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Cultivate the sea, herd and fish, and ask for food from the sea (on-site review)

——Establish and practice the concept of big food ①

Zhong Ziwei
May 16, 2024 07:57 | Source: People's Daily
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Everything is leisurely, and eating is important. To solve the problem of eating, we should not only focus on the limited farmland, but also open our minds and establish a big food concept. During his work in Fujian, Comrade Xi Jinping put forward in his book "Getting rid of poverty" that "food is food now, and the concept of big food has replaced the old concept of taking food as the key link." This edition has launched a series of comments, focusing on the practical exploration of Fujian's establishment and practice of the concept of big food, helping to ensure food security, and making China's rice bowl more stable and secure.



Along the East China Sea, in Jiangwan Village, Xiagong Town, Lianjiang County, Fujian Province, a picture of prosperous marine industry is slowly unfolding.

Following Zheng Yonghua, a fisherman, in his busy footsteps, he saw the new green plastic floating balls with bright colors arranged orderly on the blue sea. Under the floating ball, the abalone fry dropped last month are growing rapidly. As the "hometown of abalone in China", Lianjiang County will produce 56600 tons of abalone in 2023, with an output value of 4.766 billion yuan.

The ocean is a "blue granary", and the aquaculture industry is moving from offshore to deep offshore. Take a boat from the dock, and you can arrive at the abalone deep sea aquaculture platform "Fubao No.1" in more than 20 minutes. The water depth of the sea area where the platform is located is about 35 meters, and 45 tons of abalone are cultivated annually. The person in charge of the platform proudly introduced: "The water quality here is better, the exchange volume of seawater is greater, the survival rate of abalone has increased by 10%, and the output has increased by nearly 20%."

The cultivation of "one grain abalone" reflects Fujian's vivid practice of practicing the concept of "big food" and scientifically developing food resources in rivers, lakes and seas.

To practice the concept of big food, we must base ourselves on reality and give full play to our unique advantages. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "To solve the problem of eating well and ensure food security, we should establish a big food concept. We need food from both land and sea, cultivate the sea, herd and fish, and build marine pastures and 'blue granaries'." Mountain and sea resources are Fujian's unique advantages. Fujian has a sea area of 136000 square kilometers, 125 bays and bays, and contains abundant marine products, which is a solid foundation for building a "blue granary".

To improve aquatic products, we must take the road of scientific and technological innovation. To develop deep-sea aquaculture, it is necessary to promote the transformation and upgrading of marine fisheries to informatization, intelligence and modernization. For example, Lianjiang actively cultivates high-quality seedlings through scientific and technological innovation. The green abalone independently cultivated by local enterprises has a high survival rate, a short growth cycle, and a higher meat yield than traditional abalone, making it easier to break through resource constraints and achieve high yields. Practice shows that only by enabling industries and resources with science and technology, giving consideration to quantity and quality, and strengthening food supply capacity, can we continue to create growth.

Scientific development of food resources in rivers, lakes and seas should adhere to market orientation and create a high-quality agricultural industrial system in the whole chain. In the past, Lianjiang Fishery focused on breeding and fishing, and ignored processing and marketing. Now, the intensive processing of aquatic products has become a new economic growth point. In the workshop, abalone has gone through dozens of processes such as shelling and cleaning, salt mill cooking, quick freezing and quality preservation, completing the transformation from fresh to ready to eat; Using biological enzymolysis technology, enterprises develop new products and open new market space. From a single agricultural production process, to the development and expansion of food resources in multiple ways, and then to the continuous extension of the industrial chain, it is the proper meaning of practicing the concept of "big food".

Lianjiang abalone, Ningde large yellow croaker, Zhangzhou oyster, Fuqing prawn... Fujian's "Ocean Pastoral" is singing louder and louder, and the "Blue Granary" is becoming more and more prosperous. With a view to the future, expanding the multiple functions of agriculture, promoting the effective connection of production, processing, circulation and consumption, taking a good characteristic road, playing a good characteristic card, and vigorously developing characteristic industries will certainly enable people to have a richer table and eat healthier.

(The author is a reporter from Fujian Branch of our newspaper)

People's Daily (May 16, 2024, 5th Edition)

(Editor in charge: Xiao Luxin, Zhang Jun)

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