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Hubei: Accelerating the Construction of an Important Strategic Pivot for the Rise of Central China

People's Daily Online reporter Zhou Wen Zhang Pei
May 7, 2024 15:04 | Source: People's Daily Online - Hubei Channel
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 At the press conference. Photographed by Liu Jian

At the press conference. Photographed by Liu Jian

On May 7, the State Council Information Office held a series of press conferences on the theme of "promoting high-quality development", focusing on "striving to promote the practice of Chinese style modernization in Hubei and accelerating the building of an important strategic fulcrum for the rise of the central region".

Hubei refines the goal orientation of fulcrum construction into "five functional orientations", and speeds up the construction of important nodes of domestic large cycle and important hubs of domestic and international double cycle, national scientific and technological innovation and manufacturing base, national land security guarantee service base, national water security strategic guarantee zone, and national high-quality agricultural product production zone.

"This is the responsibility of the strategic fulcrum and the key direction we should strive for." Wang Zhonglin, Deputy Secretary of the CPC Hubei Provincial Committee and Governor of Hubei Province, said that Hubei will focus on these five aspects: accelerating the energy level jump and constantly strengthening the strategic support of the fulcrum; Strengthen innovation drive and constantly enhance the core competitiveness of the fulcrum; Firmly expand the opening up, and constantly enhance the element cohesion of the fulcrum; Comprehensive green transformation, and constantly enhance the ecological carrying capacity of the fulcrum; Promote coordination and integration, and constantly enhance the radiation belt power of the fulcrum.

Leading industrial innovation with scientific and technological innovation

In the first quarter of this year, GDP grew by 6.1%, and the economy started strongly and got off to a good start.

This is the epitome of Hubei's focus on strengthening its comprehensive strength and walking out of the high and upward development curve. "We have always adhered to the top priority of development, made every effort to respond to the situation, stabilize growth and improve energy levels, and maintained the development trend of progress while maintaining stability," said Wang Zhonglin.

The acceleration of high-quality development in Hubei can not be separated from the insistence on leading industrial innovation with scientific and technological innovation.

"We have always taken self-reliance and self-improvement in science and technology as our mission, strengthened the deep integration of scientific and technological innovation and industrial innovation, and accelerated the growth and growth of new quality productivity." Wang Zhonglin introduced that scientific and technological innovation has made breakthroughs, and Wuhan has accelerated the construction of a national influential scientific and technological innovation center, The scientific and technological force matrix with "one national laboratory+10 Hubei laboratories+8 large scientific devices+163 national innovation platforms+477 new research and development institutions" as the main body accelerated to form, 29 key core technology breakthroughs made significant progress, and technologies such as flash memory chips, brain computer interfaces, cardiac muscle rotary cutting and others took the lead in the world. Last year, the turnover of technical contracts increased by 59.8%, reaching a total of 486 billion, Ranked third in the country.

The pace of industrial transformation has been accelerated. The "51020" modern industrial cluster, with 5 trillion level pillar industries, 10 500 billion level competitive industries, and 20 100 billion level characteristic industries as the backbone, has accelerated its rise. The three major industries of optical core screen terminal network, automobile manufacturing and service, and mass health are expected to reach a trillion scale this year.

The main body of innovation is booming, with 25000 high-tech enterprises and 35000 technology-based SMEs, both doubling in two years.

 The lifting and landing operations of the gantry crane at China Railway Union Wuhan Central Station are very busy. Photographed by Xu Yifan

The gantry crane of China Railway Union Wuhan Central Station takes off and lands in a busy scene. Photographed by Xu Yifan

Make every effort to build a "thoroughfare of Jiuzhou" in the new era

Hubei is the central node connecting the national "Tieshui, Gongkong" transportation artery. In recent years, Hubei has seized the strategic opportunity for the country to build a new development pattern, better planned two markets and two resources at home and abroad, accelerated the transformation of regional advantages into development success, and accelerated the transformation from a thoroughfare of nine provinces to a thoroughfare of nine states.

"Rebuild the hub advantage linking the three Silk Roads, land, sea and air." Wang Zhonglin said that Hubei insisted on building the foundation to complement the weak and seek the long-term, and strengthened the construction of major infrastructure.

Today, Hubei high-speed railway network is closely knit, and the formation of super meter shaped high-speed railway network is accelerated, reaching 80% of the important cities in China in four hours.

The golden waterway connects the river to the sea, and 10000 ton ships can reach Wuhan directly through the Yangtze River. The container throughput of Wuhan Port in the middle and upper reaches of the Yangtze River ranks first.

The Silk Road in the air reaches the world. The largest professional freight airport in Asia, Huahu International Airport, has been completed and put into use. 64 international and domestic freight routes have been opened. This year, the freight volume can exceed 1.2 million tons, ranking the fourth in China.

 Wuhan Yangtze River Beach. Photographed by Zhou Wen, reporter of People's Daily Online

Wuhan Yangtze River Beach. Photographed by Zhou Wen, reporter of People's Daily Online

Green and low-carbon become the bright background of high-quality development

As an important province in the Yangtze River Economic Belt, it is of great significance to accelerate green and low-carbon development in Hubei. Hubei insists on reshaping the development mode with the concept of green development, improving the ecological appearance with low-carbon transformation, and supporting the economic growth of 6% with an average annual growth rate of 3% of energy consumption. Green and low-carbon has become the distinctive background of high-quality development in Hubei.

Holding the "bull's nose" of green industrial development, implementing 10 major green transformation projects such as energy conservation and carbon reduction transformation of key industries, building 10 industrial chains of circular economy such as urban minerals, and realizing the simultaneous improvement of "green content" and "gold content" of economic development.

Focusing on reshaping the strategic resource structure, we have made great efforts to develop clean energy. The installed capacity of electric power has exceeded 100 million kilowatts, of which the installed capacity of clean energy has increased to 65%.

Anchor the "double carbon" goal, and build a good use of the registration, registration and settlement system of carbon emission rights of China Carbon. At present, CCDC manages 2533 enterprises in China, the largest in the world, and has become the "bottom database" of the national carbon market; Take the lead in opening up the three major markets of "electricity, carbon and finance" nationwide, and initially form the whole industrial chain of carbon markets such as carbon trading and carbon assets. The turnover of Hubei carbon market accounts for 42.7% of the country's total.

"We will rely on CCDC to accelerate the building of a nationally influential carbon market and carbon financial center, so as to broaden the road of Hubei's green rise." Wang Zhonglin said.

In the new era and new journey, Hubei has worked hard, pragmatic and enterprising, promoted the practice of Chinese style modernization in Hubei to go deep and solid, contributed greater Hubei strength to the "backbone" of the central region, and demonstrated greater Hubei achievements.

(Editor in charge: Zhou Wen, Zhang Pei)

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