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Serve for the smooth circulation of urban and rural economy

Accelerate the construction of rural delivery logistics system (the way of governance)

Hu Jiuming
May 23, 2024 08:04 | Source: People's Daily
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Realizing agricultural and rural modernization is a major task of building a socialist modern country in an all-round way, and an inevitable requirement to solve the problem of unbalanced and inadequate development. Promoting the modernization of agriculture and rural areas is one of the important focuses to be grasped in building a new development pattern. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "the urban and rural economic cycle is an important aspect of the domestic cycle, and also a key factor to ensure the healthy relationship between domestic and international two cycles." Logistics links production and consumption, domestic trade and foreign trade, and plays a leading, fundamental and strategic role in forming a strong domestic market, building a modern economic system, and promoting high-quality development. Rural delivery logistics is one of the important channels for agricultural products to go out of the village to the city and consumer goods to the countryside to the village. Accelerating the construction of the rural delivery logistics system is conducive to better meeting the needs of rural production and living and consumption upgrading, and can also contribute to promoting the overall revitalization of rural areas and smoothing the economic cycle between urban and rural areas. In recent years, Hubei Xiaogan has accelerated the construction of the rural delivery logistics system by taking the promotion of express delivery into the village as the starting point, and made efforts to make contributions to the smooth economic cycle in urban and rural areas, and the construction of a new development pattern of services.

Optimize the service network. A complete delivery logistics service network can link production and consumption in a wider range, and plays an important role in expanding the scope of transactions, improving production efficiency, and promoting wealth creation. Xiaogan has obvious location and transportation advantages, has unique conditions for transit, distribution and circulation, and can radiate surrounding markets. In recent years, Xiaogan has promoted the better combination of effective market and promising government, and accelerated the integrated development of logistics distribution network, digital information network, supply chain finance network, and service trade network by introducing and operating modern agricultural product trade circulation platform, so as to open the "aorta" of delivery logistics. At the same time, according to the idea of "government guidance, market leadership, postal express cooperation, direct distribution to the village", promote the delivery logistics into the village, integrate the power of postal and private express enterprises, and smooth the "micro cycle" at the end. At present, Xiaogan village level express outlets have achieved full coverage of administrative villages, delivery of county level express mail to villages within 24 hours, and delivery of public mail within half an hour. On the day of outbound mail, the mail can reach the county level logistics co distribution center and be sent to the whole country.

Improve service quality. Adapting to the trend of consumption upgrading, implementing the strategy of expanding domestic demand, focusing on optimizing the service chain, strengthening the service function, and doing a good job in the supply chain coordination to improve the quality of rural delivery logistics services, will help better meet the needs of urban and rural residents, and strengthen the support of modern logistics for economic development and social livelihood. Xiaogan chose a convenient service supermarket with concentrated population, convenient transportation and 24-hour non-stop business, and set up more than 1700 village level comprehensive service outlets. In addition to opening mail collection and investment services, it also successively opened convenient payment, inclusive finance, e-commerce live broadcast and other services, striving to create a one-stop service scene. At present, while giving play to the role of serving the masses and promoting consumption, these outlets also have the function of developing rural e-commerce, rural comprehensive service cooperatives and other functions, realizing the flow of people to drive logistics and capital, which not only facilitates the masses to enjoy quality services, but also promotes the coordinated development of rural e-commerce, industrial bases, cold chain warehousing and express logistics.

Strengthen technical support. The rapid development of digital technologies such as the Internet has created good conditions for achieving the docking of supply and demand and unblocking the economic cycle between urban and rural areas. Xiaogan actively promotes the construction of digital countryside while building, managing, protecting and operating rural roads, providing technical support for accelerating the construction of rural delivery logistics system. Rely on the Internet to carry out customized delivery services, explore the "e-commerce+express+agricultural products+farmers" model, establish a closer connection between production and marketing, promote agricultural products into cities, cultivate agricultural products brands, and increase farmers' income; Continuously hold live broadcast e-commerce festivals, carry out a series of online publicity activities, improve the volume of delivery and logistics business, and promote a number of "local specialties" to go out of the local market; Relying on local colleges and universities to carry out skills training, vigorously cultivate rural e-commerce talents, cultivate "new farmers" who master professional production and digital business technology, and have carried out 26000 person times of rural e-commerce popularization and skills training for returning migrant workers, college students, veterans, and poverty alleviation households.

(The author is the Secretary of the CPC Xiaogan Municipal Committee in Hubei Province)

People's Daily (May 23, 2024, Edition 09)

(Editor in charge: Wang Guoji, Zhou Tian)

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