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First quarter

The added value of electronic information manufacturing industry above designated size increased by 13% year on year

08:12, May 24, 2024 | Source: People's Daily
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Beijing, May 23 (Reporter Wang Zheng, Liu Wenwen) A reporter recently learned from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology that in the first quarter of this year, the added value of China's electronic information manufacturing industry above designated size increased by 13% year on year, 6.9 and 5.5 percentage points higher than that of industry and high-tech manufacturing industry respectively in the same period. In March, the added value of electronic information manufacturing above designated size increased by 10.6% year on year.

The production of major products grew steadily and exports rebounded. In the first quarter, the output of mobile phones was 374 million, up 13.6% year on year, including 276 million smart phones, up 16.7% year on year; The output of microcomputer equipment is 74.04 million; The output of integrated circuits reached 98.1 billion, up 40% year on year. In the first quarter, China exported 32.32 million laptops, up 11.5% year on year; 181 million mobile phones were exported, up 6.3% year on year; 62.4 billion integrated circuits were exported, up 3% year on year.

Continuous improvement of benefits. In the first quarter, the electronic information manufacturing industry above designated size achieved an operating revenue of 3.44 trillion yuan, up 6.7% year on year; The total profit was 100.9 billion yuan, up 82.5% year on year; The operating income profit margin was 2.9%, up 0.9 percentage points from January to February.

Investment maintained a high growth rate. In the first quarter, the investment in fixed assets of electronic information manufacturing industry increased by 14.3% year on year, 0.9 and 3.5 percentage points higher than the investment growth of industry and high-tech manufacturing industry in the same period.

People's Daily (May 24, 2024, Version 1)

(Editor in charge: Wang Guoji, Zhou Tian)

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