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Lanzhou Gaolan Fire Brigade carried out special supervision and inspection of fire product quality

17:25, March 26, 2024|
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Special inspection site. Drawing provided by Gansu Fire Rescue Corps

Recently, Lanzhou Fire Gaolan Brigade and Gaolan County Market Supervision and Administration Bureau carried out law enforcement supervision and inspection and publicity activities in the area under its jurisdiction.

The inspection team took the way of inspection and guidance at the same time, went deep into the fire product sales units, crowded places and other areas under their jurisdiction, and focused on the strict inspection of fire extinguishers, fire hoses, emergency lamps, fire hydrant heads, fire doors and other fire products, so as to find out whether there are fake, outdated and obsolete fire products, whether they are from regular manufacturers Purchase through formal channels, and whether regular maintenance is carried out. For the existing problems, the inspection team gave feedback on the spot and put forward rectification suggestions. At the same time, it also explained the judgment standards and methods of fire protection products to the responsible persons and employees of the enterprise, guided them how to identify fake and inferior fire protection products, required the responsible persons of all places to consciously perform the main responsibility of fire protection and strictly control the quality of fire protection products.

In the next step, Lanzhou Fire Gaolan Brigade will strengthen joint law enforcement, establish a working mechanism of information sharing, coordination and support, effectively maintain the order of fire products market, and provide more solid fire safety guarantee for high-quality development. (Gao Xuehong)

Source: Gansu Fire Rescue Corps

(Editor in charge: Jiao Long, Wang Tong)

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