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Guizhou Institute of Engineering and Applied Technology: Cultivating High quality Applied Talents for Local Development

14:14, May 22, 2024 | Source: People's Daily Online Guizhou Channel
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At present, a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial reform is advancing in depth, especially disruptive technologies and cutting-edge technologies have given birth to new industries, new models and new driving forces. High quality development is the essential requirement of Chinese modernization, and in the process of high-quality development, innovation is the only way. The core of new quality productivity is innovation driven, and the essence of innovation driven is talent driven. As a local application-oriented undergraduate university, Guizhou Institute of Engineering Application Technology (hereinafter referred to as "Guizhou Engineering") always adheres to the school running spirit of "hard work and continuous progress", and strives to actively explore new technologies, promote the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, explore new business types, and stimulate new momentum, so as to contribute to the cultivation of high-quality application-oriented talents for local economic and social development.

 A corner of the campus of Guizhou Institute of Engineering and Applied Technology. Courtesy of Guizhou Institute of Engineering Application Technology

A corner of the campus of Guizhou Institute of Engineering and Applied Technology. Courtesy of Guizhou Institute of Engineering Application Technology

Cultivate high-quality application-oriented talents with "one virtue and four abilities"

Your project has actively and deeply explored the issue of "what kind of person", put "morality" throughout talent training, and strengthened the cultivation of students' learning ability, practical ability, innovation ability and collaboration ability.

virtue comes first. The school regards moral cultivation as the central link of talent cultivation, integrates moral cultivation into ideological education, cultural education, innovative education, practical education and other aspects of the whole process, and strives to cultivate new people of the times with good moral quality who have comprehensive development of morality, intelligence, physique, beauty and labor.

Learning ability. Young college students are in the golden period of learning and should take learning as the primary task. The application-oriented undergraduate colleges and universities should train students to acquire knowledge and information through learning, and be able to screen, judge and identify the content, and then transform it into the ability to solve practical problems.

Practical ability. The training of applied talents should focus on practical teaching. Let students actively participate in project practice, social practice and enterprise practice, and apply knowledge, skills and experience to solve problems in practical work. The application-oriented undergraduate colleges and universities should provide students with a platform for practice and training, and focus on improving students' technical skills and innovation and entrepreneurship ability.

innovation ability. Only by cultivating a team of top-notch innovative talents with stable scale, reasonable structure and excellent quality, can application-oriented undergraduate universities seize the first opportunity and seize the initiative in the new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial reform. Cultivate students' ability to use existing knowledge, skills and experience in the face of new situations and changes, and create new ability to solve new problems that can adapt to the current development trend.

Synergy. The application-oriented undergraduate universities should pay attention to the cultivation of students' team cooperation ability. Team cooperation can not only improve the social ability of college students, but also enable students to achieve a predetermined goal through coordination, collaboration and division of labor with different individuals, thus promoting the improvement of individual comprehensive quality and ability.

Improve the quality of school running with the goal of serving the industrial chain well

The application-oriented undergraduate colleges and universities should break the inherent barriers of traditional disciplines and majors, set up majors according to social needs, constantly deepen teaching reform, integration of production and teaching, school enterprise cooperation, and improve teaching quality and school running level.

Renew talent training objectives to serve the industrial chain. Your project continues to optimize the training program for application-oriented talents, deepen the integration of production and teaching, strengthen the guidance of practical teaching, coordinate practical teaching resources, build a comprehensive practice base integrating production, teaching, research and application, and improve the quality assurance mechanism of practical teaching.

Focusing on high-quality employment, the school is guided by industrial demand to expand student employment channels. Deeply carry out "visiting enterprises and expanding posts", go deep into the front line of enterprises to meet the new demand for talents, and timely update the talent training objectives, so that talent training and employment are closely combined to achieve output integration.

Focusing on the demographic dividend advantage of Bijie, where the school is located, we will expand the scale of running the school, improve the contribution of the gross enrollment rate of higher education, scientifically grasp and correctly handle the relationship between the scale of running the school and social impact, discipline and specialty structure and level type, school running quality and service level.

Create five "places" that highlight the high-quality development effect of the school and promote the improvement of talent training quality, namely red culture highland, engineering professional position, characteristic scientific research territory, humanities and arts world, innovation and entrepreneurship base, to provide a new platform for strengthening the training of high-level application-oriented talents.

Adjust the structure of disciplines and specialties to serve the industrial chain. Based on the driving force of actively adapting to local economic and social development, knowledge innovation, scientific and technological progress, and industrial upgrading, your project will promote the optimization of discipline and specialty structure, strengthen the advantageous disciplines and specialties, refine the disciplines and specialties urgently needed in the region, and implement the emerging cross integrated disciplines and specialties, so as to realize the mutual matching and mutual promotion between disciplines and specialties and the talent chain of the industrial chain innovation chain. Through optimizing and adjusting the layout of disciplines and specialties, implementing the adjustment and optimization of specialty structure and upgrading of connotation, improve the matching degree of talent training and social needs.

Actively explore the discipline and specialty setting and curriculum system suitable for the development of emerging technologies and industries, and put resource endowments into the growth points of future disciplines, emerging disciplines and interdisciplinary disciplines that help new quality productivity. Disciplines and specialties are the basic units of talent cultivation. Optimizing the structure of disciplines and specialties is the key to improving the quality of talent cultivation in higher education and taking the road of independent talent cultivation. We should adhere to the province's major strategy of focusing on "four modernizations", "four zones and one highland", and the major strategy of "rich ore and refined development" to set up and optimize majors. Professions that can no longer meet the needs of the new situation must be transformed and upgraded to explore new professional directions.

Strengthen the industrial chain of applied research services. Your project is based on the cultivation of application-oriented talents. It provides accurate teaching for different colleges and majors, and guides students to integrate theoretical knowledge into practice.

Strengthen applied research, actively guide teachers to carry out scientific research in combination with industrial and social needs, pay attention to student participation in scientific research teams, implement the scientific research tutor responsibility system, and guide students to write papers on the earth. Strengthen the transformation of applied research achievements.

Through the promotion of applied research results, students' thinking of applied research is cultivated, and their ability to guide practice in theory is improved. Give full play to the role of "Research Center of Demonstration Area for Implementing New Development Concept", the research institute of experimental area, the research institute of circular economy, the research institute of Yi Studies and other scientific research institutes on campus, and carry out a series of academic discussions and theoretical research around the three major themes of "green development, human resource development, and institutional and mechanism innovation", so as to enable students to participate in the cultivation of new projects serving the development of Bijie industry, Improve students' vision of scientific research.

Integrated linkage service industry chain. Innovate the concept of running a school, build an exchange and cooperation platform between schools, schools and enterprises, and promote unity, confidence and openness in running a school. Make full use of the advantages of counterpart support of colleges and universities, guide students to exchange visits with domestic high-quality colleges and universities through joint training, and stimulate students' potential. At the same time, we should give play to the role of international cooperation and exchange as a bridge, learn from the experience of world-class universities, enable talent training with international exchanges, increase the internationalization of top-notch innovative talent training, and cultivate students' international awareness and global vision.

Make full use of Bijie's policy, resources and population advantages, seize the major opportunity of united front "region+field" group assistance to Bijie, and improve the quality of school running. Promote the communication between teachers and enterprises, and increase the opportunities for students to practice. Carry out scientific research cooperation, jointly hold training and seminars, create innovation and entrepreneurship platforms, strengthen information sharing and exchange, and promote the integration of industry and education and the integrated development of school enterprise cooperation. (The author is Xiao Jianzong, Secretary of the Party Committee of Guizhou Institute of Engineering Application Technology)

(Editor in charge: Ao Jiayu, Chen Kangqing)

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