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2024 Zunyi Wujiangzhai Super Long distance Gold Grand Prix Kicks off

19:48, May 18, 2024 | Source: People's Daily Online Guizhou Channel
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At 8:30 a.m. on May 18, the 2024 Zunyi Wujiangzhai Super Long distance Golden Grand Prix officially began with the sound of the gong on 9 sides of the Modern Square in Bozhou District, Zunyi City! More than 11000 athletes from all over the country rushed out of the starting line. The cheers and shouts of the people on both sides of the track resounded through the sky, and the warm atmosphere infected the whole stadium.

 1 The picture shows the starting point.jpg

The starting point of the long run.

It is reported that this event, with the theme of "Running in Wujiang Village, Spreading Nostalgia", is a super long-distance race only for Chinese citizens. It is divided into three groups: Happy Running (5.18 km), Passion (20.72 km), and Challenge (51.8 km). The starting point is Modern Square in Bozhou District, and the final destination is Huilong Island Square in Wujiang Village Scenic Area through Boya Wetland Park and Bozhou Stadium. Nearly half of the whole track is located in the scenic Wujiangzhai tourist road, traditional villages, mountain paths and stone steps on the banks of the Yutang River. The unique charm of "homesickness spreads in the state" is everywhere. Where the track passes, there are city roads and country roads; There are hillsides and fields, as well as small bridges and flowing water; There are Hemei villages and ancient villages of Miao Township. The ups and downs along the way are beautiful. The athletes felt the vitality of the struggling city, saw the beautiful countryside, and experienced the ethnic customs of colorful culture. In addition to the wonderful sports, it is also full of fighting in life.

 2. Kick off by drumming. jpg

Beat the drum and run away.

Everywhere the athletes went, the drums and gongs were loud and the crowds were huge. More than 2000 young students were running and shouting, Goujiang dancing was fierce and enthusiastic, the momentum of the powerful drums and gongs was extraordinary, the national dances were colorful, the money pole dance and the waist drum dance were sonorous and powerful, and people along the way rushed to both sides of the track to warmly welcome and cheer. The sports enthusiasm of the whole city was "Super Long distance Running Gold Grand Prix" Instantly lit, so that every step of the runner is full of surprise and warmth.

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Run away.

It is reported that there are 22 supply stations throughout the track, providing athletes with more than 10 kinds of food supplies and various drinks, such as Nanbai Yellow Cake, Rosa roxburghii juice, and 18 atmosphere stations along the line to cheer the contestants. More than 1400 volunteers participated in the event services on that day, as well as traffic police escort, police escort and various rescue teams, providing athletes with a safe, comfortable and reassuring event environment.

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Long distance running scene.

An event ignites a city. Whether it is a professional player who challenges himself, a popular player who enjoys sports, or a warm parent child happy run, the 2024 Zunyi Wujiangzhai Super Long distance Run has truly realized the popularization of fitness. On the track of the Happy Running Group, there are elderly people over 60 years old, romantic and sweet couples, and a warm and harmonious family of three... Here, the age and distance are no longer important, and everyone pursues to surpass themselves and enjoy happiness, full of the happy running cultural atmosphere.

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Rush forward.

Near noon, a cheer sounded in Huilong Island Square, Wujiangzhai International Tourism Resort. "Coming! Coming!" This is the end of the 2024 Zunyi Wujiangzhai Super Long distance Gold Grand Prix. At this moment, all eyes are focused on the end channel. The central and provincial media waiting at the finish line had already prepared their cameras. At the moment when the champion raced across the line, the shutter clattered, which was an exciting moment for athletes and spectators.

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walk as if on wings.

After fierce competition, Cen Wanjiang won the men's challenge group championship in 2 hours, 53 minutes and 25 seconds. Yin Shunjin and Guan Yousheng won the second and third places respectively. In the women's challenge group, Wang Min won the championship in 3 hours, 24 minutes and 13 seconds. Zheng Wenrong and Huang Fei won the second and third places respectively. Chen Yongchao won the men's passion group championship, Li Bo and Meng Shuai won the second and third respectively, Zhang Ting won the women's passion group championship, Zhao Caiwei and Li Chunxia won the second and third respectively.

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First place for men.

It is reported that the Super Long distance Gold Grand Prix, founded in 2003, is a long-distance running event that combines sports and culture. It is the first event in China's sports history that takes gold as a reward, and it is also one of the largest cross-country running events (155.4 kilometers) in China today. The event takes the volume of 1 kg of AU99.99 gold ingot 51.8 cubic centimeters as its creativity, The distance of long-distance race is designed to be 51.8km, and the race track of road race+cross-country race+scenic spot is designed. There is no golden hair award, and only Chinese citizens can participate in the race.

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First place for women.

This event aims to promote the deep integration of the "culture+sports+tourism" industry, promote sports events into scenic spots, blocks and business circles, create high-quality sports tourism event IP, lead the national fitness campaign to flourish, and the event scale and number of participants have reached a new high in similar events in the region. (Picture/Wenbo Prefecture District Financial Media Center)

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Award site.

(Editor in charge: Pan Jiaqian, Chen Kangqing)

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