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2023 Dragon Boat Festival in Qu Yuan's hometown will open on the 21st

08:13, June 17, 2023|
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Also in midsummer to the Dragon Boat Festival, Ai Zongshi intoxicated China. The 2023 Dragon Boat Festival, the "Poetic Yichang of China's Dragon Boat Festival" in Qu Yuan's hometown, will be opened in Zigui County, Yichang City, Hubei Province on June 21. The 2023 International Rowing Federation Dragon Boat World Cup, the award ceremony of the fourth "Qu Yuan Cup" poetry contest and the Dragon Boat Festival will be held gradually.

This year marks the 70th anniversary of Qu Yuan's selection as one of the "Four Cultural Celebrities of the World", the 2300th anniversary of his martyrdom, and the 15th anniversary of China's Dragon Boat Festival's inclusion in the world's intangible cultural heritage. Zigui, approved by the National Leading Group for Cleaning up and Regulating Festivals, is the long-term host of the "Dragon Boat Festival in Quyuan's Hometown", a national reserved festival. This year, the "Dragon Boat Festival in Qu Yuan's hometown" has entered its 14th year.

2023 The opening ceremony of the Dragon Boat Festival in Qu Yuan's hometown and the Dragon Boat Festival Festival will be held in Qu Yuan Temple Square, and people will gather along the Yangtze River to remember the ancestors. The stage design of the opening ceremony fully demonstrated Qu Yuan's struggle for the sun and the moon to shine through the ages, and the activities highlighted Qu Zi's spirit from generation to generation. For the first time, the youth representatives read the Original Song of Qu respectfully and invited well-known artists to sing Li Sao with the masses.

In addition to the public offering, the Dragon Boat Festival will also offer sacrifices to the ancestors of poetry through the three-dimensional integration of folk offering and family offering. In Leping, Qu Yuan's hometown, famous Chinese poets and poets from "China's First Peasant Poetry Club" jointly participated in the Sanlu Sao Altar Poetry Conference, and worshipped Qu Yuan by chanting poems. A family sacrifice was held in Wangusi Village, the "First Village of Qu Family in China". The descendants of Qu Family in Changhua, Taiwan, and those of Qu Family in Zigui jointly sought their roots and ancestors and worshipped Qu Yuan.

This Dragon Boat Festival is not only the inheritance and promotion of excellent traditional culture, but also an international cultural display and integration. The International Rowing Federation Dragon Boat World Cup will enter Zigui, the birthplace of Quyuan and the Dragon Boat Festival culture, for the first time. At the opening ceremony of the International Rowing Federation Dragon Boat World Cup, there will be traditional ceremonies such as the highlight of the dragon head, launching of the dragon boat, and river tour. International dragon boat teams from the United States, Singapore, the Philippines, and Chinese dragon boat teams will go forward to experience the charm of traditional Chinese culture. Traditional folk customs and international events will be perfectly integrated here.

 Dragon Boat Race. Photographed by Zhang Yiduo

Dragon Boat Race. Photographed by Zhang Yiduo

Xu Jiachong's oars fly in the harbor and the dragon boat runs fast. At the Jusong Square, an ancient folk house in Qu Yuan's hometown scenic spot, the awarding ceremony of the fourth "Qu Yuan Cup" Poetry (National) Competition and the 2023 Dragon Boat Festival Poetry Festival in Qu Yuan's hometown, famous poets gather to attend this midsummer literary event.

The Dragon Boat Festival has not come yet, and the atmosphere of Zigui Dragon Boat Festival has been full. On June 9, the Chinese Dragon Boat Festival Quyuan Food Culture Tourism Festival kicked off, with the characteristic "orange dishes" showing the charm of Zigui cuisine. Maoping Town Danyang Community Hundred Family Feast, Yangguidian Village Dragon Boat Festival Folk Custom Activities... From rural to urban areas, Zigui is permeated with a strong festival atmosphere.

This Dragon Boat Festival also focuses on immersion experience. It is understood that in the 2023 Dragon Boat Festival in Qu Yuan's hometown, which will last for January, the "Meet the Dragon Boat Festival" will be held in Qu Yuan's hometown, the "Bright Intangible Cultural Heritage" Dragon Boat Festival theme light show in Qu Yuan's hometown, the Orange Music Festival, the premiere of "Xiajiang Chant", and the Dragon Boat Festival custom experience activity in Intangible Cultural Heritage alleys will take turns. Tradition and fashion will collide, and folk customs and national trends will blend and bloom, Let tourists experience different Dragon Boat Festival cultural feast from taste, vision, hearing and other senses.

In recent years, Zigui has focused on the inheritance and continuation of the Dragon Boat Festival culture, promoted the creative transformation and innovative development of Quyuan culture, promoted the development of cultural exchanges, and built the "Dragon Boat Festival in Quyuan's hometown" into a golden card highlighting the charm of Yichang's Zigui culture through the cultural tourism marketing activities lasting for one month. (Zou Yuan)

(Editor in charge: Wang Guoji, Zhang Jun)

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