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The 6th National Conference of Young Entrepreneurs opened in Han

May 17, 2024 08:21 | Source: hubei daily
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On the morning of May 16, the 6th National Conference of Young Entrepreneurs was opened in Wuhan with the theme of "bravely setting the tide, intellectually enlightening the future, and contributing youth strength to promoting Chinese modernization". Xu Lejiang, Vice Minister of the United Front Work Department of the Central Committee and Secretary of the Party Leadership Group of the All China Federation of Industry and Commerce, and Wang Zhonglin, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and Governor of the Province, attended and delivered speeches.

Xu Lejiang pointed out that since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the CPC Hubei Provincial Committee and the provincial government have deeply learned and understood Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, and have constantly optimized the business environment by focusing on "doing one thing efficiently". The sense of gain, identity and belonging of enterprises has continued to increase. In the 2023 survey on the business environment of 10000 private enterprises released by the All China Federation of Industry and Commerce, Hubei Province and Wuhan City both entered the first square. This is the result of the great attention and unremitting efforts of Party committees and governments at all levels in Hubei, representing the greatest recognition of private enterprises to Hubei. The destiny of youth is closely linked with the times. Young entrepreneurs are the most active and dynamic force to promote China's economic and social development. It is hoped that young entrepreneurs will strengthen their ideals and beliefs, enhance their family and country feelings, confidence in development and international vision, and bravely become trendsetters in the new era; Firmly drive innovation, strengthen scientific and technological innovation, promote in-depth transformation and upgrading of industries, vigorously promote green development, and courageously develop new quality productivity; Firmly take responsibility, adhere to patriotism, dedication to work, courage to innovate, honesty and trustworthiness, repay the society, and be brave in promoting entrepreneurship. The majority of young entrepreneurs should cherish the rare historical opportunities, "create a youth family, a youth country, and a youth nation with youth as me", and strive to create new achievements worthy of history and the new era.

Wang Zhonglin said that holding the 6th National Conference of Young Entrepreneurs is not only a practical measure to implement the important directive spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping on promoting the development and expansion of private economy, but also an important platform for young entrepreneurs to show their style and seek common development. The majority of young entrepreneurs are committed to promoting the steady and healthy development of the economy, cultivating and strengthening new quality productivity, and shouldering social responsibilities. They are the vanguard forces in promoting Chinese style modernization. Hubei has a strong momentum of innovation, a solid industrial foundation, a prominent hub position, and a strong momentum of development. The whole province is striving to promote the practice of Chinese style modernization in Hubei, and accelerate the building of an important strategic fulcrum for the rise of the central region. It is an ideal place for young entrepreneurs to achieve their dreams. We will adhere to the principle of "three lines going hand in hand", accelerate the construction of modern industrial development cluster, expand and strengthen the "51020" modern industrial cluster, and provide a broad stage for young entrepreneurs to invest and start businesses; Adhere to science and technology empowerment, accelerate the construction of Wuhan's science and technology innovation center with national influence, improve the service systems such as the Youth Entrepreneurship Competition and the Youth Entrepreneurship Park, build an innovation and entrepreneurship highland, and help young entrepreneurs develop innovation and increase their salaries; Adhere to first-class standards, continue to create a market-oriented, legal and international business environment, form a high-quality development ecology in the near future, and create a better future with young entrepreneurs.

Hu Sheng, Secretary of the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League, and Guo Yuanqiang, Member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of the Wuhan Municipal Party Committee, delivered speeches. Wang Hongyan, Vice Chairman of the All China Federation of Industry and Commerce, Ning Yong, Member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Head of the United Front Work Department of the Provincial Party Committee, Wei Shengbin, Vice Governor and Secretary General of the Provincial Government, and Cheng Yongwen, Mayor of Wuhan, attended the meeting. Leaders and representatives of young entrepreneurs jointly launched the opening of the conference. All members of the Youth Entrepreneurs Committee of the All China Federation of Industry and Commerce, well-known entrepreneurs, expert representatives and more than 300 guests attended the opening ceremony. The conference will also hold keynote speeches, round table dialogues, industry visits, project promotion and other activities. (Reporter Yang Nianming, Gong Xue)

(Editor in charge: Zhou Wen, Zhang Jun)

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