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To promote high-quality development, we must highlight the key points and grasp the key points (to promote high-quality development and achieve stable economic growth)

Our reporter Wang Yantian, Liu Zhiqiang, Han Xin
March 1, 2024 09:29 | Source: People's Daily
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Original title: To promote high-quality development, we must highlight the key points and grasp the key points (to promote high-quality development and achieve stable economic growth)

The goal is the direction of struggle, and the problem is the voice of the times.

The great changes that have not happened in the world in a century have accelerated the evolution, and the problem of unbalanced and inadequate development in China is still prominent. How will China's economy anchor its goals and continue to move forward in 2024?

The Central Economic Work Conference held at the end of 2023 stressed that "we should focus on promoting high-quality development, highlight the key points, grasp the key points, and do a solid job in economic work."

"Leading the construction of modern industrial system with scientific and technological innovation", "Focusing on expanding domestic demand", "Deepening reform in key areas", "Expanding high-level opening up", "Continuously and effectively preventing and resolving risks in key areas", "Persevering on the work of" agriculture, rural areas and farmers "," Promoting urban-rural integration and regional coordinated development "," Deepening the construction of ecological civilization and green low-carbon development " "Effectively ensure and improve people's livelihood" - the nine key tasks deployed by the Central Economic Work Conference have drawn the "construction drawing" of economic work in 2024, which fully reflects the development wisdom of "seeking progress in stability, promoting stability through progress, and building first before breaking".

All regions and departments have thoroughly implemented the spirit of the Central Economic Work Conference, and the cadres and the masses have gone all out to complete the nine key tasks and solidly promote high-quality development with the drive of the dragon and the tiger.

Focus on promoting high-quality development, highlight key points, grasp key points, and do a solid job in economic work

With a height of 1.78 meters, a weight of 85 kilograms, and 40 joint degrees of freedom, it can imitate human grasping objects, and can also talk to people through stereo speakers... In early January, at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, America in 2024, the universal humanoid robot developed by Shanghai Kepler Exploration Robot Company attracted attention.

"Last November, the company released three universal humanoid robots, which are planned to be mass produced and sold to the global market in the second half of this year," said Hu Debo, vice president of the company.

The accelerated development of the new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation requires early planning and deployment to seize the commanding heights and seize the initiative.

Beijing focuses on improving the industrial ecology of brain computer interface, and deeply promotes the cross integration development of new materials, new manufacturing technologies, neuroscience, etc; Shanghai continues to make efforts around the whole robot, artificial intelligence chips and other elements to accelerate the layout of new intelligent robot tracks; Hefei, Anhui, strives to build a new highland of aerospace information industry, and provides policy support from the landing of headquarters, R&D innovation, financing support, frequency rail resources and other aspects... All regions and departments strive to be the first and do well in developing new quality productivity.

This year, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will make good use of the large domestic market and rich application scenarios to develop and expand new energy, new materials, intelligent connected vehicles and other emerging industries, while promoting the research, development, application and promotion of cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence, humanoid robots, metauniverse, the next generation Internet, 6G, quantum information, and deep-sea space development to build new advantages for future development.

Developing new quality productivity is the internal requirement and important focus of promoting high-quality development. The nine key tasks are carefully arranged around this "important focus"——

Scientific and technological innovation is the core element of developing new quality productivity. "Leading the construction of a modern industrial system with scientific and technological innovation" ranks first in nine key tasks, striving to promote new industries, new models, new drivers, and improve the modern industrial system.

New quality productivity itself is green productivity. "Deeply promote ecological civilization construction and green low-carbon development", actively and steadily promote carbon peak and carbon neutrality, improve the value realization mechanism of ecological products, and ecological advantages will continue to be transformed into development advantages.

The relations of production must adapt to the requirements of the development of productive forces. "Plan to further comprehensively deepen the major measures of reform" and "expand high-level opening up" are intended to rely on reform and opening up to enhance the development of endogenous power, and form a new type of production relations compatible with new quality productivity.

We should stick to the principle and keep our eyes open, and stick to the principle but not to the end.

The nine key tasks focus on the main contradictions and the main aspects of contradictions, and directly attack the "problems in progress and troubles in development", pointing out the direction for China's economy, which is still in the critical stage of recovery.

——In view of "insufficient effective demand", deploy "focus on expanding domestic demand".

The middle-income group continues to expand, the new urbanization is accelerated, and the green low-carbon transformation is further developed... Today's China has a huge market and is in the stage of rapid release of demand, which breeds a broad market space. In 2023, the contribution rate of domestic demand to China's economic growth will reach 111.4%, an increase of 25.3 percentage points over the previous year. "To cope with the complexity, severity and uncertainty of the external environment and promote the economic recovery, we need to rely on the advantages of the domestic market to better play the role of driving domestic demand." said Wang Wei, the former director and second level researcher of the Market Economy Research Institute of the Development Research Center of the State Council.

To solve the contradiction, we should base on our own advantages and take practical measures. To tap consumption potential, we should cultivate and expand new consumption, stabilize and expand traditional consumption, and increase the income of urban and rural residents. We should stimulate effective investment by giving full play to the amplification effect of government investment and supporting social capital. "With the efforts of multiple parties and coordinated promotion, consumption and investment will form a virtuous circle of mutual promotion, and the 'domestic demand initiative' will continue to grow." Wang Wei said.

——In view of "weak social expectations", we deployed "deepening reform in key areas".

Support the policy of "free application and instant access", encourage private enterprises to participate in the mixed transformation of state-owned enterprises, and promote high-quality investment projects to private capital in a normalized manner... In mid January, Guangdong introduced 30 measures to promote high-quality development of private economy. "At present, there is a great downward pressure on the economy, and it is particularly important to optimize the business environment." Lin Jiang, a professor at Sun Yat sen University, believes that relevant measures are conducive to further liberalizing market access, promoting fair and unified market supervision, breaking down hidden barriers in the field of public resource transactions, and boosting the confidence of private enterprises.

Promote development through reform, and rely on reform to add impetus. From deepening the implementation of the reform of state-owned enterprises, deepening the promotion action, improving the modern corporate governance of state-owned enterprises with Chinese characteristics, to promoting the development and growth of private enterprises, unblocking the channels for private enterprises to reflect their demands and solve problems, to accelerating the construction of a unified national market, and creating a market-oriented, legal, international and first-class business environment...... The reform measures have been effective, It will effectively enhance economic vitality and continue to inject strong impetus into high-quality development.

——In view of the fact that "there are still many risks and hidden dangers", we will deploy "continuous and effective prevention and resolution of risks in key areas".

Aim at "key minority" and focus on "key issues". On January 16, General Secretary Xi Jinping delivered an important speech at the opening ceremony of the seminar for leading cadres at the provincial and ministerial levels to promote high-quality financial development, emphasizing that "risk prevention and control should be the eternal theme of financial work" and "efforts should be made to prevent and resolve financial risks, especially systemic risks".

The coordination mechanism of urban real estate financing has been accelerated. Nanning, Chongqing and other places in Guangxi have pushed the first batch of "white list" of real estate projects to financial institutions. Finance and real estate are expected to achieve a more benign cycle; The Ministry of Finance has paid close attention to the work of defusing the hidden debt risk of local governments, defusing the stock and curbing the increase; The State Administration of Financial Supervision revised the credit management system to promote banking financial institutions to improve their credit management capabilities; The People's Bank of China has comprehensively strengthened financial supervision, improved the financial risk monitoring, assessment and prevention and control system... We will resolve risks in real estate, local debt, small and medium-sized financial institutions and other areas as a whole, and we will firmly hold the bottom line of no systemic risk.

Solve "problems" and "troubles" one by one. We will strengthen confidence and confidence, effectively respond to and solve the problems, and China's economy will continue to grow in overcoming challenges.

Adhere to the concept of system, plan as a whole, promote in coordination, and seek dynamic balance among multiple goals

The economic and social system is a complex system with universal links and multi-dimensional diversity. China's economy, as vast as the sea, bears and breeds huge development space, but also faces many dilemmas.

General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that "the system concept is a basic thought and working method", "the new development concept must be implemented completely, accurately and comprehensively, and the system concept must be adhered to".

"Overall plan to expand domestic demand and deepen supply side structural reform", "Overall plan for new urbanization and overall rural revitalization", "Overall plan for high-quality development and high-level security", the Central Economic Work Conference put forward clear requirements, systematic planning and coordinated promotion, and seek dynamic balance among multiple goals.

——Smooth "supply" and "demand", and further enhance the driving force for development.

Heilongjiang Yabuli Ski Tourism Resort received more than 130000 visitors per day, up 179% year on year; In Zhaosu County, Xinjiang, the ice and snow paradise is full of laughter and laughter, and the ice and snow sculpture works have attracted many people's attention... During the Spring Festival holiday just past, the ice and snow economy has become more and more popular, and new business forms such as "ice and snow+sports", "ice and snow+cultural tourism", "ice and snow+homestay" have flourished.

What is the reason for the transformation of "cold resources" into "hot economy"?

Consumer demand is rising. "With the increase of residents' income, ice and snow sports and ice and snow consumption have become more and more a normal fashion lifestyle," said Liu Min, a professor at the School of Tourism of Beijing Union University.

Infrastructure support. "Previously, it used to take at least three hours to drive from Beijing to Chongli, Hebei, to ski. After the Beijing Zhangjiakou high-speed railway opened, it only took one hour. The city is closer to the ski resort, opening up the consumption congestion." Zhang Xuguang, head of Hebei Zhangjiakou Yunding Ski Park, sighed.

The government departments take active actions. Heilongjiang launched the "Hundred Day Action" of winter ice and snow tourism, and Jilin issued 30 million yuan of ice and snow coupons to tourists... The policy "gift package" was launched one after another.

The transformation of "cold resources" into "hot economy" has many advantages.

Drive industrial development. In Harbin, Heilongjiang Province, the ice and snow sports equipment system focusing on skates and snowboards and the ice and snow field equipment system focusing on cableways and snow making and ice making equipment have taken shape, gathering more than 2000 related enterprises.

Benefit people's life. In winter, smoke curls from cooking in Chagan Lake Village, Songyuan, Jilin Province, and the delicious fish in the lake is full of fragrance. "The old customers are reluctant to leave, and the new faces are increasing day by day. The annual income of the farmer's home is about 300000 yuan." said Qu Sanmei, a villager.

With a super large market and strong production capacity, China has unique economic advantages and a solid foundation. "Insisting on deepening the supply side structural reform and focusing on expanding the synergy of effective demand, we must find the combination point that can both form high-quality supply and expand effective demand, and work together in policy." Wang Yiming, Vice President of the China Center for International Economic Exchanges, said.

Stimulate potential consumption! The Ministry of Commerce deployed the "Consumption Promotion Year" activity, Jiangsu launched the "Suxin Consumption · Winter Shopping Festival", and Shandong supported the construction of rural charging infrastructure... The consumer market bloomed new vitality.

Expand profitable investment! The first land cable crossing project in China was laid, the comprehensive treatment project of the Tongling reach of the Yangtze River was started, and the construction of the largest pumped storage power station with the highest elevation in the world was started in Sichuan... A number of major projects that are both beneficial to the present and the long term are steadily advancing.

Demand drives supply, supply creates demand, and supply and demand are linked together in an efficient and coordinated manner. China's economic development will be more dynamic.

——Coordinate "city" and "township" to further open up development space.

There are many factories, full of green. After 4 years of recycling transformation, Shandong Jinan Pingyin Industrial Park has taken on a new look.

"I am responsible for the renewal of the park and the beautification of the city." Ren Huaimin, 30, participated in the whole process of transformation. After working in Jinan for nearly 10 years, he was promoted from an ordinary employee to a company manager, and also moved into a self purchased commercial house from a shared house

More than 400 kilometers away, Ren Huaimin's hometown, Zhangjiayao Village, Huangbohai New Area, Yantai, Shandong, is also changing.

The original scattered plots have been transformed into a grape planting base covering more than 230 mu. In a large shed, Wang Aihua, a technician who came from the urban area of Yantai, was explaining the essentials of pruning fruit branches to farmers. "Since the establishment of a cooperative in 2021 in the village, I have come to provide technical services every week." When the grapes are ripe, the villagers become rich, and work and share dividends, driving the income of the villagers.

"Whether we can handle the relationship between urban and rural areas is related to the overall situation of socialist modernization." In order to promote the mutual promotion and coexistence of urban and rural areas, the Central Economic Work Conference proposed to "promote the two-way flow of various factors" and "form a new pattern of urban and rural integrated development". The executive meeting of the State Council held on December 29, 2023 studied relevant measures to further promote the people-oriented new urbanization, and made it clear that "the citizenization of agricultural transfer population should be placed in a prominent position".

We will deepen the reform of the household registration system, improve public services such as education and medical care, and make it possible for agricultural migrants to "get in" and "stay"; Focusing on the development of affordable rental housing, we will accelerate the solution of housing difficulties for new citizens, young people and other groups... "A series of policy measures will not only help to break the urban-rural dual structure, but also will strongly stimulate consumption and investment, and continue to release the potential of domestic demand." said Wei Qijia, director of the Industrial Economy Research Office of the Economic Forecast Department of the National Information Center.

With the city leading the countryside, industry promoting agriculture, and urban and rural areas playing a "concerto" together, China's economic development will have a broader space.

——Grasp "stability" and "progress" to further consolidate the development chassis.

The Sichuan Basin has added another great field. On January 17, Sinopec's "deep geological engineering · Sichuan Chongqing natural gas base" achieved a breakthrough: the proven geological reserves of Hexingchang gas field reached 133.012 billion cubic meters, and a new 100 billion cubic meters of ultra deep, packaged tight sandstone gas field was born in China.

Energy security and safety concerns the national economy and the people's livelihood. In 2023, China's energy supply will be stable. In the face of the uncertainty of the global oil and gas supply and demand pattern, the National Energy Administration said that it would play the role of coal as a guarantee, increase oil and gas exploration and development and infrastructure construction, improve the energy and resource reserve system, and firmly put the job of energy in its own hands.

Food security cannot be ignored for a moment. In 2023, China's grain output will reach a new high. In the face of the global food crisis, we should "never relax to ensure the stable and safe supply of food and other important agricultural products". The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs proposed that this year we should focus on stabilizing the area and increasing the yield per unit area, ensure the overall stability of the sown area, tap the potential and expand the area where conditions permit, and strive to increase production.

With high-quality development to promote high-level safety, high-level safety to ensure high-quality development, and to promote "dynamic balance and mutual benefit" between development and safety, China's economic chassis will be more solid.

Adhere to the spirit of driving nails to implement and firmly promote high-quality development

If you are sure of it, do it quickly. Do as much as you can. Since the beginning of this year, the cadres and the masses have been working hard to write a new chapter on China's economic development——

By the Huangpu River, Shanghai launched a series of activities of "Tide of the Pujiang River" to invest in Shanghai's global sharing season, and constantly focused on optimizing the business environment;

In Jianghuai, Anhui focuses on creating a first-class business environment, and strives to promote high-quality development of private economy;

On the coast of the South China Sea, Guangdong focuses on industrial science and technology to talk about innovation and seek the future, and strives to build a modern new Guangdong that relies on innovation to advance, become strong and win;


General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that "in doing our business, we must have the spirit of nailing nails, grasp the iron with marks, step on the stone and keep printing, steadily move forward, climb mountains and peaks, cross ditches and valleys, and constantly create a new situation by solving problems." The key to doing well in this year's economic work is to follow the deployment of the Central Economic Work Conference, Ensure the implementation of various key tasks for high-quality development.

On the one hand, we should adhere to the precise policy, seize the "bull's nose" and grasp the "key points".

Entering Hubei Wuhan Huazhong Numerical Control Co., Ltd., the test workshop is verifying the "five axis machining center" developed by a company in Guangdong. After data analysis, test verification and other processes, the equipment production efficiency can be greatly improved.

"In the past, there was no pilot test platform, so we had to test the products in the user's production workshop, and if there was a problem, we would go back to modify it, which would lengthen the research and development cycle." Xian Fei, head of the pilot test department of Huazhong CNC, said that after the enterprise built its own pilot test and test workshop, it could improve while testing, and the research and development cycle would be shortened to 1/4 of the original. At present, they are also actively building a pilot public service platform, which is open to other companies in the industry for common use.

Pilot scale test, the only way for products from R&D to production, is the key link for the industrialization of scientific and technological achievements. Due to the high investment, many small and medium-sized enterprises lack the ability of pilot test. Recently, the relevant departments issued the Opinions on the Implementation of Pilot scale Innovative Development in Manufacturing Industry, aiming at this "pain point". Support leading enterprises to build independent product pilot platforms, build comprehensive pilot public service institutions, and take multiple measures to accelerate the transformation of more innovative achievements into real productivity.

To promote high-quality development, we need to work hard at the crux. Aiming at "choking" technology, implement major scientific and technological innovation projects and projects; Focus on the "gaps" in some areas of the data factor market, accelerate the construction of the data infrastructure system, and lay a solid foundation for the development of the digital economy... Concentrate advantageous resources and forces, and drive the overall improvement with key breakthroughs, so that more work will be put into practice and see results.

On the one hand, we should maintain strategic concentration and continue to work hard for a long time.

Recently, the Comprehensive Reform Pilot Implementation Plan of Pudong New Area (2023-2027) was released, giving Pudong New Area greater autonomy and supporting its high-level reform and opening up.

On the basis of the national unified negative list of market access, we will study and relax special measures for market access around breaking barriers and opening up scenarios; On the basis of previous institutional innovation, we plan to encourage foreign-invested enterprises to participate in the formulation of domestic standards in accordance with the law, implement the global asset management partnership plan and other opening measures... First try and actively explore, Pudong's development and opening up will continue to show new atmosphere.

Reform does not stop and opening does not stop. From planning a new round of fiscal and tax system reform, implementing the financial system reform, to relaxing market access for services such as telecommunications, solving problems such as cross-border data flow, and building the brand of "investment in China"... In 2024, reform and opening up will continue to move in depth.

"Deepening", "Expanding", "Sustaining", "Persevering", "Deepening"... The "key words" in the nine key tasks fully reflect the strategic determination to focus on the end and achieve good results.

Promote "double carbon" and persevere. The National Development and Reform Commission proposed that in the new year, we should strengthen ecological protection and pollution prevention, accelerate energy-saving transformation, expand renewable energy consumption, and promote the gradual transformation from "dual control" of energy consumption to "dual control" of carbon emissions.

Stable employment, as always. Zhang Ying, Director of the Employment Promotion Department of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, said that this year, we will give more prominence to the priority orientation of employment, improve financial subsidies, tax incentives, financial support, social security and other support systems, and strengthen the employment trend.

Benefiting people's livelihood, we will work tirelessly. The Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development said that it would expand the new way of allocation type affordable housing on the basis of the original housing security system based on rent to better meet the multi-level housing needs of residents.

The goal is consistent, and the major deployment continues to progress, so that the grand blueprint can become a beautiful reality step by step.

The 14th Five Year Plan, the first five-year plan of the new journey; 2024 is a key year for the implementation of the 14th Five Year Plan.

"In the first half of the 14th Five Year Plan, 16 of the 20 major indicators in five areas, including economic development, innovation driven, people's well-being, green ecology, and security, basically met or exceeded expectations, and the overall goal of" more than half the time, more than half the task "was achieved." Liu Sushe, deputy director of the National Development and Reform Commission, said that in the next step, we should continue to focus on the 14th Five Year Plan Implement the objectives and tasks of the planning outline.

"Comprehensively implement the deployment of the Central Economic Work Conference, and constantly transform development advantages into development potential energy. By 2024, China's economy will be able to meet difficulties, forge ahead, and achieve effective quality improvement and reasonable quantity growth." Kang Yi, director of the National Bureau of Statistics, said.

*** ***

Time sequence changes and everything is renewed.

Looking at the world, changes in the world, times and history are unfolding in an unprecedented way.

Look at China. The world's second largest economy has formed sound and stable fundamentals in its long-term development. It has strong resilience, great potential and wide room for maneuver. The overall trend of long-term improvement will not change.

We will work together and work together to enhance the sense of responsibility and mission for doing economic work well, and creatively implement the decisions and arrangements of the Central Committee of the Party. We will certainly promote the stability of China's economy along the track of high-quality development.

(Editor in charge: Jiao Long, Wang Tong)

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