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Guizhou: Warm hearted volunteer teaching "big evil kids" are smiling

08:47, August 6, 2021 | Source: People's Daily Online Guizhou Channel
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 In the homecoming activity, students focus on games. Photographed by Gu Lanyun on
In the homecoming activity, students focus on games. Photographed by Gu Lanyun on

Congjiang,, August 6 (Gu Lanyun) On August 5, at Dahai Primary School in Dahai Village, Congjiang County, Qiandongnan Prefecture, the volunteer teacher of Nanming Primary School is organizing students to return to school during the holiday, which includes safety training during the holiday, commendation of outstanding students, work supervision, group games, etc. On the playground, the volunteer teacher led the students to play games, and the campus was full of children's laughter.

It is understood that Dahao Village is 26 kilometers away from the county seat, and there are three natural villages and five villager groups with a total of 2047 people from 287 households, all of whom are Miao. Due to historical reasons, the local people's education awareness was not strong before, the enthusiasm of sending children to school was not high, and the dropout situation was serious. Since 2019, Nanming Primary School in Guiyang has started to "group" help the evil primary schools, and now the local education concept is changing.

(Editor in charge: Gu Lanyun, Chen Kangqing)

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