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Qianjiang, Hubei: "Small incision", "Big change" and "Efficient completion"

14:21, May 24, 2024|
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On May 23, Qianjiang City, Hubei Province held a press conference to release the work ideas of Qianjiang City on optimizing the business environment in 2024. This year, Qianjiang City continues to focus on cost control, focus on efficiently doing one thing, promote "big change" in business environment with "small incision" reform, strive to build a "highland" of business environment and a "depression" of comprehensive costs in the province, and provide strong support for accelerating the building of "one city, three bases" and striving to build a demonstration area of simultaneous development of four modernizations.

Since this year, Qianjiang City has conscientiously implemented the Guiding Opinions of the State Council on Further Optimizing Government Service and Improving Administrative Efficiency to Promote "One thing can be done efficiently", deeply promoted the improvement of quality and efficiency of government service, implemented the working mechanism of "delayed peak stagger" and "leaders sit at the window to help", and promoted "only one door" for offline work; Relying on platforms such as "Hubei Government Affairs Service Network", "Potential Office" mobile government terminals, self-service terminals, etc., to promote "One Network for All" online services; Set up special seats in key areas of the 12345 government service and convenience hotline, promote the "front-line response" to the demands of enterprises and the masses, and achieve "efficiently accomplish one thing" in more areas and in a wider range.

In the work of promoting the development of business entities, Qianjiang City adheres to the demand orientation, focuses on "quick, integrated and appointment", comprehensively promotes the optimization and approval of the whole chain, and focuses on the "last mile" of policy implementation. For major registered items, implement collective consultation, emergency handling and other mechanisms to ensure that the masses handle "urgent matters, special matters"; For food, drugs, medical devices and other licensing items that need to be checked on site, advance and appointment services are promoted. In 2023, the growth rate of the city's existing business entities and newly registered business entities will lead the province.

In order to provide a strong factor guarantee for high-quality economic and social development, Qianjiang City has successively issued a number of policy documents to guarantee high-quality development, such as "standard land" transfer, "five certificates issued at the same time", full process services for industrial project land use, advance notice registration, "multi measurement integration", and "flexible transfer" of industrial land. We will comprehensively promote the "integration of multiple surveys", complete the construction of the "integration of multiple surveys" platform for the city's engineering construction projects, and achieve "one-time commission, joint surveying and mapping, achievement sharing, and platform joint review".

In terms of handling the completion acceptance of engineering construction projects, Qianjiang also set up a comprehensive acceptance window, changing the previous "multi head acceptance" to "whole process unified acceptance", and jointly handling the single acceptance such as "planning verification, fire acceptance, civil air defense completion acceptance, and project file acceptance", In accordance with the working mode of "one-time notification, one window acceptance, parallel processing, time limited processing, information sharing, centralized feedback", the problems such as complicated acceptance procedures, low efficiency, long cycle, etc. in the past have been solved, and "one door" and "multiple jobs" have been realized.

By the end of 2024, Qianjiang will implement the new theme of "one thing joint handling", implement the notification and commitment system to handle more than 60 government affairs services, and accept more than 80 government affairs services, and complete 1000 high-frequency matters in the fields of provident fund, real estate, household registration migration, social security card management, enterprise start-up, etc. into the provincial general office. (Zhang Jun)

(Editor in charge: Wang Guoji, Zhou Tian)

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