youth League Committee, the Disabled Persons' Federation, the Justice Bureau, the Cyberspace Office, the Women's Federation, the United Front Work Department and other units combine their functions to carry out cultural, scientific and technological health knowledge propaganda and on-site consulting services to answer questions and solve problems for the masses.

"We will give full play to the role of literature and art as a light cavalry, strengthen literary and artistic innovation, promote the Party's innovative theory in a way that is close to reality, close to life and close to the masses, deliver positive energy to the masses, and promote the new style of civilization," said Qin Xiaoman, a member of the literary and artistic propaganda group and director of the county cultural center.

This activity distributed more than 2000 publicity materials and served more than 200 people in the community. In the next step, Zanhuang County will build the "Three Visits to the Countryside" activity into an important starting point for in-depth implementation of the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress, adhere to the principle of always going to the countryside and growing up in the countryside, send the Party's innovative theory and policies of benefiting farmers and people to the masses, and constantly improve the masses' sense of gain, satisfaction and happiness. (Ma Jiangkun)

(Editor in charge: Yang Wenjuan, Fu Zhaosa)

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