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New breakthrough! Guizhou University added one of the world's top 1% ESI disciplines!

08:52, May 18, 2024 | Source: People's Daily Online Guizhou Channel
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Recently, Kerui Weian released the statistical data of ESI from January 1, 2014 to February 29, 2024. Guizhou University has made a new breakthrough in the construction of ESI disciplines, and the geoscience discipline has become the top 1% of ESI disciplines in the world. So far, the school has seven disciplines, including chemistry, plant and animal science, engineering, agricultural science, environment and ecology, materials science, and earth science, which have reached the top 1% of the ESI global rankings.

ESI (Essential Science Indicators) is a scientific research development trend analysis and evaluation database based on the Web of Science core collection database, which makes statistics on the scientific research performance of the top 1% institutions in 22 disciplines and research fields around the world and ranks their scientific research strength.

 The gate of the west campus of Guizhou University. Photographed by Chen Heng.jpg

The gate of the west campus of Guizhou University. Photographed by Chen Heng

In this ESI ranking, Guizhou University rose 110 places in the global comprehensive ranking compared with the previous period, and the ranking of universities in mainland China also rose 4 places steadily. At the same time, the number of highly cited papers in Guizhou University has reached 210, and various ESI data show a steady growth trend.

In recent years, Guizhou University has actively responded to the call of the national "double first-class" construction, and under the strong support of the policy of "strengthening Guizhou University" in Guizhou Province, it has continuously deepened the discipline construction and talent cultivation. Especially in the field of geosciences, the school gives full play to its disciplinary advantages, focuses on the strategic needs of national energy security and "rich ore and refined development" in Guizhou, aims at the forefront of disciplines and key technical fields, and provides strong support for the school's "double first-class" construction. (Jiang Feng)

(Editor in charge: Pan Jiaqian, Chen Kangqing)

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