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Wang Qiyun Investigates Grassroots Social Governance

14:21, May 8, 2024|
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On May 6, Wang Qiyun, Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of Guiyang Municipal People's Congress and Secretary of the Yunyan District Committee of the CPC, investigated grass-roots social governance. He stressed that we should focus on what the people think and expect, comprehensively improve the grass-roots governance ability, and constantly enhance the people's sense of gain, happiness and security.

Liu Zhi and Huang Xing, leaders of Yunyan District, attended.

Wang Qiyun and his party came to Fushui Community, Wenchangge Street, held a symposium with members of the "two committees" of Fushui Community, listened carefully to the reports on the basic situation of the community, the construction of the talent team, the performance of the grid members and the head of the joint household, asked for opinions and suggestions on reducing the burden at the grass-roots level, and studied and solved the existing difficulties and problems on the spot.

At the symposium, Wang Qiyun expressed his heartfelt thanks for the hard work of front-line comrades at the grass-roots level, and fully affirmed the achievements made. He stressed that grass-roots cadres are the bridge and link between the Party and the government and the masses. They should unite and cooperate, pool their efforts, practice the purpose of serving the people, constantly promote the resonance between grass-roots party building and grass-roots social governance, and build a new pattern of grass-roots governance that is jointly built, jointly governed and shared.

We should work boldly, be brave to innovate, dare to do and dare to think, and actively play the role of a bridge to connect with the masses, so that all measures to benefit the people are more warm and effective. It is necessary to lead the team, comprehensively improve the ability of the secretary of the grass-roots party organization to grasp the team, service, governance and development, and do his duty and service. We should serve the masses, be a good "clerk" of the masses, do a good job in matters that benefit, facilitate, secure and enrich the people, and do everything possible to solve the problems for the masses. We should set a good example, give full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of Party members, and constantly sum up experience, create highlights and make features.

The main leaders of relevant departments of Yunyan District and Wenchangge Sub district Party Working Committee attended. (Chen Jingrou)

(Editor in charge: Li Yongxin, Chen Kangqing)

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