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The "Jingwei Tianxia" Ideological and Political Course Tells the Infinite Possibilities of a Yarn

People's Daily Online reporter Zhou Qianwen
May 24, 2024 08:28 | Source: People's Daily Online - Hubei Channel
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 Students of Hubei Institute of Engineering went to the same ideological and political lesson of "Jingwei Tianxia". Photograph provided by respondents

Students of Hubei Institute of Engineering went to the same ideological and political lesson of "Jingwei Tianxia". Photograph provided by respondents

In the new era and new journey, the construction of ideological and political courses is faced with new situations and tasks, and must have new weather and new actions. In recent years, universities and education systems in Hubei have deeply promoted the innovation of the form and content of ideological and political courses, and focused on cultivating new people of the era who are responsible for national rejuvenation. To run ideological and political theory courses well, the most fundamental thing is to comprehensively implement the Party's educational policy and solve the fundamental problem of who, how and for whom to train people.

Recently, Xu Weilin, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and president of Wuhan Textile University, Tao Hui, president of the College of Clothing of Wuhan Textile University, and Xia Zhigang, vice president of the College of Textile Science and Engineering of Wuhan Textile University, took turns to attend a major ideological and political lesson of "Empowering the World", Tell the teachers, students and netizens about the hard journey of generations of Chinese people to inherit and innovate textile technology, and encourage everyone to continue to work hard and take a new long march.

"The 'Silk Road' represents the brilliant achievements of China's ancient textile industry, and it is also the path for Chinese civilization to explore the world." In the ideological and political class, Xu Weilin's in-depth and simple narration of China's textile history, modern industrial development Emerging technology research is vividly presented in everyone's mind.

Xu Weilin has been engaged in the research of advanced spinning technology and textiles for a long time, and has won the first prize of the National Science and Technology Progress Award, the second prize of the National Technological Invention Award and other important awards. At Wuhan Textile University, like Xu Weilin, generations of researchers have devoted themselves to research, committed to China's textile materials and technological breakthroughs, and contributed to the development of national science and technology.

Wang Dongyi, a professor of Wuhan Textile University, gave up the generous treatment of foreign countries and chose to return to the university. He led a scientific research team with an average age of just over 30 years old. It took 17 years to overcome the "neck jam" key technology in the field of materials, gnawed a "hard bone" and ran out of the "acceleration" of textile science and technology innovation.

On December 3, 2020, a device on the outside of the Chang'e 5 lander automatically bounced off, showing the world a bright red flag with five stars.

"This' lunar flag 'was developed by the researchers of Wuhan Textile University after eight years of numerous experiments and material breakthroughs, making it possible to maintain the bright color of the five-star red flag in the space with extremely unstable environment." Xu Weilin said that this flag reflects the strength of Chinese textile, and cannot be separated from the hard innovation of scientific researchers, It also embodies the wisdom of generations of weavers.

In this ideological and political lesson, Tao Hui starts from "clothing and culture", and deeply tells the important significance and contemporary value of inheriting and innovating Chinese traditional clothing culture; Xia Zhigang, from the perspective of scientific and technological innovation and from his own experience, shared the arduous process of the development of domestic intelligent spinning complete equipment.

Ideological and political course is the key course to implement the fundamental task of building morality and cultivating people. Improving the teaching quality of "Great Ideological and Political Course" is the key to giving play to the function of casting soul and educating people. As soon as the same "Jingwei Tianxia" ideological and political lesson was broadcasted on the People's Daily+client, it immediately caused a strong response from teachers and students in colleges, primary and secondary schools in Hubei Province.

Student representatives from all schools of Hubei Institute of Engineering gathered for the same ideological and political course as "Jingwei Tianxia" to discuss the innovative spirit of "rooting in China, bearing the world in mind, fearing hardship and struggling hard". Chen Xinyi, a student from the school of architecture, said: "We college students should learn professional knowledge steadily, actively participate in social practice, and be new youth with family feelings, exploration spirit, and innovation ability."

"As a teacher of ideology and politics, this class has provided me with rich case materials for my later education and teaching, which is deeply inspired." Su Sha, a teacher of the Horse Academy of Wuhan Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, said that in the future, she will adhere to the combination of theory and practice, give a deep and thorough understanding of ideology and politics, and strive to cultivate more new people of the times with family and country feelings, exploration spirit, and innovation spirit for the party and the country.

Chen Siya, from Class 6 (2) of Huarong Primary School, said, "As a primary school student, I will ask myself to lay a solid foundation in my future study and practice, do everything down to earth, and put my youth and blood into the construction of the motherland."

It is reported that in order to help the reform and innovation of the "big ideological and political course" in Hubei, will also launch the same "big ideological and political course" series of products with several universities in the province this year, to jointly build a deep, warm and wide "big ideological and political course" teaching and communication system.

(Editor in charge: Wang Guoji, Zhou Tian)

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