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49 charities nationwide have donated more than 1 billion yuan to Hubei Charity Federation

09:56, March 4, 2020 | Source: Charity newspaper
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Hubei and Wuhan are the decisive places to win the battle of epidemic prevention and control. If Wuhan wins, Hubei will win, and if Hubei wins, the whole country will win. In the "epidemic" of the fight against COVID-19, the National Charity Association held hands and hearts with Hubei. On February 25, Shandong Charity Federation donated another 400 million yuan to Hubei Charity Federation. As of February 25, 49 charities in China, including China Charity Federation, had donated more than 1 billion yuan to Hubei Charity Federation. Support from all sides in case of difficulties on one side. At present, the prevention and control of COVID-19 is still in a critical period. The China Charity Federation and local charity associations actively play the role of charity organizations, mobilize all sectors of society, and unblock the fund-raising channels. We will raise donations in accordance with the law, manage and use donations in an efficient, convenient, orderly, open and transparent manner, and contribute to the fight against epidemic prevention and control. It is reported that the Shandong Charity Federation once again donated 400 million yuan to Hubei, and will support Huanggang City to carry out epidemic prevention and control in accordance with the will of the Shandong Charity Federation. It will be used for the purchase of urgently needed medical equipment, facility construction, operation and maintenance, and protection of first-line medical staff in Tuanfeng, Xishui, Qichun, Wuxue, and Huangmei counties (cities) Other expenditures related to epidemic prevention and control; The second level laboratory project for safety protection of Huanggang CDC; Huanggang Infectious Diseases Hospital will be built on the second phase medical land planned to the west of the Dabie Mountain Medical Center.

It is understood that Shandong Charity Federation has previously donated three batches of donations totaling 226 million yuan to Hubei: on February 9, it donated 32 million yuan to Huanggang Central Hospital; On February 17, donated 100 million yuan to Wuhan Charity Federation; On February 20, 94.7175 million yuan was donated to six hospitals in Huanggang City.

The reporter of Charity Daily learned from Hubei Charity Federation that as of 12:00 on February 29, Hubei Charity Federation had received a total of 5369774800 yuan (including 4.0056 million yuan of new overseas donations) from all walks of life for epidemic prevention and control, including 1365.9809 million yuan of targeted donations and 4003.7939 million yuan of non targeted donations; The total amount of donated funds for epidemic prevention and control has been 5213.1884 million yuan, accounting for 97.08%; The Provincial Charity Federation received and distributed 24.9784 million donated materials for epidemic prevention and control. (Reporter Quan Jing)

(Editor in charge: Chu Zirui, Du Yanfei)

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