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Two counties in Hubei and Hunan jointly protect a Youshui River (on site)

Our reporter Shang Yang, Sun Chao and Wu Jun
May 14, 2024 08:54 | Source: People's Daily
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In the morning, Mr. Tang, a long-distance runner, set out from Laifeng County, Enshi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, Hubei Province, crossed the river on the bridge, ran into Longshan County, Xiangxi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, Hunan Province, and then turned back by the riverside trail, covering nearly 10 kilometers. He said that more and more people are exercising along the river. "The environment of Youshui River is good, and everyone is willing to come to the bank."

The two counties face each other across the river, with Longshan Mountain to the east and Laifeng to the west. Youshui River is the boundary river between the county and the province, and also provides drinking water for hundreds of thousands of residents in the two urban areas. It is a "river of life".

In the past, the river was protected, and each place managed a stall. The treatment effect was poor. Today, the two places comprehensively plan the relationship between the left and right banks, upstream and downstream, pay attention to the overall implementation and coordination, and strive to achieve the best effect of system governance.

To do a good job in coordination and cooperation, the key is to establish a coordinated protection mechanism across administrative regions. In 2014, the Standing Committee of Longshan County People's Congress put forward legislative suggestions to the Standing Committee of Xiangxi Prefecture People's Congress and the Standing Committee of Laifeng County People's Congress to the Standing Committee of Enshi Prefecture People's Congress, respectively, and formulated their own Youshui River protection regulations.

"When drafting the regulations of the two prefectures, both listed the inter administrative coordination and protection mechanism as a separate chapter, making it clear that the county governments should establish a joint meeting system to coordinate and solve major issues of Youshui River protection." Wu Junhao, the former vice chairman of the Interior and Justice Committee of the Standing Committee of the Longshan County People's Congress, who participated in the formulation of the protection regulations throughout the process, said.

The Youshui River Protection Regulations of Enshi Prefecture and Xiangxi Prefecture were implemented on March 1 and May 1, 2017 respectively. Under the promotion of the regulations, the environmental protection, water conservancy, agriculture and other departments of Longshan and Laifeng counties have established mechanisms for joint monitoring of water quality and quantity, mutual notification of illegal cases, and coordinated law enforcement of illegal acts.

"The establishment of the mechanism has solved the problems of poor information exchange, poor cooperation, and difficulty in obtaining evidence from other places in the handling of trans regional illegal cases." Zeng Huan, the leader of Laifeng County Agricultural Comprehensive Law Enforcement Brigade, said that once trans regional illegal capture, sewage discharge, sand mining and other acts are found, law enforcement personnel can quickly collect evidence, control illegal personnel, and timely notify the other party for punishment.

On May 8, Zeng Huan led law enforcement officers to board the inspection ship. At the same time, Xie Zijiang, the leader of Longshan County Agricultural Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Brigade, and his team members boarded the boat. The law enforcement officers of the two counties started from the Nanhe Wharf in Baifusi Town, Laifeng County, and went up the river to jointly inspect the river reach for more than 20 kilometers. Xie Zijiang said that the joint patrol inspection should be carried out at least once a quarter, in cooperation with the individual patrol inspection, to detect and stop illegal acts in a timely manner.

Hold your fingers to form a fist, and form a joint force. Under the leadership of the Office of River and Lake Governor, the river leaders at the county, township and village levels of the two places cooperate with each other, and the private river leaders actively participate in strengthening the river protection force.

Yao Youneng, a veteran of Geleche Town, Laifeng County, began to patrol the river by the Youshui River when the sky was slightly bright. Yao Youneng has served as a folk river governor since 2017. For more than 2000 days and nights, it takes more than half a day to inspect the river surface and bank every time. Over the years, Yao You has led his family and villagers to protect the river together. "We have made great efforts and gained more and more beautiful hometown."

Collaborative river harnessing has achieved remarkable results. The water quality of rivers jointly managed by Longshan and Laifeng in the whole year is generally above Class II. The ecological picture of "smooth river, clear water, green bank and harmonious people" is slowly unfolding at the junction of Hunan and Hubei.

People's Daily (May 14, 2024, 4th Edition)

(Editor in charge: Guo Tingting, Zhang Pei)

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