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Improve safety assurance capability in key areas (observed by commentators)

——Write a new chapter of the Western Development in the new era ④

Yin Shuanghong
08:12, May 17, 2024 | Source: People's Daily
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By coordinating resource development and industrial development, accelerating the chain building, extension, supplement and strengthening, we can continue to shape new drivers of development, and build a modern industrial system while improving the security guarantee capability in key areas

Starting from the overall situation of national development, finding a suitable way according to its own resource endowment can not only drive local development, but also contribute more western power to the overall situation of national development


Gulang County, Gansu Province is located at the eastern end of the Hexi Corridor. In the past, sandstorms raged and development was limited. Today in Gulang, the southern mountain area, dozens of fans stand on the top of the mountain, and huge blades "dance" with the wind; In the north, photovoltaic panels are arranged in order, shining in the sun, like a "blue ocean". Based on scenery resources, the local government has developed new energy industry, which not only draws a new picture of green development, but also transmits green electricity to many places in the country. Practice has proved that coordinating high-quality development and high-level safety, and realizing benign interaction, can solve development problems and create a new situation of high-quality development.

Security is the premise of development, and development is the guarantee of security. The western region is rich in resources and has an important strategic position in safeguarding national ecological security, water security, energy and resources security, and national defense border security. At the symposium on promoting the development of the western region in the new era, General Secretary Xi Jinping clearly put forward the major requirements of "six insistences", one of which is "to adhere to the overall development and security, and improve the security guarantee ability in key areas such as energy and resources".

To improve the security assurance capability in key areas, we should adhere to the principle of "step by step" and "first stand before break". When it comes to the development of energy industries such as coal, General Secretary Xi Jinping compares "Wowotou" and "fine flour and fine flour": "Eat well before you eat well. We should be practical and realistic. We should neither slow down the pace of green and low-carbon development nor be too idealistic. We should first ensure energy supply." In Ningxia, the self-developed "Shenning Furnace" has created a new way to clean the use of low-quality coal, It greatly improves the efficiency of comprehensive utilization of resources. Using the land resources such as coal mining subsidence area and mined out area left by coal mining, Lingwu City has built a photovoltaic base of nearly 60000 mu, which not only promotes land use and ecological governance of subsidence area, but also provides about 3.7 billion kilowatt hours of green power to Zhejiang every year, saving about 1.15 million tons of standard coal. This shows that only by promoting multi energy complementation and deep integration of traditional energy and new energy can we better ensure energy security and ecological security.

Development and safety are like the wings of a bird and the wheels of a car. To write a new chapter in the development of the western region, we should attach equal importance to development and security, and promote resource development and industrial cultivation in a coordinated manner. With abundant energy resources and suitable climate conditions, Qingyang City of Gansu Province actively participates in the project of "calculating data from the east to the west" to promote the local big data industry to a new level. Tongxin County, located in the core area of the arid zone in the middle of Ningxia, has established a clean energy industrial park to attract a number of clean energy equipment manufacturing enterprises to gather here. By 2023, the new energy industry output value of the whole county will reach 2.54 billion yuan. In Xining, Qinghai, many photovoltaic enterprises lined up on the "photovoltaic street", and electric vehicle battery suppliers, new energy vehicle enterprises, etc. have settled down one after another. Development is the key to solving all problems. By coordinating resource development and industrial development, accelerating the chain building, extension, supplement and strengthening, we can continue to shape new drivers of development, and build a modern industrial system while improving the security guarantee capability in key areas.

The western region has a vast territory and different resource endowments. In order to better coordinate development and security, we should take measures according to local conditions, implement classified policies, and follow the path of rational division of labor and optimized development. For example, 98.5% of Talatan, Gonghe County, Hainan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Qinghai Province, is sandy land, but the terrain is flat, the average annual sunshine time is nearly 3000 hours, and there are abundant solar energy resources. Local photovoltaic power stations are built in a large area, and a large amount of photovoltaic power is transported from here to Henan. There is less sunshine in southwest China, but there are many mountains and clouds, and there are abundant hydropower resources. On the Yalong River, Lianghekou hydropower stations have sprung up to continuously deliver power to central and eastern China. One is less "water" and more "light", and the other is less "light" and more "water", all of which have achieved green development. The development practice of "achieving the same goal by different routes" has confirmed a truth: starting from the overall national development situation and finding a suitable way according to their own resource endowments can not only drive local development, but also contribute more western power to the overall national development situation.

Guizhou speeds up the high-end development and utilization of mineral resources; Shaanxi promotes the extension of coal chemicals to new chemical materials; Qinghai speeds up the construction of a new power system with a gradually increasing proportion of new energy; Xinjiang will build a drainage network pattern with abundant and dry seasons and multi-source complementarities... In the development, more consideration will be given to security factors, development achievements will be used to consolidate the security foundation, solve prominent contradictions and problems, prevent and resolve various risks and hidden dangers, better realize the dynamic balance between development and security, and complement each other. The western region will be able to improve the overall strength and sustainable development capacity of the region at the same time, Provide more powerful support for the construction of Chinese style modernization.

People's Daily (May 17, 2024, Version 08)

(Editor in charge: Zhou Wen, Zhang Jun)

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