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Provide more financial support for pension undertakings (financial view)

Ouyang Jie
10:08, June 7, 2021 | Source: People's Daily
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The problem of population aging has been concerned, and all sectors of society have taken measures to deal with this change. Both the development of pension business and people's enjoyment of pension services need stronger financial support


Recently, in order to accelerate the development of commercial endowment insurance and better serve the construction of a multi-level and multi pillar endowment insurance system, the General Office of the Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission issued the Notice on Conducting the Pilot of Exclusive Commercial Endowment Insurance, and decided to launch the pilot of exclusive commercial endowment insurance in Zhejiang Province and Chongqing from June 1, We will encourage the innovative development of exclusive insurance products that are easy to insure, flexible in payment and stable in income.

Commercial endowment insurance, basic endowment insurance system, enterprise annuity and occupational annuity together constitute an important pillar of the endowment insurance system. In addition to commercial pension insurance, in recent years, financial institutions have continuously innovated their products and services, launched pension financing, pension funds, pension savings deposits, etc., to meet the diverse needs of people for pension security. The data jointly released by Everbright Bank and Boston Consulting Company recently shows that by the end of 2020, the overall scale of pension funds in China's asset management industry will reach 12.7 trillion yuan, of which the scale of entrusted external investment management will reach 5.6 trillion yuan, with a growth rate of 25%.

The 14th Five Year Plan and the Outline of Vision Goals for 2035 proposed to develop a multi-level and multi pillar endowment insurance system, improve the coverage of enterprise annuities, and standardize the development of the third pillar endowment insurance. In recent years, the issue of population aging has attracted attention, and all sectors of society have taken measures to deal with this change. The elderly care service market has been expanded and the quality has been improved. New elderly care service models such as community elderly care, smart elderly care, and combination of medical care and elderly care have been emerging, better meeting the diversified needs of elderly care. Many people plan for a rainy day, plan assets rationally, and purchase pension financial products. Both the development of pension business and people's enjoyment of pension services need stronger financial support.

To provide more financial support for pension undertakings, we need to improve the pension financial product system. In countries and regions with relatively complete pension systems, market-oriented pension accounts for a relatively high proportion, while the proportion in China is relatively low at present. With the deepening of aging in China, there is an urgent need to transform certain personal assets into long-term, relatively safe and profitable pension financial products with pension properties, so as to enhance the people's own pension security capabilities. In recent years, the pension financial product market has developed rapidly, and the financial services enjoyed by the people have become increasingly rich, meeting the pension needs of some people. However, there are also some pension financial products with weak aging characteristics. Although some financial products are titled as "pension", they are still dominated by short-term funds, which is no different from ordinary financial products. Some financial products only relax the restrictions on purchase age and conditions, but there are few exclusive products that are truly customized according to the physical condition of the elderly, and the charges are relatively high, so it is difficult to truly provide old-age security for the elderly. To better meet the needs of people for old-age security, financial institutions need to provide more high-quality financial products.

To provide more financial support for the elderly care, we should give full play to the joint efforts of relevant departments. It is advisable to increase tax support. On the one hand, it can provide tax incentives for financial institutions engaged in the pension industry and introduce long-term stable funds to the market. On the other hand, it can provide appropriate tax incentives for individuals to purchase pension financial products, expand the pilot scope of individual tax deferred commercial pension insurance, and mobilize the enthusiasm of the people to participate. Financial supervision departments should strengthen supervision, clarify standards, and standardize the development of pension financial products.

To provide more financial support for the elderly care, we should also cultivate more rational and mature investors. Recently, the CBRC issued a warning on the risk of illegal fund-raising in the field of pension, saying that some institutions and enterprises, under the banner of "pension services" and "healthy pension", use "high interest and high return" as bait to carry out illegal fund-raising activities and absorb funds from the elderly. In fact, pension products have the characteristics of long cycle, safety and stability, and relatively stable returns. Relevant departments should guide the public to adhere to rational investment and not be tempted by the so-called high yield.

People's Daily (June 7, 2021, 18th Edition)
(Editor in charge: Wang Renhong, Chu Zirui)

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