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Renhuai: create new quality productivity of intelligent manufacturing in liquor industry

May 22, 2024 11:43 | Source: People's Daily Online Guizhou Channel
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As an industry with a long history in China, the brewing industry has been in the traditional mode of "production is highly dependent on hand and shoulder, and experience is mostly passed on by word of mouth" for a long time. In recent years, the leading liquor enterprises in Renhuai City have accelerated the layout and implementation of digital and intelligent transformation, promoted the transformation and upgrading of the liquor industry with digitalization and intelligence, created new quality productivity of intelligent manufacturing in the liquor industry, and helped the high-quality development of the liquor industry.

 The steamer robot is working. Courtesy of Renhuai Rong Media Center

The steamer robot is working. Courtesy of Renhuai Rong Media Center

Walking into the intelligent brewing workshop of Jinpai Maotai Town Liquor Industry, what came into sight was the dense pipelines and huge mechanical equipment, which was shocking. The high-speed intelligent robot in the air completed the collection and accumulation of fermented grains according to the production instructions, truly realizing unmanned operation and automatic operation. "We constantly optimize the production operation mode, improve the controllability of production and brewing, and promote the upgrading of Jinpai from traditional industry to new industrialization," said Wang Li, deputy general manager of production of Jinpai Maotai Town Wine Co., Ltd.

The third liquor making workshop of Jinpai Liquor Industry, which was put into production last November, is the workshop with the highest degree of intelligence of Jinpai Liquor Industry. Here, the scene of carrying and sweating by hand no longer appears. Instead, the intelligent steamer loading robot is constantly running, spreading the fermented grains, grains and hulls evenly in the wine steamer, greatly improving the production efficiency. "The robot steamer adopts infrared imaging and ultrasonic detectors to realize intelligent steamer loading, which greatly reduces liquor loss, and also reduces labor, as well as unstable steamer loading. The output and quality of raw liquor are higher and better than traditional ones." Chen Fan, director of technology department of Jinpai Maotai Town Wine Co., Ltd., said.

 The master of Jinpai Liquor Industry is measuring the alcohol. Photographed by Liao Zhumei

The master of Jinpai Liquor Industry is measuring the alcohol. Photographed by Liao Zhumei

In order to further improve the level of intelligence, in 2021, Jinpai Liquor Industry independently developed the production information platform system, which not only realized the efficient sharing of production data, but also realized the online production record, data visualization, report automation, convenient mobile input, automatic report push Functions such as production anomaly warning not only improve production efficiency, but also save a lot of labor costs, effectively promoting the high-quality development of the industry. "Next, we will continue to aim at making high-quality Maotai flavor wine, continue to carry out research and innovation in brewing technology, stimulate our enterprise's new quality productivity, ensure that the quality of wine body reaches the leading position in the industry, and help Renhuai's economic and social high-quality development." Wang Li said.

 Workers can realize intelligent production by manipulating machines. Courtesy of Renhuai Rong Media Center

Workers can realize intelligent production by manipulating machines. Courtesy of Renhuai Rong Media Center

Also exploring the use of intelligent brewing technology is Guizhou Guotai Shuzhi Liquor Industry Co., Ltd. located in Maotai Town, which is also a subsidiary of Guotai Liquor Industry. In recent years, the company has further refined 30 processes and 165 links of traditional brewing into 269 links and 1071 indicators through scientific and technological innovation and investment in intelligent equipment, so as to realize online monitoring, collection, analysis and control of liquor making process. "We adhere to the concept of 'scientific innovation does not leave the clan', and under the strict implementation of Maotai Town's Zhongdaqu Maotai Maotai flavor liquor technology, we maximize the use of machines to replace the heavy manual labor links. From the construction of the grain base to the production of sand, cellar storage to packaging, the whole process is based on the scale of digital research to promote automation and intelligence." Wang Huan, a staff member of the central control room of the first workshop of Guizhou Guotai Shuzhi Liquor Co., Ltd., introduced.

 Central control room of the first workshop of Guizhou Guotai Shuzhi Liquor Co., Ltd. Photographed by Liao Zhumei

Central control room of the first workshop of Guizhou Guotai Shuzhi Liquor Co., Ltd. Photographed by Liao Zhumei

This year is the 13th year for Guotai Wine Industry to start mechanized and intelligent brewing. Over the past 10 years, Guotai Liquor Industry has gone through six iterations, gradually evolving from traditional manual operation to mechanization and automation, then to partial intellectualization and digitalization, until the basic construction of intelligent brewing system integration system. Compared with traditional brewing technology, water consumption per unit product is reduced by 78%, and natural gas consumption is reduced by 17%; The labor conditions of workers were significantly improved, and the per capita annual production capacity was increased by 60%. "Next, Guotai will focus on four aspects: intelligent brewing, multi-channel layout, being close to consumers and improving brand influence, and shift to a 'digital and intelligent thinking mode'. Only when the thinking is fully in line with the times, can our enterprises truly move towards high-quality development." said Wang Wei, project leader and production director of Guizhou Guotai Digital and Intelligent Wine Industry.

 The wine is temporarily stored in the wine jar after being taken. Photographed by Liao Zhumei

The wine is temporarily stored in the wine jar after being taken. Photographed by Liao Zhumei

Scientific and technological innovation is the core element of developing new quality productivity. As early as 2011, Renhuai has carried out the work related to the digitalization of liquor industry. In 2021, a new industrialization leading group of Renhuai City was established, the implementation plan of Renhuai City to promote industrial multiplication and take the lead in achieving industrial breakthroughs was formulated, and the implementation opinions of Renhuai City on accelerating the high-quality development of new industrialization were drafted, so as to effectively accelerate the digital and intelligent pace of the Maotai flavor liquor industry, and promote the quality and efficiency improvement of Renhuai Maotai flavor liquor industry Transformation and upgrading. According to statistics, 152 large-scale enterprises in Renhuai City achieved a total industrial output value of 29.496 billion yuan in the first quarter of 2024, a year-on-year increase of 13.7%. "Digital technology is the key support to accelerate the formation of new quality productivity. It is self-evident that promoting intelligent brewing plays an important role in the future development of liquor enterprises. Intelligent brewing will become a turning point in the development of liquor enterprises. At present, Renhuai liquor industry is comprehensively advancing towards new industrialized intelligent brewing." Chen Gang, deputy director of Renhuai SME Service Center, said. (Text/Picture Liao Zhumei, Yu Jijun)

(Editor in charge: Ao Jiayu, Chen Kangqing)

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