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Consciously be a model of the Party's discipline, a learner, a follower and an executor

May 13, 2024 11:03 | Source: Guiyang Network
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Discipline is the "yardstick" for managing the Party and governing the Party, and it is also the standard for Party members and cadres to restrict their own behavior. To truly make the process of learning Party discipline a process of enhancing the sense of discipline and improving the Party spirit, we require the majority of Party members and cadres to adhere to deepening in learning, internalizing in mind, and transforming into action, take the lead in learning and understanding, in strict discipline, in strict Party management, and consciously become model learners, observants, and executors of Party discipline, so that they can be strict with themselves and shoulder their responsibilities Strictly control the thoughts and actions under its jurisdiction more consciously and firmly, and truly integrate self-discipline into work and life.

Strengthening the Party's discipline construction is a strong guarantee to maintain the Party's progressiveness and purity and ensure that the Party will not deteriorate, change color or taste. Practice tells us that failure to pay attention to, understand and master the Party rules and disciplines will easily lead to ideological decline and action deviation. Party members and cadres must conscientiously study and implement the important speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping on the study and education of party discipline and the spirit of important instructions, strengthen political determination, discipline determination, moral determination and anti-corruption determination in learning and understanding the Regulations on Disciplinary Punishment of the Communist Party of China, and play an exemplary and leading role in strengthening party building and promoting comprehensive and strict governance of the party to in-depth development.

Consciously be a model learner of the Party's discipline and take the lead in learning and understanding. Party members and cadres should adhere to the principle of learning from the original, carefully study the Regulations word by word, chapter by chapter, article by article, and compare the old with the new, to find out what the Party's discipline and rules are, and what they can and cannot do. We should learn from practice, closely combine our work, job responsibilities and daily life, and take the initiative to correct our thoughts and actions with Party rules and disciplines. It is necessary to compare the inspection study, insist on putting oneself, work and responsibility into it, and strive to learn more pure loyalty, more honest ethics and stronger responsibility.

Be a model of Party discipline and take the lead in strict discipline. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "leading cadres should be bold in their work and cautious in their use of power. They should always have a sense of awe and fear, and consciously accept discipline and legal constraints."

Party members and cadres should set an example and take the lead in setting an example. They should always tighten the strings of discipline and rules, engrave the observance of rules and disciplines in their hearts, internalize them into daily words and deeds, further strengthen their sense of discipline, strengthen self-discipline, improve their immunity, lay the bottom line, know how to fear, and guard against fear, so as to ensure that they will not indulge, deviate from the rules, and do not exceed the rules at any time One should refrain from saying something and stop doing something.

Be a model executor of the Party's discipline consciously, and take the lead in making progress. The ultimate goal of learning, knowing and clarifying discipline is to standardize and restrict Party members and cadres to strictly observe discipline, and the fundamental goal is to create a positive, healthy and entrepreneurial environment by clarifying the direction, establishing rules, improving the atmosphere and strengthening immunity. For Guiyang Gui'an Party members and cadres, abiding by the rules and disciplines is only the bottom line requirement, and taking an active role under strict constraints is their true colors. We should combine the strengthening of discipline with the exertion of subjective initiative, combine the observance of rules and disciplines with the courage to do good deeds, focus on development and work hard in the spirit of making progress, perform our duties and responsibilities well for the Party and the people, and bring together all the efforts to write a new chapter in the practice of Chinese style modernization in Guiyang Guiyang. (Commentator of Guiyang Daily)

(Editor in charge: Wu Feng, Chen Kangqing)

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