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2024 "Manufacturing Leader" industrial chain supply chain docking activity was held

08:41, May 18, 2024 | Source: hubei daily
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On the morning of May 17, the 2024 "Manufacturing Leader" industrial chain supply chain docking activity was held in Wuhan. Wang Zhonglin, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and Governor of the province, made a speech and announced the launch of the event. Xin Guobin, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and Zhou Zhiping, General Manager of Dongfeng Motor Group Co., Ltd. delivered speeches.

Wang Zhonglin welcomed all the guests. He said that holding the 2024 "Manufacturing Excellence" industrial chain supply chain docking activity is a practical action to implement the important directive spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping, implement the decision and deployment of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on large-scale equipment renewal and consumer goods trade in, and also a powerful measure to vigorously promote the practice of Chinese style modernization in Hubei and accelerate the building of an important strategic fulcrum for the rise of the central region. Manufacturing is the lifeblood of national economy, the key field of international cooperation and competition, and the important support for building strategic advantages for future development. Hubei is firmly committed to the road of building a strong province in manufacturing, making breakthroughs in scientific and technological innovation, improving the quality and efficiency of industrial transformation, and growing business entities. It is an ideal place to develop and expand new quality productivity. We will anchor the main direction of new industrialization, highlight high-end, intelligent, and green, coordinate the upgrading of traditional industries, the growth of emerging industries, and the cultivation of future industries "three lines go hand in hand", and fully plant new advantages in the development of modern industries; Focus on strengthening the "51020" modern industrial cluster, build the supply chain, reshape the industrial chain, improve the value chain, and spare no effort to build a new ecology of chain cluster coordination; We will accelerate the construction of government guided fund clusters, constantly optimize enterprise services, make every effort to build a new highland of business environment, and work together with entrepreneurs and all sectors of society to write a new chapter of win-win cooperation.

Xin Guobin said that the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology conscientiously implemented the decision and deployment of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council to promote large-scale equipment renewal and consumer goods trade in, and relevant departments formulated comprehensive support policies to comprehensively promote equipment renewal and technological transformation in the industrial field and accelerate the development of high-end, intelligent and green manufacturing. It is hoped that Hubei will deepen the implementation of major technological transformation and upgrading and large-scale equipment upgrading projects in the manufacturing industry, achieve more practical results through the docking activities of the industrial chain supply chain, accelerate the promotion of new industrialization, and cultivate and develop new quality productivity.

Zhou Zhiping said that DFM will resolutely implement the major strategic deployment of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council to promote new industrialization, adhere to innovation driven, focus on high-end, intelligent, green, industrial security and cluster construction, cultivate and enhance new quality productivity, accelerate the construction of world-class enterprises, and help Hubei's manufacturing industry transform, upgrade and high-quality development, We will make greater contributions to the efforts to promote the practice of Chinese style modernization in Hubei, accelerate the building of an important strategic fulcrum for the rise of the central region, and build a manufacturing and automobile power.

Focusing on the theme of "manufacturing excellence, helping new quality productivity", this activity carried out a series of special matchmaking activities in the form of high-level dialogue, cutting-edge forum, achievement publication, exhibition, cooperation and signing, released a batch of equipment supply lists for industrial fields around key industries, promoted a batch of energy-saving, environmental protection and safety equipment products, and signed a batch of intended cooperation projects, Boost a new round of industrial equipment renewal and enterprise technological transformation in our province. 40 supply and demand cooperation projects were signed on site, with a total amount of 62.3 billion yuan.

Vice governor Sheng Yuechun presided over the launch activities. More than 1100 guests, including academicians and experts such as Zhou Ji, Zhou Liwei, Fan Mingwu, Li Peigen, Jiang Desheng, Xu Weilin, Liu Sheng, and representatives of relevant central enterprises, national key industry associations, and key enterprises in the industrial chain, attended the event. (Reporter Yang Nianming)

(Editor in charge: Zhou Wen, Zhang Jun)

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