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Digital construction reshapes the new ecology of the construction industry

People's Daily Online reporter Guo Tingting
September 21, 2023 07:52 | Source: People's Daily Online - Hubei Channel
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The construction industry is the pillar industry of our national economy. In the outline of the 14th Five Year Plan, it is clearly proposed to take "developing intelligent construction" as the key task of national construction industry development. Focusing on intelligent construction, the country is also encouraging the development of digitalization and artificial intelligence into the construction industry.

At present, the construction industry is facing a major transformation period, and many buildings have sprung up, which can not be separated from design drawings. At present, the domestic architectural design industry is exploring digital transformation, breaking the "convention" for thousands of years, making design and construction completely break away from the traditional two-dimensional engineering drawings, and realizing "digital construction without drawings".

"The construction industry embraces digital development, and we are trying to complete the subversive innovation of" one model to the end, no map construction "." Li Ting, a national engineering survey and design master and national labor model, and the secretary of the party committee and chairman of the Central South Architectural Design Institute, said in an exclusive interview with People's Daily Online that the architectural design industry should focus on digital construction to reshape the new ecology of the construction industry, Explore a new way of transformation of the construction industry together.

 Li Ting received an exclusive interview with People's Daily Online. Photographed by Guo Tingting, reporter of People's Daily Online

Li Ting (left) receives an exclusive interview with People's Daily Online. Photographed by Guo Tingting, reporter of People's Daily Online

Building life-cycle management platform promotes the digitalization of the construction industry

With the advent of Industry 4.0 characterized by digitalization, networking and intelligence, that is, the era of the fourth industrial revolution, the traditional boundary between construction and manufacturing will be broken.

How does the construction industry use the Internet platform to embrace digital development?

Facing the problem, Li Ting said that unlike other industries, the products of the construction industry are often customized products. In the era of Industry 4.0, the manufacturing industry will be fully integrated with the construction industry, and the construction industry will be completely transformed into a manufacturing industry of "mass customization". To achieve this transformation, we must first realize the deep integration of the construction industry and high-end manufacturing industry.

Zhongnan Architectural Design Institute has tried to introduce the concept of product lifecycle management (hereinafter referred to as PLM) and model-based product definition technology (hereinafter referred to as MBD) of high-end manufacturing industry, and is the first in the world to establish a building lifecycle management platform.

"This platform aims at 'building with one model in the end and without drawings', establishes a three-dimensional digital MBD model, opens up the whole life cycle of design, delivery, review, bidding, construction, settlement, operation and maintenance, breaks the data island, and serves all participants in the whole process of the project, including the constructor, designer, general contractor, subcontractor, bidding agent, etc." Li Ting said, This platform integrates 3D design, simulation, processing and project management, and has cloud 3D collaborative design and delivery, 3D model annotation and other functions. It can realize the unified coordination work and management of all disciplines, processes and elements of architectural engineering, and integrate the "product design" and "process design" of architecture, Realize "one model to the end, one model to the end". Completely solve the pain point of "fragmentation" in the construction industry, so as to promote the digital revolution in the construction industry.

 No map construction project - Hubei Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Photograph provided by respondents

No map construction project - Hubei Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Photograph provided by respondents

Traditional construction industry will explore construction without drawings and free design

In the wave of digital development, Central South Architectural Design Institute took the lead in exploring "one model to the end, no drawings, free design". In this regard, Li Ting said that as an old "national team" in the construction industry, Central South Architectural Design Institute should bravely assume the mission of leading the digital transformation of the construction industry.

He believes that the construction industry chain is very long, and the entire industry chain is fragmented, such as feasibility study, design, bidding, construction, operation and maintenance. The data of all parties in the industry chain is not circulated, the digital models used are not connected, and the architectural design and process design are separated from each other, presenting a "data island", which seriously affects the engineering quality and efficiency of the industry. In manufacturing industry, especially high-end manufacturing industry, product design and process design should be integrated, design, manufacturing and installation should be integrated, and digital models should be circulated throughout.

He gave an example, for example, when Boeing developed, designed and manufactured the Boeing 777 30 years ago, it used PLM platform and MBD technology to realize that there were no two-dimensional drawings in the whole process, and the whole industry chain was driven by three-dimensional digital models, that is, digital prototypes.

The domestic Shanghai Jiangnan Shipyard has introduced PLM platform to realize the whole process of building 160 rounds of sea patrol without drawings; When designing and manufacturing the Y-20 large military transport aircraft (Pangniu), Xi'an Aircraft Group also realized the whole process of design, manufacturing and installation without drawings.

Therefore, the successful path of digital transformation of the construction industry lies in accelerating the transformation to an integrated manufacturing industry.

In this regard, they have carried out some exploration. For example, it has deeply cooperated with Dassault Systems, the world's top industrial software supplier, and established a joint innovation center to introduce PLM platform and MBD technology from high-end manufacturing to the construction industry.

This platform supports all users to work together based on the same 3D digital model. Realize the effect of "three-dimensional delivery, construction without drawing, accurate cost, shortening construction period, improving quality", and finally achieve "design without drawing, approval without drawing, bidding without drawing, construction without drawing, settlement without drawing, operation and maintenance without drawing".

It is reported that at present, based on the 3DE platform of Dassault System, Central South Architectural Design Institute has successfully practiced the whole life cycle management characterized by "one model to the end, no map construction" in two projects of Wuhan "New Generation Weather Radar" and Hubei "Center for Disease Control and Prevention", which are the first PLM projects in the field of construction engineering in the world.

"With the promotion and application of building PLM platform, digital construction and intelligent construction characterized by construction without drawings are becoming more and more popular, which will greatly improve the level of the construction industry in Hubei and even the whole country. This is a typical digital economy leap project," said Li Ting.

 No picture construction project - Wuhan new generation weather radar weather tower. Photograph provided by respondents

No picture construction project - Wuhan new generation weather radar weather tower. Photograph provided by respondents

It is suggested to speed up the legislation of data assets and improve the right confirmation system of data assets

"What we are doing is to copy the development path of China's high-speed railway, At the same time, it leads and forces the progress of domestic construction software; The second step is to use the most advanced digital system to cultivate the digital intelligent construction market of "one model to the end, no map to build"; The third step is to gradually realize the domestic substitution of PLM platform.

In the face of subversive revolution, there are also some disputes.

Some peers question how to achieve "construction without drawing"?

Li Ting said that digitalization is not an industry improvement, but a real industry revolution. Digital transformation, first of all, is the transformation of productivity. Enterprises should first have their own digital products, digital assets and digital capital.

"Intelligent construction is more complex than intelligent manufacturing and has higher requirements for digital level." He suggested that we can take two steps: the first step is to introduce the concept, system and platform of high-end manufacturing. For example, product lifecycle management PLM, model-based product definition MBD technology, and the whole process of virtual design and construction VDC, first realize digital construction, that is, one model to the end and no drawing construction, laying an indispensable foundation for real intelligent construction; The second step is to introduce the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, and intelligent terminals to achieve a truly small or unmanned intelligent construction.

"By then, with the ownership of the digital model, the design institute will have the data control right of the whole industry chain, and can charge all downstream enterprises digital service fees, which may be far more than the design fees." Li Ting said.

 During their visit to China in Makron, the Central South Architectural Design Institute signed a contract with Dassault in France under the witness of the ministers of the two countries. Photograph provided by respondents

Central South Architectural Design Institute signed a contract with Dassault in France during the visit of Makron to China. Photograph provided by respondents

He suggested that we should speed up the legislation of data assets and establish and improve the systems of data asset confirmation, transaction and sharing. At present, there is no legal basis for confirming the rights of data assets such as 3D digital models, which seriously restricts the digital transformation of the construction industry.

Turning to the digital development prospect of CCB, Li Ting said, "We are engaged in an extremely glorious and great cause that our predecessors have never done. We will certainly complete the subversive innovation of" one model to the end, no map to build "and lead the digital and intelligent transformation of the construction industry."

(Editor in charge: Guo Tingting, Zhang Jun)

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