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People's Network

"Blocker" at the scene of the collapse of Huamei Expressway: can't get off again

May 2, 2024 19:55 | Source: People's Daily Online - Guangdong Channel
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Editor: Wang Yadie

People's Daily, Guangzhou, May 2 (Wang Yadie) "When we got off the bus and stopped people, we didn't think that we would be in danger. We wanted to stop the vehicles coming from behind, and we couldn't get off the bus again." On May 2, Mr. Wang, an enthusiastic truck driver, and his wife, Ms. Jin, said in an interview with reporters. Earlier, at about 2:00 on May 1, they had driven to the area near the collapse disaster site of the Chayang section of Meida Expressway.

Navigation display after collapse of Chayang section of Meida Expressway. Photograph provided by respondents

At about 2:00 on May 1, Mr. Wang and Ms. Jin drove their trucks to Quanzhou for delivery. As they approached the scene of the landslide accident at Chayang section of Meida Expressway, they found that the navigation display was seriously congested, so they slowed down. "At this time, we found that seven or eight cars were coming from the opposite direction, and we felt something was wrong. One car owner told us: 'There was a cave in in front of us, and several cars fell down.' At the same time, we found through the rearview mirror that several cars were following behind our truck, and the distance seemed to be getting closer and closer."

After being reminded by the enthusiastic truck driver, the vehicles stopped at a reduced speed. Photograph provided by respondents

At a critical moment, Mr. Wang and Ms. Jin decided to stop the truck crosswise on the road and open the double flash to remind the rear. "At that time, we only had one idea in mind. The front collapsed, and the view at night was not good. It must be very dangerous, and we can't drive over again. We got off the bus and reminded the vehicles behind us not to drive forward, and explained to them the situation ahead. The whole process lasted about 10 minutes." Ms. Jin said.

At about 2:00 on May 1, the fire control and other emergency teams rushed to the disaster site to carry out rescue. Photograph provided by respondents

Mr. Wang and Ms. Jin said, "We should thank the enthusiastic drivers who reminded us not to drive forward at that time. At the critical moment, everyone was helping each other. Later, we saw the fire emergency teams coming to deal with the situation, and we drove away from the scene under the command of the rescue workers. I hope everyone is safe."

(Editor in charge: Wang Yadie, Zhang Yongsheng)

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