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Rescue work is underway for a road collapse accident on Guangdong Meida Expressway

May 1, 2024 11:35 | Source: People's Daily Online - Guangdong Channel
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People's Daily Online, Guangzhou, May 1 (Wang Yadie) The reporter learned from the Meizhou Public Security Bureau of Guangdong Province that at about 2:00 a.m. on May 1, the K11+900m road from Meizhou to Fujian on Guangdong Meida Expressway (S12) collapsed and was closed in both directions.

On the morning of May 1, the News Office of Meizhou Municipal People's Government reported through official WeChat that 18 vehicles were trapped in the accident, and 31 people were rescued at the scene and sent to hospital for treatment. Accident rescue is in progress, and the cause of the accident is under investigation. After receiving the accident report, the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee and the Guangdong Provincial Government attached great importance to it and quickly commanded and dispatched the rescue work. Meizhou City and Dapu County public security, emergency, fire, health and other relevant departments rushed to the scene to carry out rescue.

Traffic Police Detachment of Meizhou Public Security Bureau reminds that vehicles need to bypass the following roads to ensure travel safety:

1、 The vehicles going from Meizhou to Fujian leave the expressway from Dapu Sanhe Toll Station, pass Huliao and G235 National Highway, detour in the direction of Chayang, and get on the expressway from Chayang Toll Station.

2、 Vehicles from Fujian to Meizhou leave the expressway from Dapu Chayang Toll Station, go through G235 National Highway to Huliao, and then get on the expressway from Dapu Sanhe Toll Station.

(Editor in charge: Wang Yadie, Zhang Yongsheng)

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