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A college in Wuhan welcomes freshmen with racing cars to carry luggage

19:19, September 5, 2021 | Source: People's Daily Online - Hubei Channel
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Team members drive to haul new luggage

"The chariot is good at drawing wind and love, and the science and engineering boys are strong!" On September 5, Wuhan Huaxia Institute of Technology welcomed the first batch of 2021 freshmen. In the campus, a cool modified Baha racing car shuttles back and forth between the orientation point and the student dormitory, carrying luggage for the freshmen non-stop. The video was posted to the Internet by students, with an instant broadcast volume of nearly 500000 and more than 4000 likes.

The team members packed their bags and got on

It is understood that in order to provide more considerate and meticulous services to the freshmen, the school's Huayao Dream Chasing Team used the summer vacation time to weld a small trailer that can haul luggage for the hard developed Baha'i racing car. The supremacy of the racing car has not changed, but it has become a baggage carrier with a capacity of 20 suitcases, which perfectly solves the baggage handling problem of freshmen from school to dormitory.

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"The American Baja racing car was newly developed during the summer vacation. This car not only enables the team members of the Huayao Dream Chasing Team to learn new skills and increase professional knowledge, but also provides baggage handling assistance for students and younger students in need during the beginning of school. It feels very successful," said Wang Chenglong, team leader and 1193 vehicle of the Intelligent Manufacturing Institute.

On the same day, the school also created many small surprises for the freshmen. Li Yaoyang, a student majoring in automobile service, received a beautiful birthday cake from the school as soon as he arrived at the orientation point, and the seniors and sisters sang birthday songs to send him wishes. He said that he was very moved to join the family of Huaxia University and receive this surprise on his birthday. (By Li Chentu/Shi Ce and Li Zhuoheng)

(Editor in charge: Zhou Tian, Zhang Jun)

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