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Anhui has anchored the development goal of "three places and one district"

Build an integrated innovation ecosystem

Our reporter Wu Yan, Li Junjie
08:10, May 17, 2024 | Source: People's Daily
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"Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), General Secretary Xi Jinping has visited Anhui twice, made important speeches and instructions, and guided Anhui's development." At a series of news conferences themed "Promoting high-quality development" held by the Information Office of the State Council on the afternoon of May 16, Wang Qingxian, Deputy Secretary of Anhui Provincial Party Committee and Governor of Anhui Province, said that Anhui's development and progress in recent years, The root lies in the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, and in the scientific guidance of Xi Jinping's thought on socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era.

The total economic output increased from 1.9 trillion yuan to 4.7 trillion yuan, spanning three trillion steps; In the national economic landscape, it has achieved a historic leap from "the total amount is in the middle and the per capita is in the back" to "the total amount is in the front and the per capita is in the middle"; The industrial revenue above designated size has increased from 3.3 trillion yuan to 5.1 trillion yuan, becoming an emerging industrial province and manufacturing province... "The past 10 years have been a decade of leapfrog development in Anhui." Wang Qingxian said that Anhui is currently anchoring to build an influential source of scientific and technological innovation, a cluster of emerging industries The new highland of reform and opening up and the comprehensive green transformation zone of economic and social development have the development goal of "three places and one district", and accelerate the construction of "seven strong provinces" in science and technology, manufacturing, agriculture, ecology, talent, education and culture.

   Promote industrial innovation with scientific and technological innovation

Wang Qingxian introduced that Anhui has high-level scientific research institutions such as the University of Science and Technology of China and the Hefei Institute of Material Science of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. There are 13 large scientific devices built, under construction and pre research. Hefei is one of the four comprehensive national science centers. Anhui has made many achievements in scientific and technological innovation, especially in the fields of quantum information, fusion energy and deep space exploration.

Through a series of reforms, Anhui has promoted the collaborative innovation of universities, scientific research institutes, large scientific devices and enterprises, and built an innovative ecology integrating "government, industry, education, research, funding and medicine". The Silicon Valley of HKUST has landed 1391 innovative enterprises, gathered more than 200 funds of various types, and the total scale exceeded 230 billion yuan.

Anhui has accelerated to build a cluster of emerging industries and develop new quality productivity according to local conditions. About 10% of the world's display panels, about 50% of the country's photovoltaic glass, about 20% of photovoltaic modules, and about 15% of household appliances are produced in Anhui; About one out of every four cars exported nationwide is "made in Anhui". In 2023, Anhui will add an average of 11 new high-tech enterprises and 26 high-tech SMEs every day. In the past 10 years, the proportion of output value of strategic emerging industries in Anhui's total industrial output value above designated size has doubled.

Fei Gaoyun, Executive Vice Governor of Anhui Province, introduced that Anhui adheres to the direction of cluster development, adheres to the path of "scientific innovation+industry", and adheres to the market-oriented and professional promotion mechanism. The automobile industry follows the path of "leading enterprises - industrial chain - industrial cluster - industrial ecology", with seven automobile enterprises such as Chery, Weilai, Jianghuai, Volkswagen Anhui as the leaders, attracting more than 4000 automobile parts and aftermarket enterprises, forming a trillion yuan industry.

   Deeply promote the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta

"Entering the national strategy of integrated development in the Yangtze River Delta is the biggest potential energy for Anhui's development." Wang Qingxian said that after Anhui's integration into the Yangtze River Delta, it has not only accepted the radiation and drive of the Yangtze River Delta, but also better connected with international resources, including industry, capital, technology, talent and other aspects through the Yangtze River Delta, especially the open platform of Shanghai.

Focusing on the two keywords of "integration" and "high quality", Anhui has taken the initiative to rely on, accurately connect, and fully integrate to further promote the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta.

In recent three years, Anhui launched eight batches of 825 reforms, which improved the efficiency of government governance and the business environment. Deeply participate in the industrial division and cooperation in the Yangtze River Delta. In 2023, more than 60% of the projects under construction in Anhui Province worth more than 100 million yuan will come from Shanghai, Jiangsu and Zhejiang. Anhui's high-quality enterprises will also continue to integrate into the Shanghai, Jiangsu and Zhejiang industry chain.

"Integrated development gives people a real sense of gain." Fei Gaoyun said that there are 78 pairs of high-speed trains from Hefei to Shanghai, 116 pairs of high-speed trains to Nanjing, and 78 pairs of high-speed trains to Hangzhou every day. The "trans provincial general office" and "all-in-one card office" make people's cross regional work and life more convenient.

"Anhui is the intersection of the Yangtze River Delta and the central and western regions, and also an important node to build a domestic circulation and smooth the domestic and international double circulation." Wang Qingxian said, "Anhui's regional advantage of connecting the east and the west, and connecting the south and the north, is transforming into a development advantage of connecting the river and the sea."

   Promoting people's wellbeing in promoting high-quality development

"The river water flowing from Anhui, whether the Yangtze River water, Huaihe River water or Xin'an River water, is Class II water" "In Anhui, the 'giant panda in water' Yangtze finless porpoise rushes across the river, the 'national treasure of birds' Oriental white stork soars in Chaohu Lake, and the Chinese autumn sand duck, known as the' ecological test paper ', has become a frequent visitor in Anhui"... Anhui has deeply implemented the concept of "two mountains", Vigorously promote green and low-carbon development, and the green Jianghuai scroll continues to present new highlights.

Anhui continues to promote industrial ecology and ecological industrialization, strives to improve the "green content" of industrial development, and actively develops ecological health care, ecological culture and tourism industries. Rely on Huangshan, Xuancheng, Anqing and Chizhou to build a world-class leisure, vacation and health tourism destination.

There is no trivial matter in people's livelihood. Anhui has carried out livelihood projects and practices for 17 consecutive years, constantly improving people's well-being in promoting high-quality development. People can enjoy high-quality medical resources from Beijing and Shanghai at their doorstep, and 30 million people in northern Anhui will have better water by the end of 2025. Since 2023, Anhui has established a platform system of "voice of the people" covering provinces, cities and counties, directly promoting the solution of 50800 people's livelihood demands.

People's Daily (May 17, 2024, 5th Edition)

(Editor in charge: Zhou Wen, Zhang Jun)

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