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Qianxinan Prefecture: Vigorous Walking, Gathering National Soul, Singing, Singing and Solidarity

14:16, May 20, 2024 | Source: People's Daily Online Guizhou Channel
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In the summer, the fiery pomegranate flowers are in full bloom. The morning drizzle is dancing in the misty air, and green water and green mountains are behind the trees.

At 7:30 a.m. on May 17, one of the activities of "National Unity and Progress Publicity Month" in Qianxinan Prefecture in 2024, the 10 km concentric run of "Building the Awareness of the Chinese National Community" is about to start. The contestants wearing the national batik style cultural shirt printed with "casting the awareness of the Chinese national community" are warming up.

 1. Ready to go.

Ready to go.

With the issuance of the "start" command, more than 700 athletes bravely ran forward with vigorous steps.

Green trees witness, drizzle accompanies, and brisk walking is a pen. While appreciating the beautiful scenery of the roadside, the athletes feel the hearty feeling brought by running. The track is sometimes uphill and sometimes downhill. The winding track witnesses the athletes' tenacity and perseverance. Every step of running is condensed with strength, recording the determination and confidence to move forward.

"I have been to many cities to participate in the marathon race, but Qianxinan is very special. There are spiritual elements of 'refuel and run' everywhere, inspiring people!"

"As a veteran, I often think of cross-country training in the army when I start running."

"Run for health!"

Running friends have a lot of experience to communicate with each other.

 2. Run bravely.

Run bravely.

Every May, the Qianxinan Prefecture Ethnic and Religious Affairs Commission insists on carrying out the activity of "National Unity and Progress Publicity Month", which fully demonstrates the achievements of all ethnic groups in Qianxinan in "common unity and struggle, common prosperity and development". This year, through the "building a strong sense of community of the Chinese nation" 10 km concentric run, let runners of all ethnic groups from inside and outside the province gather together to promote the embeddedness of all ethnic groups in space, culture, economy, society, heart and other aspects, and promote exchanges and exchanges among all ethnic groups.

"Wanfeng Forest is very beautiful. I didn't expect to catch such a wonderful event. It's really a worthwhile trip!" Ms. Ling from Liangshan Prefecture, Sichuan Province said happily.

 3. Knowledge publicity.

Knowledge publicity.

At the end of the track, the Civil Affairs Bureau of 8 counties (cities) in Qianxinan Prefecture set up exhibition boards to introduce the work of building a strong sense of the Chinese national community. It also organized businesses in all counties (cities) to seize the opportunity to display and sell various cultural and creative products with national characteristics and local specialties, attracting people to stop and buy, select some favorite ones, and take them back to relatives and friends.

"What is the main line of the Party's ethnic work in the new era?" "What is the specific content of the 'Three Exchange Plan'?" "When was Qianxinan Buyei and Miao Autonomous Prefecture founded?"

At the scene of national unity and progress knowledge quiz, people of all ethnic groups scrambled to answer questions. The lively and interesting quiz activities set off a wave of quiz fever. The various and healthy on-site publicity activities have created a good publicity atmosphere, formed a larger publicity momentum, further promoted the national unity and progress work to be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and effectively cast the sense of the Chinese national community.

 4. Flags and books are presented.

Flags and books are presented.

At the launching ceremony of the "Publicity Month of National Unity and Progress" activity, the prefecture leaders presented flags to the Qianxinan Prefecture's publicity team for building a solid sense of the Chinese national community, the Qianxinan Prefecture's "Civilized Village Style" publicity team, and presented the book "Introduction to the Chinese National Community" to the members of the Qianxinan Prefecture's publicity team for building a solid sense of the Chinese national community.

Relevant leaders from Liupanshui City, Anshun City, Bijie City, Qiannan Prefecture and 8 counties (cities) of Qianxinan Prefecture in Guizhou Province, as well as the departments of people and religion, attended the launching ceremony.

The artistic performance of "Building a strong sense of Chinese national community and a harmonious homeland" dedicated by Guizhou Ethnic Song and Dance Troupe pushed the activity to a climax. The performers sing and dance, sing and dance with the unique singing and dancing culture of all ethnic groups, eulogize the new era with deep feelings, and look forward to the future comprehensively. The beautiful dance, beautiful singing and beautiful music won the applause of everyone, and showed the audience a beautiful picture of national unity that "the Chinese nation is one family, building the Chinese dream together with one heart".

 5. Literary and artistic performances.

Theatrical performances.

"I retired for two years and participated in the performance of the national costume model team. I felt the joy and variety of life." Ms. Liang Jing, who participated in the national costume show, said excitedly.

In recent years, Qianxinan Prefecture Party Committee and Qianxinan Prefecture Government have attached great importance to ethnic work, especially the solid promotion of the "National Unity and Progress Publicity Month" activity, fostering the Chinese national spirit and inheriting the excellent traditional Chinese culture. Actively guide the cadres and masses of all ethnic groups in the prefecture to strive to be the propagandists, defenders and practitioners of building a strong sense of the Chinese national community, jointly guard the flower of national unity, jointly build a beautiful home, and strive to write a new chapter in the cause of national unity and progress.

In 2018, since Qianxinan Prefecture was successfully established as a national demonstration state of national unity and progress, the whole prefecture has been named 6 national demonstration units of national unity and progress, 3 national demonstration collectives of national unity and progress, and 3 model individuals; 26 provincial national unity and progress demonstration units were named, 12 model collectives and 17 model individuals, and the typical demonstration leading effect was further enhanced. (Text/Picture: Chen Xiangbiao)

(Editor in charge: Li Yongxin, Chen Kangqing)

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