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Let more labor brands become the "golden signboard" of employment (talk about the new countryside)

08:14, May 24, 2024 | Source: People's Daily
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The service brand not only promotes the employment and entrepreneurship of migrant workers, drives farmers to increase their income and become rich, but also gathers advantageous resources, leading the upgrading and development of local characteristic industries


"In the past two months, we have sent more than 50 'Bayu sister-in-law' workers to Beijing to work, with monthly wages ranging from more than 6000 yuan to more than 9000 yuan." The person in charge of Chongqing Bayu Children Labor Group Co., Ltd. introduced that since last year, the "Bayu sister-in-law" labor brand has attracted more than 3000 people out of poverty to engage in domestic work.

"Our fish skin paintings, fish bone paintings, and fish skin clothing are very popular, and many tourists come all the way to buy them". The annual output value of the "fish skin painter" labor brand in Fuyuan, Heilongjiang has reached about 5 million yuan

Like the "sister-in-law of Bayu", in recent years there have emerged a number of labor brands with regional characteristics, industrial characteristics and skill characteristics, such as "Guangdong Technician", "Wu Zhong Chef" and "Lvliang Mountain Nurse"... These labor brands are like bright employment cards, which not only play an important role in promoting the employment and entrepreneurship of migrant workers, driving farmers to increase income and become rich, etc, It also better gathers advantageous resources and leads the upgrading and development of relevant local characteristic industries.

In terms of the number of brands, nearly 2000 labor service brands have been developed in China, mainly in catering, housekeeping, handicrafts, construction, manufacturing, planting and breeding, business services and other fields and industries. From the perspective of employment capacity, Guangxi "Bagui Rice Noodle Master" has absorbed 400000 employees, Hebei "Hebei Fusao" has driven more than 65000 employees, and Jiangxi "Wuning Decorator" has formed a decoration team of 100000 people... The distinctive labor brands have enabled migrant workers to have more stable jobs and more reliable income.

At present, the total number of migrant workers in China is nearly 300 million. In the context of the adjustment of traditional industries and the acceleration of the cultivation of new driving forces, to enable the majority of migrant workers to achieve higher quality employment, the mode of migrant workers mainly in the form of individuals, families and other decentralized forms is bound to change to the direction of scale, branding and standardization as soon as possible. However, from the perspective of labor brand construction, there are not many well-known labor brands in China at present, and some of them still have shortcomings such as less refined management, less stable quality, and less matching skills of employees, which need further improvement and upgrading. The Employment Promotion Plan of the 14th Five Year Plan takes cultivating labor brands as an important means to stabilize and expand the employment scale of rural labor, which brings new opportunities to create a number of well-known labor brands.

The recognition of the labor service brand, in the final analysis, depends on the excellent skills of workers and good user reputation. Training skills and improving reputation cannot be achieved overnight. Cultivating and building labor service brands will also be a systematic and long-term project, which must shift from weight accumulation to quality improvement.

The labor service brand has distinctive regional marks. In terms of brand cultivation and development, it is an important principle to adapt measures to local conditions. Based on local characteristic resources, tap local traditional crafts, combine market demand and rural labor transfer employment demand, and more effectively absorb migrant workers to achieve stable employment with stronger brand driving ability. The labor brand has a high level of skills. Through the construction of labor brand studios and training bases, we will strengthen the skills training of migrant workers, improve the skill level of labor brand practitioners, and let more rural labor rely on their skills to achieve a stable "job". Establish an institutionalized coordination mechanism and platform, strengthen the development and integration of various elements, form a joint force to promote the development of labor brands, improve the popularity, recognition and reputation of labor brands, and make more labor brands become the "golden signboard" to promote the employment of migrant workers, and the "cornucopia" to promote the development of rural industries.

People's Daily (May 24, 2024, 18th Edition)

(Editor in charge: Wang Guoji, Zhou Tian)

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