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Fragrant Grapes Bring Guests

August 13, 2021 11:44 | Source: Guangxi Daily
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Tourists pick "sunshine roses" at the family farm in Zhangjia Town, Pingle County.

The harvest of "Sunshine Rose" made the owners of Weileshi Family Farm happy.

Aerial photo of 100 mu high-quality grape industrial park in Zhangjia Town, Pingle County.

In the golden autumn, there are many fruits. The 100 mu Sunshine Rose Grape Industrial Park in Shizibu, Rongjin Village, Zhangjia Town, Pingle County is enjoying another bumper harvest. The clusters of "Sunshine Roses" are crystal clear in the sunshine, and tourists take photos and pick them to their heart's content

"Our current sales channels mainly include orchard picking, fruit market and e-commerce, and orchard picking accounts for 60%." Lu Bin, the owner, said that grape sales began in mid July and lasted until late August. This year, the output of grapes is controlled at about 2250 kilograms per mu, with good quality and an output value of more than 60000 yuan per mu.

In August, the Weileshi Family Farm in Zhangjia Town of the county was fragrant with melons and fruits. There were more than ten kinds of fruits, such as five-star pipa, Taiwan honey peach, honey plum, summer orange and "sunshine rose". "The ecological environment here is very good. We like to invite friends over on holidays," said Ms. Xie from Shunde, Guangdong.

In recent years, Pingle County has accelerated the integration of agriculture and tourism, promoted the enrichment of people's income, developed and expanded the three advantageous industries of vegetables, fruits and rice, developed high-quality grape industry according to local conditions, and efficiently promoted the demonstration construction project of "Sunshine Rose · Fragrant Seal" plateau characteristic fruit through the demonstration and driving role of family farms, rural business entities and leading enterprises, Radiate and drive the development of high-end grape industry in the county, and promote the sustainable and stable income increase of fruit farmers. Zhangjia Town has made great efforts to develop high-quality grape planting, such as "Sunshine Rose", from the original sporadic trial planting to the current scale of more than 1000 mu, making grape planting the main channel for increasing people's income.

According to statistics, in 2021, Pingle County will plant 5367 mu of grapes of various varieties such as Jufeng, Xiahei, Hongti, Qingti, "Sunshine Rose · Fragrant Seal", with an output of 13633 tons and a total output value of 166.37 million yuan. (Su Gui/photo report)

(Editor in charge: Zhou Yulie, Pang Guanhua)

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