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"Bridge of the Sky" and "China's Celestial Eye" attract attention

May 24, 2024 08:22 | Source: Guizhou Daily
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On May 23, the Guizhou theme pavilion of the 20th China (Shenzhen) ICIF was bustling in front of the exhibition section of "Culture, Sports, Health and Tourism", and the "Bridge of the Sky" and "China's Sky Eye" became the focus of the audience. "Notebooks, rulers and other cultural and creative products are the main products of this exhibition." Li Wanqiu, head of the marketing department of the Sky Bridge Research Base, told reporters that the theme of the Sky Bridge Research Base in this ICIF is to promote research activities with cultural and creative as an entry point. He hopes that the "Sky Bridge" IP will be known by more people with the help of the platform of the ICIF.

In front of the booth, the audience was bustling, and Li Wanqiu, holding the research manual, introduced the research courses in the scenic spot to the parents who came to consult: "We have carefully designed a variety of courses for students of different ages. For students in junior high school and above, we will focus on introducing the relevant knowledge of physics, and integrate it into the practical course of bridge modeling design, so that they can feel the charm of science in their own participation. "

The Sky Bridge Sightseeing Service Area is the first tourist destination service area in Guizhou that integrates leisure, entertainment, science popularization and other functions with the theme of enjoying the starry sky and watching the Pingtang Bridge closely. It is the first bridge tourism integration demonstration project in Guizhou approved by the Ministry of Transport. The service area takes "bridge+tourism" and "bridge+culture" as the starting point and foothold of planning and construction, and is equipped with bridge science museum, research and education base, Guizhou highway inheritance museum, Pingtang Bridge viewing platform, astronomical observatory and other facilities.

Tian Yuwei, a Guangxi spectator, could not help sighing after listening to the introduction of the staff: "We must take our children to Guizhou to see the high-tech bridge and learn knowledge!"

On the left side of the "Sky Bridge" booth, the cultural and creative exhibition area of "China Tianyan" also attracts the attention of the audience. On the booth, a variety of cultural and creative products of "Tianyan" series are eye-catching. "We brought a lot of cultural and creative products of 'Tianyan Zai' to the scene, hoping to let more people know about Guizhou and enter Guizhou through Tianyan." The person in charge of the "China Tianyan" booth told reporters that this exhibition is not only to show the power of science and technology and the beauty of Guizhou's nature, but also to build a bridge to connect the public and science, Guizhou and the world.

As a representative card of China's scientific and technological innovation, in recent years, "China's Tianyan" has shown its unique charm in driving the popularization of astronomical science and research tourism and improving the quality of the whole population's astronomical knowledge. It has successively won the "National Science Popularization Demonstration Base (FAST)", "National Science Popularization Education Base", "China's Science and Technology Tourism Base" and "the first batch of national primary and secondary school students' research, practice and education bases" And other titles, and the popularity and reputation are constantly improving.

"Every 'Tianyan Zai' carries our love and vision for Guizhou, science and the future. We hope that through cultural and creative products, visitors can more intuitively feel the charm and value of 'China Tianyan'." The person in charge introduced.

The Guizhou tour of "viewing the sky eye and enjoying the bridge" has become a popular choice for many tourists. When students come to Guizhou to study, they can not only appreciate the technological shock of the great powers, but also explore the mysteries of physics on the spot. This immersive research environment has greatly stimulated their curiosity and thirst for knowledge, and ignited their infinite yearning for scientific exploration. (Zhao Shanshan, Chen Jiangnan)

(Editor in charge: Gu Lanyun, Chen Kangqing)

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