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The 6th China Food Trade Conference will be held in Wuhan, Hubei Province in October

10:57, May 15, 2024 | Source: People's Daily Online - Hubei Channel
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 Meeting site. Photographed by Zhou Wen on People's Daily Online

Meeting site. Photographed by Zhou Wen on People's Daily Online

On May 14, we learned from the preparatory work meeting of the China Food Trade Conference that the 6th China Food Trade Conference will be held in Wuhan from October 18 to 20, 2024. As the most influential event in the national grain industry, this trade conference was hosted by Hubei for the first time.

The theme of this trade conference is "Liang'antianxia Convergence to Promote Development through Production, Marketing and Financing", and the main contents include the opening ceremony, high-quality grain and oil products and technology equipment exhibition, high-quality grain and oil products promotion and production and marketing docking, investment attraction, grain special trade, etc.

It is reported that the exhibition area of high-quality grain and oil products and technical equipment at this trade conference is divided into 8 areas, including the preface hall, consumption assistance exhibition area for poverty alleviation areas, high-quality grain and oil products exhibition area, grain and oil machinery equipment exhibition area, financial service exhibition area, food tasting area, live broadcast area, and promotion area, which will focus on displaying high-quality grain and oil products from all over the country The latest achievements in the development of grain, oil, machinery and equipment industries. At the same time, it will also hold the Fourth National Exhibition of High quality and Characteristic Grain and Oil in Poverty Alleviated Areas, as well as a series of activities such as food policy and market situation analysis meeting, key enterprises' production and marketing connection and supply chain finance forum, in combination with food security and rural revitalization.

The relevant person in charge of Hubei Provincial Grain Bureau said that he would cherish the opportunity, organize meticulously, deploy meticulously, provide enthusiastic services, and creatively host this food trade conference. At the same time, he would actively carry out a series of activities such as brand promotion, investment promotion, scientific and technological achievements display, production and marketing cooperation docking, etc. of "Jianghan Rice", "Jingchu Grain and Oil", to show Hubei's high level of food security The latest achievements of high-quality industrial development. (Zhou Wen and Xiao Jing)

(Editor in charge: Zhou Qianwen, Zhang Jun)

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The 6th China Food Trade Conference will be held in Wuhan, Hubei Province in October
   Meeting site. Photographed by Zhou Wen on People's Daily Online On May 14, we learned from the preparatory work meeting of the China Food Trade Conference that the 6th China Food Trade Conference will be held in Wuhan from October 18 to 20, 2024
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