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3000 relief family boxes of the China Red Foundation rushed to the earthquake stricken areas in Yunnan and Qinghai

10:11, June 3, 2021 | Source: China News Network
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Original title: 3000 relief family boxes of China Red Cross Foundation to rescue earthquake stricken areas in Yunnan and Qinghai

The Red Cross Foundation of China has launched emergency response, raising 3000 family relief boxes in the first phase to assist the disaster stricken areas in Yunnan and Qinghai respectively; The two disaster relief working groups have also rushed to the disaster areas in Yunnan and Qinghai to understand the actual situation and needs, and organize the distribution of relief family boxes and other related work.

The reporter learned the above information from the Red Cross Foundation of China on June 1. The 3000 relief family boxes supporting the earthquake stricken areas in Yunnan and Qinghai were donated by loving netizens. Each relief family box contains flashlights, hot water bags, masks, disinfectant, hand sanitizer, washing powder and other household items.

On the evening of May 21, a magnitude 6.4 earthquake occurred in Yangbi County, Dali Prefecture, Yunnan Province. On May 23, the working group of the Red Cross Foundation of China in Yangbi, Yunnan, arrived at the Red Cross Society's temporary disaster preparedness warehouse in Yangbi County to assess the material preparation and supplement needs. After emergency assembly by more than 30 Red Cross volunteers and staff, in the early morning of May 26, 2000 relief family boxes were sent out and delivered to the disaster area on the same day, including 800 relief family boxes in Yangbi County and 400 relief family boxes in Eryuan County, Yongping County and Dali Taiyi Township.

 The relief family box of the Red Cross Foundation of China was delivered to the earthquake stricken area resettlement site in Maduo County, Qinghai Province and distributed to the Red Cross Foundation of China for pictures

The relief family box of the Red Cross Foundation of China was delivered to the earthquake stricken area resettlement site in Maduo County, Qinghai Province and distributed to the Red Cross Foundation of China for pictures

In the early morning of May 22, a magnitude 7.4 earthquake occurred in Maduo County, Golog Prefecture, Qinghai Province. On May 23, the Qinghai Maduo Disaster Relief Working Group of the Red Cross Foundation of China arrived in Xining and communicated with the Red Cross Society of Qinghai Province to understand the disaster situation. Due to the high altitude and low temperature of the disaster area, there was a great demand for cold prevention and daily necessities in the resettlement sites of the affected people. The disaster relief team of the Red Cross Foundation of China, the staff of the Red Cross Society of Qinghai Province, the staff of supermarkets and volunteers worked all night, and 1000 family relief boxes were provided in four hours. In the morning of May 25, these relief family boxes arrived in Maduo County safely after a journey of 480 kilometers and 9 hours from Xining. According to the arrangement of the earthquake relief headquarters, they will be distributed to the mass resettlement sites in Zhalinghu Township, Huanghe Township and Machali Town.

The relief family box of the Red Cross Foundation of China was born after the earthquake in Yiliang, Yunnan in 2012. The project adheres to the concept of "one box of disaster relief materials, one disaster affected family, and one week of emergency life", that is, taking the family as a unit, allocate the necessities to ensure the post disaster life of the disaster affected people, and ensure the basic needs of the emergency life of 3-5 people in a family for a week, and provide professional assistance services for the disaster affected people through standardized material procurement and a complete distribution system. Zhang Su

(Editor in charge: Yang Yubo, Chu Zirui)

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