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Tang Dezhi, secretary of Qiannan Prefecture Party Committee, deployed the construction of "four modernizations", standardized official reception, and lightened the burden for the grassroots

08:10, May 23, 2024 | Source: People's Daily Online Guizhou Channel
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On May 21, Qiannan Prefecture Party Committee held an enlarged meeting of its Standing Committee, a meeting of its Finance and Economics Committee, and a meeting of its leading group to promote the "four modernizations". It studied and implemented the spirit of the special meeting of the provincial Party committee on May 20, listened to the report on the promotion of the "four modernizations" in the whole prefecture, reviewed relevant documents, and studied and deployed standardized official reception, and reduced the burden on the grassroots.

Tang Dezhi, secretary of Qiannan Prefecture Party Committee, director of Qiannan Prefecture Finance and Economics Committee, and leader of Qiannan Prefecture Leading Group for Promoting "Four Modernizations", presided over the meeting and delivered a speech. Xiang Chengqiang, deputy secretary of the prefectural party committee, governor, deputy director of the prefectural party committee's finance and economics committee, and leader of the prefectural leading group for promoting the "four modernizations", was a member of the standing committee of the prefectural party committee, responsible comrades of the standing committee of the prefectural people's congress, the prefectural government, and the prefectural CPPCC, as well as the president of the prefectural court and the chief procurator of the prefectural procuratorate.

The meeting pointed out that the important instructions made by the central government on tourism work are profound in thought and rich in connotation, which provide fundamental guidance for us to do a good job in tourism work. We should conscientiously study and understand the important directive spirit of the central government, adhere to the principle of integrity and innovation, improve quality and efficiency, and integrate development, do a solid job in three articles of "resources, tourists, and services", deeply promote "tourism+" and "tourism+", and strive to promote high-quality development of tourism in the whole prefecture.

The meeting stressed that since this year, Qiannan Prefecture has focused on implementing the main strategy, realizing the main positioning, taking the initiative, making great efforts to tackle the difficulties, and promoting the construction of "four modernizations" to achieve positive results. We should unswervingly highlight the leading role of industry, accurately grasp the industrial development situation and target positioning of the whole prefecture, take the implementation of the "rich ore and refined development" strategy as the key, and strive to continue to make efforts in optimizing layout, making full use of characteristics, improving quality, and strengthening innovation, and constantly consolidate the industrial trend. We should give full play to the driving role of urbanization, take the construction of a "15 minute community life circle" as the starting point, take classified promotion and coordinated linkage as the path, adhere to the planning guidance and strengthen the functions, accelerate the improvement of infrastructure and public services, and enhance the carrying capacity and attractiveness of cities and towns. We should focus on holding the bottom line, set goals, further adapt to changes, improve methods, thoroughly sort out problems, solve problems, do a solid job in key work such as spring plowing and summer harvesting, consolidate and expand the achievements of poverty alleviation, and effectively stabilize the "basic plate" of agriculture. Based on the characteristic and advantageous tourism resources, we should further study and identify the "flag" and "brand" of local tourism development, focus on the overall planning, do a good job of cohesion, focus on the high-quality products, promote the formation of new hot spots, focus on the reform, break through the blockages, inject vitality, and promote the sustainable and high-quality development of tourism.

The meeting stressed that we should thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the special session of the Guizhou Provincial Party Committee held on May 20, earnestly implement the requirements of promoting high-quality urban development with a high starting point planning, comply with the needs of industrial development and people's livelihood improvement, highlight strong functions, further optimize and improve the land and space planning, and promote the planning to be more scientific, reasonable, leading and operational. It is necessary to strictly implement the spirit of the Central Committee's eight point rule, earnestly implement the requirements of the provincial party committee on regulating official reception work, further change the concept, focus on standards and strict implementation, and make "getting used to living a tight life" become ideological and action conscious. We should conscientiously implement the deployment requirements of the central and provincial Party committees on rectifying formalism to reduce the burden at the grass-roots level, continue to sort out and solve the pain points and difficult problems strongly reflected by grassroots cadres and the masses, and make greater efforts to promote the implementation of "the responsibilities to be reduced", "the responsibilities to be performed" and "the capabilities to be given".

Other matters were also studied.

Leaders from relevant departments of counties (cities) and prefectures of Qiannan Prefecture attended the meeting. (Li Tao, Zhou Jiajie)

(Editor in charge: Pan Jiaqian, Chen Kangqing)

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