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Promote the experience of Sanming medical reform in Fujian Province according to local conditions

The construction of close county medical community has been launched in an all-round way

Our reporter Shen Shaotie
May 24, 2024 08:02 | Source: People's Daily
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In recent years, Sanming City of Fujian Province has persistently deepened the reform of "three medical synergy" in medical care, medical insurance and medicine, and has accumulated many useful experiences. On the 23rd, the National Health Commission held a press conference in Yancheng, Jiangsu Province, to introduce and promote the experience of Sanming medical reform in Fujian.

Sanming medical reform has made new breakthroughs. Yang Minhong, director of the Fujian Provincial Health Commission, introduced that Sanming, while consolidating and improving the original reform results, set out again and explored the way towards "general health", and focused on building a new system of health security for all: integrating medical and health resources at the county, township and village levels, and promoting the integrated management of human, financial and material resources in the medical community, To lay the foundation for all-round health service management in the county; Encourage the county medical community to fully protect the health of the people through the package payment of the county medical insurance fund and the exploration of the post annual salary system based on health performance; In combination with the implementation of the national public hospital reform and high-quality development demonstration project, we will strengthen three provincial regional medical centers in the city.

Positive progress has been made in promoting the experience of Sanming medical reform in accordance with local conditions. Xue Haining, Deputy Director of the Department of Restructuring of the National Health Commission, said that in 31 provinces and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, the party committees and government are the main comrades in charge of medical reform, and in most prefectures, cities and counties (cities, districts), a government is responsible for the unified management of medical treatment, medical insurance, and medicine. The construction of a compact county medical community has been comprehensively promoted, and the construction of a compact urban medical group has been piloted. Promote the construction of national medical centers, national regional medical centers and provincial regional medical centers. Establish a dynamic adjustment mechanism for medical service prices to better reflect the technical labor value of medical personnel. The centralized procurement of drug consumables in quantity has been accelerated and expanded. At the national level, 9 batches of drugs and 4 batches of medical consumables have been purchased in quantity.

"Yancheng City has learned from the reform spirit of" Three Wise People First ", and has made explorations in making people look forward to disease, reducing the burden of seeing a doctor, and promoting the development of medical and health services." Zhang Mingkang, mayor of Yancheng City, Jiangsu Province, introduced that Yancheng City focuses on tumor, cardiovascular and other diseases that have been transferred to other places for medical treatment. Yancheng has introduced high-quality resources through the establishment of famous medical studios, remote collaboration networks, etc, 360 famous doctors' studios have been built, so that people can see famous doctors locally. Deepen the reform of medical insurance payment mode, improve the level of refined management, and the average cost of hospitalization in 2023 will decrease by 10.1% compared with the previous year. Since 2019, nearly 20 billion yuan has been invested to comprehensively improve the medical conditions of municipal, county and township medical and health institutions.

Yichang City, Hubei Province, promoted the implementation of hierarchical diagnosis and treatment, and constantly promoted the improvement of the medical and health service system. Xu Weiying, vice mayor of Yichang City, introduced that Yichang should strengthen the municipal level, integrate the superior discipline resources of tertiary hospitals, and build a technical research team with discipline leaders as the core; To optimize the county level, consolidate the urban three-level hospital group support mechanism, promote county level hospitals to improve their service capacity, and all 9 counties and cities have established close medical communities; We will strengthen the grassroots level, realize "one college student village doctor in one village", build a community clinic in each community neighborhood committee, equip "one doctor, one nurse and one public health" and basic drugs, and set up 1248 family doctor teams.

Zunyi City, Guizhou Province, strengthened the construction of grassroots talent team and improved the ability of grassroots medical and health services. Ming Yan, vice mayor of Zunyi City, said that the recruitment of new village doctors was included in the county level open recruitment plan, and was managed according to the staffing of township hospitals to stabilize the village doctor team. From 2021, the quota subsidy standard for village doctors in the city will be increased by 200 yuan per month to pay basic endowment insurance for village doctors on duty who meet the insurance conditions. Zunyi also organized the village doctors of the whole city to go to the large hospitals in Zhuhai, Guangdong Province in batches for rotation training, which has now reached more than 5000 person times, improving the service ability.

Originally published in People's Daily (the 14th edition on May 24, 2024)

(Editor in charge: Gu Lanyun, Chen Kangqing)

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