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Wuhan, Hubei Province: "Air" Cycling+Walking Let Citizens Experience Slow Life [2]

08:36, May 15, 2024 | Source: People's Daily Online - Hubei Channel
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 In Simietang Cultural Park, citizens ride along the carriages. Photographed by Zhou Tian, reporter of People's Daily Online
In Simietang Cultural Park, citizens ride along the carriages. Photographed by Zhou Tian, reporter of People's Daily Online

People's Daily Online, Wuhan, May 15 (Reporter Zhang Jun, Zhou Tian) What's the feeling of riding in the air? On May 14, the reporter visited Wuchang Ecological and Cultural Corridor (hereinafter referred to as the Corridor), a newly opened "air" riding greenway in Wuhan.

The corridor is 13.46 kilometers long, spanning Wuchang and Qingshan districts. The reporter entered the corridor from Wuhan Train Culture Theme Park in Qingshan District, and rode through ecological landmarks such as Daijiahu Park, Qingshan Park, Peace Park, Simietang Culture Park, and Shahu Park. Nine cross street overpasses connect the whole corridor, and the gentle slope up and down is friendly to cyclists and pedestrians. The sky blue asphalt pavement is bright, with trees on both sides of the road, roses, canna, evening primrose, wisteria and other flowers. Many citizens ride, walk, take photos and punch cards on the corridor.

As the corridor is built along the North Ring Line of the Old Wuhan Jiulong Railway, many industrial relics can be seen on the way. Retired locomotives of various models, old carriages transformed into barbecue shops, and art installations transformed from industrial parts allow citizens to experience the slow life of heavy cultural atmosphere during cycling.

(Editor in charge: Zhou Qianwen, Zhang Jun)

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