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People's Network

The 3rd Wuhan Youth Psychological Scene Play Show was launched

11:47, May 24, 2024|
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On May 23, the launching ceremony of the third Wuhan Youth Psychological Situational Drama Exhibition, which was co sponsored by Wuhan Municipal Health Commission, Jianghan University, Hubei Psychological Society, and Wuhan Social Psychological Service Industry Association, was held in the mental health education center of Jianghan University. The "May 25" mental health day for college students in Jianghan University was also held at the same time.

 College students consult experts on emotional problems

College students consult experts on emotional problems

The third exhibition team is mainly aimed at youth teams in Wuhan, health system, education system, art system and other industry units, and youth teams outside Wuhan are encouraged to sign up for participation. The repertoire creation is required to closely follow the theme of this exhibition, include the content of mental health literacy, create around the hot issues and widespread psychological confusion in real life, and focus on reflecting the internal psychological conflict, problem solving and psychological adjustment process of the characters.

 Wuhan University Jiayi Theatre Troupe and Jianghan University King&Clown Theatre Troupe jointly perform "One Person One Story Healing Theater"

Wuhan University Jiayi Theatre Troupe and Jianghan University King&Clown Theatre Troupe jointly perform "One Person One Story Healing Theater"

Liu Kuanzi, associate professor of the mental health center of Jianghan University, said that psychological scenarios have psychological elements throughout them, which can present all kinds of psychological problems encountered in life on the stage in a dramatic way. For the participants, this is also a group psychological counseling, in which they seek solutions to problems, experience together, and carry out in-depth mental health education and science popularization in a way popular with young people.

 The Carnival Booth of College Students' Mental Health Day attracts many students to participate

The Carnival Booth of College Students' Mental Health Day attracts many students to participate

In the "May 25" Carnival of Jianghan University, dozens of booths, such as "gratitude diary", "relay golf", "talk about your heart 'painting", attracted many students to participate. Everyone shook off their troubles in the relaxed and happy game, embraced and accepted their true selves. (Picture/Wen Deng Shengqiang)

(Editor in charge: Wang Guoji, Zhou Tian)

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