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Accelerate mutual recognition of medical examination results (people's current review)

Shen Shaotie
08:13, May 24, 2024 | Source: People's Daily
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Promoting mutual recognition of examination and test results is an important manifestation of responding to the demands of the masses and implementing the service tenet of "patient-centered", and is also an inevitable requirement for promoting the reform of the medical and health system to advance to the deepwater area


Focusing on further improving the utilization rate of medical resources, reducing the burden of people's medical care, and ensuring the quality and safety of medical care, the Implementation Plan for Mutual Recognition of Examination and Test Results of Medical Institutions in Beijing was recently issued. According to the scheme, there are 181 mutual recognition items of medical examination results and 300 mutual recognition items of medical imaging examination.

Promoting mutual recognition of inspection results is an act of benefiting the people. Many patients have such unpleasant medical experience: seeing the same disease, changing a hospital, or even changing a hospital area, or changing a department, the examination has to be done again, which costs money and time. According to incomplete statistics, the expenses of various examinations and tests account for about 30% of the medical expenses of patients. It can be seen that mutual recognition of examination results can significantly reduce the burden of patients' medical care. In addition, patients do not need to do repeated examinations, which can also save medical time, improve medical efficiency and improve medical experience.

The Administrative Measures for Mutual Recognition of Examination and Test Results of Medical Institutions, which was officially implemented in March 2022, clearly stipulates that medical institutions should carry out mutual recognition of examination and test results. Relevant departments continue to implement and promote, but the phenomenon of repeated inspection and testing still exists in the process of medical treatment. Why? The low quality of inspection results in some medical institutions is an important reason why other medical institutions do not recognize the results. Relevant departments should formulate and improve unified technical and quality control standards in a timely manner, and promote the homogeneity of inspection and testing items among medical institutions, which can not only ensure the accuracy and scientificity of the results, but also enable the people to be less worried and more worry free when seeking medical advice.

Strengthening information construction is an effective way to help break through data barriers. For example, Shanghai has established a health information platform to realize the interconnection, intercommunication and mutual recognition of inspection results among all public medical institutions in the city and district; Gansu Province has built a data sharing and exchange platform, connected more than 200 secondary hospitals to the platform, and shared more than 80 million inspection reports. Strengthening the construction of hospital information platform with electronic medical record as the core, and digitizing the inspection results will help to realize the sharing among hospitals. Health authorities should also improve their supervision functions, strengthen the protection of medical and health data, and protect patients' privacy.

It is undeniable that if mutual recognition of inspection and test results is implemented, the relevant business volume of medical institutions will be reduced, and the income will inevitably be affected, so there is a lack of motivation for mutual recognition. This needs to stimulate the endogenous power of the hospital through mechanism innovation. Zhejiang Province, which took the lead in implementing mutual recognition services, has taken the approach of not adjusting the total budget of the medical insurance region and the total budget of individual medical institutions to eliminate the concerns of hospitals in view of the reduction of hospital income caused by mutual recognition. In practice, to promote mutual recognition of examination and testing results, we should simultaneously promote the reform of medical insurance payment methods, reasonably determine the total budget of medical insurance funds, more reflect the value of medical services beyond examination and testing, and guide medical institutions to pay more attention to the quality of medical services.

The Outline of the "Healthy China 2030" Plan proposes to "basically realize mutual recognition of medical institutions' inspection and test results". Promoting mutual recognition of examination and test results is an important manifestation of responding to the demands of the masses and practicing the service tenet of "patient-centered", and is also an inevitable requirement for promoting the reform of the medical and health system to advance to the deepwater area. Strengthening information and data sharing, further opening up difficulties and blockages, and actively promoting mutual recognition of medical examination results will provide strong support for the construction of a healthy China.

People's Daily (May 24, 2024, 5th Edition)

(Editor in charge: Wang Guoji, Zhou Tian)

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