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Sinohydro Bureau 9 held theme group day and May 4th commendation meeting

08:54, May 18, 2024 | Source: People's Daily Online Guizhou Channel
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In order to educate and guide the youth league members to actively participate in the new journey of high-quality development of enterprises, recently, Sinohydro Bureau 9 held the theme of "holding high the banner and following the party to uphold the responsibility of innovation" group day activity and the May 4th commendation conference.

 1. Theme Group Day and May 4th Commendation Conference of Sinohydro Bureau 9 Co., Ltd.jpg

The theme group day and the May 4th commendation meeting of Sinohydro Bureau 9 Co., Ltd.

At the meeting, Zhou Zhengrong, secretary of the Party Committee and chairman of the board of directors of the company, made a situation guidance report for the majority of young people, analyzed, studied and judged the situation in combination with the company's "14th Five Year Plan", focused on the requirements of high-quality development, and made specific requirements for the realization of the company's annual goals and the completion of key tasks.

 2. Theme Group Day and May 4th Commendation Conference of Sinohydro Bureau 9 Co., Ltd.jpg

The theme group day and the May 4th commendation meeting of Sinohydro Bureau 9 Co., Ltd.

Zhou Zhengrong sent a message to the young people that they should strive to be the "idealistic" youth of the Ninth Bureau with the ambition of "Dapeng rises with the wind one day and soars up to 90000 miles"; We should strive to be the "bold" youth of the Ninth Bureau with the mind of "worrying about the world first and enjoying the world later"; We should strive to be a "hardworking" youth in the ninth round with the belief that "it is hard to get ten thousand pieces of wine, but it is not until we blow all the crazy sand that we can get gold"; We should strive to be a "hardworking" youth in the ninth round with the determination of "fighting in the yellow sand and wearing the golden armor, never breaking the floor and never returning"; We should strive to be a "clean and honest" youth of the Ninth Bureau with the character of "coming out of the mud without dyeing, washing clean ripples without demons".

 3. Theme Group Day and May 4th Commendation Conference of Sinohydro Bureau 9 Co., Ltd.jpg

The theme group day and the May 4th commendation meeting of Sinohydro Bureau 9 Co., Ltd.

The meeting commended the advanced collectives and individuals in the Communist Youth League system of the company in 2023, the model worker of Tibet Autonomous Region Zhe Xiaojin, the winner of the May 1st Labor Medal of Guizhou Province Liu Hongde, the May 4th Red Flag Youth League Committee of the Power Construction Group in 2023 - Youth League Committee of the Sixth Company, and the May 4th Red Flag Youth League Branch of the company in 2023 - Guangzhou Dawan District Science and Technology Innovation Center Base Bid Section III Project Youth League Branch made exchange speeches. (By Li Sha, Yang Lutu, Zheng Hongchao)

(Editor in charge: Pan Jiaqian, Chen Kangqing)

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