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Make employment services more "smart" (People's Review)

Qiu Chaoyi
March 29, 2024 08:09 | Source: People's Daily
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We should make full use of digital technology, promote the deepening and implementation of smart employment, and provide faster, more accurate and higher quality public employment services for job seekers and recruiters

In Shanghai, the Smart Employment Zone was set up for the first time in the Matchmaking Meeting for College Graduates, and the "No. 1 Job Seeker", which can "brush your face" and submit resumes, attracted many people to try; In Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, a special job fair for college students launched AI interviewers, who can simulate experts to train interview skills; In Jinan, Shandong Province, a live broadcast of the "Spring Wind Action" led to 200000 online interactions... Recently, digital technology and smart services have accelerated their integration into local spring recruitment, bringing new experiences to job seekers.

Smart employment services provide a new way to better address the pressure on total employment and structural contradictions. The number of college graduates in 2024 is expected to be 11.79 million. At present, the total number of migrant workers is nearly 300 million, and the number of registered business entities reaches 184 million. The demand for employment and employment docking is growing day by day. However, on the one hand, job seekers do not know enough about their future jobs and are difficult to choose, and on the other hand, enterprises do not have a clear grasp of the talent situation, which has affected the employment matching degree and success rate to a certain extent. The problem of employment information asymmetry needs to be solved urgently. Smart employment services supported by digital technology can effectively reduce the search cost and communication difficulty of job recruitment, solve the problem of information asymmetry, and improve the quality and efficiency of employment services.

With the continuous upgrading of digital technology, smart employment plays a greater role in employment public services. For example, for job seekers, online recruitment not only increases employment channels, but also effectively extends the content and scope of recruitment activities. Compared with offline recruitment, its communication scope is wider and the procedure is simpler. This has greatly facilitated the job search in different places, and is also conducive to integrating more information from recruitment enterprises and human resources institutions to provide more employment opportunities. This year's Government Work Report proposed to "optimize employment and entrepreneurship guidance services". With a view to the future, we should make full use of digital technology, promote the deepening and implementation of smart employment, and provide faster, more accurate and higher quality public employment services for job seekers and recruiters.

Through blocking points, strengthen personnel post matching. At present, the mismatch between the discipline structure of some colleges and the demand for industrial development is an important reason for the structural contradiction of employment. Strengthening school enterprise cooperation and building a smart platform for education and industrial data exchange will help colleges and universities grasp the employment situation of different majors in a timely manner, dynamically adjust enrollment plans and discipline settings, and form a more accurate "employment enrollment training" linkage feedback mechanism.

Make up for weaknesses and improve the quality of employment. China's manufacturing industry has accelerated its transformation to high-end, intelligent and green industries. It has put forward higher requirements for digital skills for many front-line jobs, and has spawned new professions such as intelligent manufacturing engineering technicians. To fill the gap of new skilled talents, enterprises have limited ability to cultivate independently, and smart employment services are promising. For example, combining employment and training closely, using short videos and other platforms to develop and promote skills training courses and help implement lifelong vocational skills training, which will help accelerate the improvement of the quality of workers and achieve higher quality employment.

Convergence, improve the policy chain. Stable employment is a systematic project involving multiple departments, multiple subjects and multiple links. Whether it is to strengthen the cooperation of relevant policies such as tax reduction and fee reduction, capital bonus and subsidy, and financing convenience, or to create employment service closed-loop such as employment monitoring, employment docking, and assistance, it is necessary to accelerate the construction of an integrated and digital information management platform, and to pool and stabilize the employment force through business linkage, data sharing, scientific management, etc, Let smart services better support the whole process of employment and entrepreneurship.

Fully implement the action of building a digital human society, more "intelligent joint office", and build a unified national employment public service platform... At the National Two Sessions this year, the main person in charge of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security introduced the next step, and "digital empowerment to create intelligent services" is one of the key points. With the accelerated popularization of smart employment services, the "policy to find people" will be more effective, and the "person post matching" will be more accurate, so that high-quality full employment benefits more people.

Originally published in People's Daily (the 5th edition on March 29, 2024)

(Editor in charge: Pan Jiaqian, Chen Kangqing)

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