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Hubei: Adapting measures to local conditions and actively cultivating and strengthening county characteristic industrial clusters

08:36, May 21, 2024 | Source: People's Daily Online - Hubei Channel
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On May 20, Wang Zhonglin, deputy secretary of the provincial Party committee and governor of the province, presided over the executive meeting of the provincial government, conveyed and studied the important directive spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping on tourism work, and studied, deployed and implemented measures; To study the high-quality development of county characteristic industrial clusters, promote the "old for new" housing, promote the healthy development of the real estate market, and promote the renewal of buildings and municipal infrastructure equipment; Review the Regulations of Hubei Province on Archives Management (Revised Draft) and the Regulations of Hubei Province on Promotion and Protection of Intellectual Property Rights (Draft).

The meeting stressed that it is necessary to thoroughly study and implement the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping and a series of important discussions on tourism development, implement the deployment of the National Tourism Development Conference, effectively place the development of tourism in an important strategic position, and speed up the construction of a strong tourism province. We should adhere to building tourism with culture and promoting culture with tourism, based on the cultural and ecological resources advantages of our province, and strengthen systematic planning and scientific layout; Deeply tap the cultural connotation and enrich the supply of tourism products; Strengthen the transformation and upgrading of scenic spots to create more tourism boutiques; Continuously strengthen the standardized management of the tourism market and improve the quality of service; Strengthen publicity and promotion, further promote the image brand of Hubei cultural tourism, and accelerate to build a world famous and national first-class cultural tourism destination.

The meeting required that we should attach great importance to the development of county specific industries, guide local governments to plan and develop a number of rooted leading industries according to local conditions, cultivate and expand leading enterprises, strengthen the construction of parks, and promote the development of industrial clusters and intensive development based on the advantages of resource endowments in accordance with the requirements of high-quality development of towns and industries. We should optimize service guarantee, strengthen the supply of capital, labor, land and other factors, and create a sound development ecology. It is necessary to strengthen assessment and evaluation, better play the role of "baton", and form a strong atmosphere of learning and catching up.

The meeting stressed that we should resolutely implement the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council and the work requirements of the provincial party committee, effectively enhance the sense of responsibility and urgency to promote the healthy development of the real estate market, and make every effort to promote the implementation of various policies and measures of the country and our province. We should make overall plans to digest the stock of real estate and optimize the incremental housing, solidly promote the "old for new" housing, do a good job in key work such as ensuring the delivery of housing, increase the supply of high-quality products, strengthen the docking service between supply and demand, accelerate the construction of a new model of real estate development, and better meet the people's new expectations for high-quality housing. All relevant departments around the country should firmly establish the idea of "one game of chess", strengthen policy publicity and interpretation and work coordination and linkage, and pool strong joint forces to promote high-quality development of real estate.

The meeting required that, from the perspective of promoting development, benefiting people's livelihood and ensuring safety, we should do a solid job in upgrading buildings and municipal infrastructure equipment, focus on residential elevators, water supply, heat supply, gas supply, sewage treatment, sanitation, urban lifeline safety engineering, building energy conservation renovation and other key points, define goals and tasks, refine the implementation path, focus on project support, and ensure that all work is effective. It is necessary to strengthen policy support and factor guarantee, build a diversified investment mechanism, encourage market participants to participate, and strictly enforce standard requirements and project supervision to ensure construction safety and quality. (Reporter Yang Nianming)

(Editor in charge: Xiao Luxin, Zhang Jun)

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Hubei: Adapting measures to local conditions and actively cultivating and strengthening county characteristic industrial clusters
   On May 20, Wang Zhonglin, deputy secretary of the provincial Party committee and governor of the province, presided over the executive meeting of the provincial government, conveyed and studied the important directive spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping on tourism work, and studied, deployed and implemented measures; Study the high-quality development of county characteristic industrial clusters, promote the healthy development of the real estate market by promoting the "old for new" housing, and promote the renewal of buildings and municipal infrastructure equipment; Review the Regulations of Hubei Province on Archives Management (Revised Draft) and the Regulations of Hubei Province on Promotion and Protection of Intellectual Property Rights (Draft). The meeting stressed that it is necessary to thoroughly study and implement the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping and a series of important discussions on tourism development, implement the deployment of the National Tourism Development Conference, effectively place the development of tourism in an important strategic position, and speed up the construction of a strong tourism province
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