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"Couple Village Doctor" has guarded the health of villagers in Dashan for more than 20 years

August 18, 2021 11:11 | Source: People's Daily Online Guizhou Channel
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 On August 17, Xiao Shijun (left) checked the condition of Miao villagers who came to see them at the Health Office of Jiashi Village, Paidiao Town, Danzhai County, Guizhou Province.
On August 17, Xiao Shijun (left) checked the condition of Miao villagers who came to see them at the Health Office of Jiashi Village, Paidiao Town, Danzhai County, Guizhou Province.

In Paidiao Town, Danzhai County, Qiandongnan Miao and Dong Autonomous Prefecture, Guizhou Province, there is a pair of "husband and wife village doctors" Xiao Shijun and Pan Qilan, who have taken root deep in the mountains. The couple have practiced medicine for more than 20 years, and together they protect the health of more than 2000 Miao people in more than 20 natural villages in Jiashi Village and Dangzao Village.

Xiao Shijun, who is 49 years old this year, and Pan Qilan, a member of the Party, are classmates of the Health School. After graduation, Xiao Shijun and Pan Qilan returned to Dangzao Village, Paidiao Town, their hometown. As "special talents" in medical education, the couple became village doctors in Dangzao Village and Jiashi Village, two villages close to Paidiao Town, and took the initiative to provide health services for villagers in remote mountainous areas. This couple of "husband and wife village doctors" either see a doctor for the villagers in their respective village clinics every day, or ride motorcycles together to visit the villagers' homes in remote small natural villages to measure their blood pressure and blood sugar free of charge, provide medical services, publicize epidemic prevention knowledge, etc., diagnose and treat the pain of the masses who have signed the "family doctor" contract, establish health records, etc. Patients with mobility problems and long-term bed rest, especially the elderly left behind, always take time out to provide door-to-door services. As long as the villagers make a phone call, they always carry their medicine boxes to make a home visit at the first time, no matter it is windy or rainy during the day or night.

For more than 20 years of rural medical practice, Xiao Shijun and Pan Qilan's medical skills and professionalism have been widely praised by the villagers. Today, the husband and wife are still busy in the mountains of Miao Township, and they are dedicated to protecting the health and safety of the villagers. The couple said, "It doesn't matter if we work harder. As long as the villagers in the village are healthy and happy, it's worth being tired." (Photo/Wen Yang Wukui)

(Editor in charge: Gu Lanyun, Chen Kangqing)

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