The public welfare film Mother's Eyes opens on May 8

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Highlight 1: Corneal Scarcity Love Initiative

According to statistics, there are more than 5 million blind people in China, and about 3 million patients are waiting for corneal transplantation. However, due to the lack of cornea, only a few thousand corneal transplantation operations can be completed in major hospitals across the country every year. The need of cornea can never be met, so the support from all walks of life is urgently needed. To this end, we have sprouted a film that reflects corneal donation. Through the film as a special carrier, more people can understand the hardships of blind people's life, and more people can reach out to help and support the special group of blind people.

Highlight 2: Donation of film remuneration starts from me
The film director Cui Yali, the main actors Lv Zhong (Wang Ruifen), Chen Long (Xiao Mang) and Li Qiang (Li Peidong) donated the film remuneration to the Red Cross Society of China in advance for the love action of Mother's Eyes - helping poor cataract patients.
Highlight 3: Organ donation benefits descendants
Our whole society should understand and support organ donation, because it is a public welfare undertaking that benefits future generations. Public welfare is a great cause that contributes to the present age and benefits the future. It also represents the continuation of life. We are a member of our family and society. While today's society attaches importance to economic construction, we should also pay more attention to fulfilling our responsibilities and obligations as a social citizen and repay the society.
Creative team:
General consultant: Peng Peiyun General planner: Guo Changjiang
Director system: Jiang Yiman Supervisor: Su Juxiang
Writer/director: Cui Yali Photographer: Zhi Lei
Starring: Lv Zhong, Chen Long, Li Qiangya, Dai Jiang
Co produced by: Federation of the Red Cross Society of China Beijing Elijah International Film Culture Development Co., Ltd
Production unit
Corneal donation procedure

1. Donors must voluntarily donate free of charge before death, and obtain the consent of all direct relatives
2. Before death, the donor should go to the relevant eye bank in person or entrust his/her family members to collect the application registration form of citizens' voluntary donation of eyeballs of human remains, and personally or entrust his/her family members to notarize the completed registration form and his/her will at the notary office
3. Once the donor dies, in order to ensure the freshness and integrity of the cornea of the remains, the executor of the agreement should immediately notify the Medical Management Department of the City Eye Hospital

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Outstanding stills of public welfare films
Unexpected Results
group photo
Mother and son
Camera for the blind
After operation
Operation table
Walk side by side
stick together and help each other in difficulties
The real cornea in the operating room
Unforgettable memories
Film and television tracking
Recommended films for public welfare

"The film taught me a lesson in life"

"I have a deeper understanding of maternal love"

"Mother's Eyes" let me grow! "

The great maternal love lights up the child's heart
The film takes the mother and son of a young photographer growing up in a single parent family as the background. After experiencing the frustration of blindness, the mother and son learn love again, feel love, face the hardships of life firmly, and use their own strength to give back to the society. Through the characterization of photographer Xiao Mang, we can see that he lost his eyes, but used his heart and voice to capture the moment of moving, and used his own photos to move more people, so that more people can understand the pain of people living in the dark, and cherish what we have now! And deeply realize that a person can gain more while losing. The world is as big as a person's heart is. If a person's heart is bright, his world is bright!
Cornea Donation Keeps Brightness in the World
Our whole society should understand and support organ donation, because it is a great cause that benefits future generations, contributes to the present and benefits future generations, and also represents the continuation of life. The root of a harmonious society is that a person should first of all have deep feelings and love for his motherland, so that he can do his part in this land. As a member of the society, while paying attention to economic construction in today's society, we should also have a sense of social responsibility. We should pay attention to fulfilling our responsibilities and obligations as a social citizen, care about suffering, love public welfare, and build a harmonious society from everyone!
Original intention of the film
According to statistics, there are more than 5 million blind people in China, and about 3 million patients are waiting for corneal transplantation. However, due to the lack of cornea, only a few thousand corneal transplantation operations can be completed in major hospitals across the country every year. The need of cornea can never be met, so the support from all walks of life is urgently needed. To this end, we have sprouted a film reflecting corneal donation. Through this special carrier, the film enables more people to understand the hardships of blind people's life, and enables more people to reach out to help and support this special group of blind people. So, Mother's Eyes was born. Through Mother's Eyes, we sincerely appeal to the society. When our own life is going to disappear from this world, why not leave a light for those living in the darkness?!
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