Defendant No. 1: No

Defendant No. 1: No

 Defendant No. 2: file back

Defendant No. 2: file back

 Defendant No. 3: BUG

Defendant No. 3: BUG

 Defendant No. 4: Stop serving

Defendant No. 4: Stop serving

 Defendant No. 5: Xiaohegang

Defendant No. 5: Xiaohegang

 Defendant No. 6: Treasure Chest

Defendant No. 6: Treasure Chest

 Defendant No. 7: External

Defendant No. 7: External

 Defendant No. 8: number theft

Defendant No. 8: number theft

Self statement : Of course, I have my own reason for being blocked. How could I be blocked without reason if the player did not use plug-in and trade illegally? Is it fair for other players that players violate the game rules first and must accept official punishment?

Prosecution evidence The use of plug-ins and other behaviors really need punishment, but the game authorities often lack investigation and verification, which leads to innocent players being wrongly handled for no reason, and there is no compensation for the losses. What are the rights and interests of players?

Defendant's Counsel
 Defendant's lawyer defends: It's true that official titles are reasonable. As for some false titles, they only account for a small part, and most players will be compensated to some extent. It's said that official titles are often unjustified, which is biased. After all, they are also for purifying the game environment, which is responsible performance! In other words, when players encounter plug-in and fraudulent players, they will strongly demand that the other party be blocked. Some of them just want to shirk their responsibilities.

Self statement : We don't want to go back to the file! Playing games is fun. Who wants to waste their efforts overnight? We also understand the players, but please also understand us, ok? If something goes wrong in the game, we have to go back. It's also our hard decision!

Prosecution evidence There is no reason to file back, or even multiple files within a day. The hard work is gone before the blink of an eye. The players who spend money are even worse. All the money is lost, and sometimes there is no compensation! Even if there is, it is a drop in the bucket. Can you afford our hard work!

Defendant's Counsel
 Defendant's lawyer defends: It's really wrong to say that we don't compensate players. Now, the game officials choose to file back when they have no choice. They will prepare quite generous compensation measures for players. Players are greedy for more, and we have no way. Please understand us. In fact, the terms of the players when registering the game have been clearly written, and the authorities have the right to do so, so we are not wrong. We can only say that the current players have too high demands on us.

Self statement : None of the games is perfect. It is normal for bugs to happen. We are not lazy. We always find bugs and correct them in time. I wonder why players have such a big opinion on us? We are not gods, please give us some tolerance!

Prosecution evidence There are bugs that can be understood, but there are too many vicious bugs and they are not corrected in time. Is it your fault? Don't always use some seemingly reasonable reasons to prevaricate players. We don't spend money to play a flawed game, we just want perfection!

Defendant's Counsel
 Defendant's lawyer defends: BUG is really inevitable. Even spaceships may fail to launch. What's more, it's a game? As long as the game official tries to correct it, it is still understandable. A few bugs are not a matter of killing people for money. I hope players can be more patient. What's more, some bogus and moneyed BUGs will be used by players. Why didn't you talk at that time? Don't set double standards!

Self statement : Do you think we are willing to stop serving? If the game doesn't make money, it will be eliminated from the market naturally. We should also focus on making better games, which can't be maintained all the time. If that is the case, it will also be a problem for our survival, and the requirements of players are too much!

Prosecution evidence Although I can understand that it is normal to stop the service, it is still unacceptable that the painstaking game will disappear, and the official operation of the game is even more exasperating. I have stopped taking it, and naturally there will be no compensation!

Defendant's Counsel
 Defendant's lawyer defends: We can also understand and appreciate the players' support for the game, just for a few players to insist that the cost is really high. This is a commercial problem. Please understand us more. Only by stopping some unpopular games, can we use more money, more energy, and better technology to do better games, and hope that players can support more! In short, stopping service is just a helpless choice. I'm sorry for the players.

Self statement : You are wronged! Is it my fault to play fire? Is it my fault to play with so many people? With so many players crowding in, can I keep the little overlord? There are so many people. I don't have enough brains. I need to calculate the attack power and the player's HP. It's easy for me!

Prosecution evidence Three step one card, five step offline, the so-called playing game is to seek eternal life in the card and offline. Little overlord server can't afford to be hurt! I saw the BOSS rushing, but I hung up with a big card; Mingming dropped the treasure in front of me, but I lost it when I lost the line

Defendant's Counsel
 Defendant's lawyer defends: This really cannot blame the server, but the players. Now the players are locust players, swarming in and out. Tens of thousands of people suddenly came, but they will switch to other games in a few days, so is it necessary to add servers? Servers are all costs! The server has been replaced and no one comes to play. Who will bear the cost? So don't complain about the server every day. The real problem is the player himself!

Self statement : Alas, everyone misunderstood me. In fact, I am a lucky star who brings benefits to the majority of players! No need to blame, no need to stick to BOSS all night long, and the best equipment is readily available. This is obviously to help everyone! What does it cost to open a box? If you buy 5 million yuan in the lottery ticket, it will cost you 2 yuan to choose the number!

Prosecution evidence Treasure chest is an abyss of all evils. What's the difference between opening a treasure chest and gambling? Using the greedy mentality of players, they devoured our hard-earned money endlessly like a black hole. They thought that the game was free and could save us money. However, it was easy to open the treasure chest and let us lose all our money.

Defendant's Counsel
 Defendant's lawyer defends: Players really can't understand our good intentions. For office workers and school students, in order to prevent these players from neglecting their work and study due to online game playing day and night, we launched the treasure box system. It only takes a small price to get a high return. It doesn't take much time to play games to get the equipment that others dream of. What's wrong with that?

Self statement : It's more unjust than Dou E! Now the game design is becoming more and more complex, and players are tired of dealing with these various whole person systems. This is the time when we appear. We liberate the players' hands, we give them pleasure, we make the game simple, and we are the game savior!

Prosecution evidence It is the destroyer of the fairness of the game and the terminator of competitive games. No player does not hate plug-in. Generally, plug-ins are the main culprit in destroying a game. Nothing is more lethal than plug-ins. We strongly demand that plug-ins be sentenced to death, and firmly resist plug-ins!

Defendant's Counsel
 Defendant's lawyer defends: Speaking of plug-ins, we also hate them, but players think, if you are not using them, how can plug-ins survive? Who is funding the plug-in studio? Who shamelessly uses plug-ins in the game? Who uses plug-ins to destroy the balance of the game? Is a player. It is the players who feed these game parasites, and it is the players who let plug-ins rage in the game. Who is guilty? Who else besides the players?

Self statement : Do you want to have a high-level account quickly? Want to quickly own the ultimate suit that others dream of? Want to have a game currency that can never be spent? Then hurry to choose the pirated number! Once you have it, don't ask for anything! We are good helpers for your rapid growth in the game!

Prosecution evidence The hard working characters have been deleted, the equipment obtained by the BOSS brush day and night has disappeared, and the game currency accumulated by every penny has disappeared, all of which are caused by stolen numbers! This kind of naked encroachment on other people's property should be strongly resisted by all players!

Defendant's Counsel
 Defendant's lawyer defends: Have you bound the security card? Have you bought the electronic security? Is the account password updated on time? Is antivirus software installed on the computer? If all these security measures are taken, how can the account be stolen? Every time we remind players to improve their security awareness, they always don't pay attention to it. Finally, the account was stolen, and they regret it. If God gives players another chance, I believe everyone will say that I will bind the secret protection.

1. Although the defendant used to be the judge who decided the life and death of others (account numbers), today she stood in the dock and refused to plead guilty, but what she said may also be reasonable. Is it the fault of the player or the manufacturer? As a justice, you can't hesitate any more at this moment. You need to make a judgment
The accused is guilty
The accused is not guilty

2. Although we don't often meet with the defendant, we can never ignore the losses brought to the players, but when it comes to compensation, the defendant is convenient to act as if nothing has happened or play the bitterness card to pretend to be a victim, not to mention, it's really exciting to be so pitiful. As a justice, you can't hesitate any more at this moment. You need to make a judgment
The accused is guilty
The accused is not guilty

3. The world is crazy and full of uncertainty. Is BUG reasonable? In the face of such a criminal and unconcerned defendant, can you accept that existence is reasonable? As a justice, you can't hesitate any more at this moment. You need to make a judgment
The accused is guilty
The accused is not guilty

4. Gently you came and became my brother. Gently you left, taking away all my savings. Although you told me that you have all kinds of difficulties, I have nothing but my memory. Is it really nothing to do with you? As a justice, you can't hesitate any more at this moment. You need to make a judgment
The accused is guilty
The accused is not guilty

5. The defendant has two identities, one is the players' bitter curse, the other is the display of the results in the official test. It seems that the smaller the hegemon, the more successful. And you were at a loss: is the bully a good person or a bad person? As a justice, you can't hesitate any more at this moment. You need to make a judgment
The accused is guilty
The accused is not guilty

6. Looking at the innocent explanation made by the defendant, you seem to recall the past when you used a few game coins to pull out a priceless top-notch equipment from the box. Will you be so lucky next time? Will you be rich if you put all your savings under pressure? As a justice, you can't hesitate any more at this moment. You need to make a judgment
The accused is guilty
The accused is not guilty

7. Once, with the help of the defendant, you easily won the RMB soldier. With the defendant, you no longer have to fear the privileged members, but at the same time, the whole game world began to accelerate to collapse until you could not stand. As a justice, you can't hesitate any more at this moment. You need to make a judgment
The accused is guilty
The accused is not guilty

8. Overnight, you became penniless from a millionaire, and even your clothes were stripped. You asked for help without knowing what to do, but the official took the opportunity to sell useful or useless anti-theft products. Is it the responsibility of hackers or manufacturers? As a justice, you can't hesitate any more at this moment. You need to make a judgment
The accused is guilty
The accused is not guilty

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