conference agenda

Thursday, December 26

09:00-22:00 Conference representatives report (arrange reception throughout the day)

17: 00-21:30 Dinner

Friday, December 27

08:30-12:00 Annual meeting

12: 00-13:30 Cooperation Appreciation Meeting

14: 00-17:00 China's "Top 10 Game Players"

18: 00-20:30 Large welcome dinner of the annual meeting

Saturday, December 28

09:30-11:30 Game Show, Netizen World Forum, Mobile Sail

14: 00-16:00 Broadcast forum of Capital Grand View Forum platform

The 2013 China Game Industry Annual Conference was officially held

On December 27, 2013, the annual meeting of China's game industry was officially held in Wuhan Optics Valley. The annual meeting has formed a rich industrial accumulation, and has become one of the three recognized brand activities of China's game industry inside and outside the industry.

Overview of 2013 China Game Industry Annual Conference

With the rapid growth of China's game industry, the entire game market has witnessed the common prosperity of end game, page game, mobile game and other forms. The theme of this annual meeting is "Chinese Dream of Gamers".


The annual meeting of China's game industry aims to build a platform for extensive exchanges among management departments, social groups, news media, enterprises and users of the game industry, promote exchanges and cooperation, and promote industrial development.

Adhering to the purpose of "encouraging game research and development, supporting self owned brands, advocating equal competition, and prospering national industries", the annual conference is planned around the theme "Chinese Dream of Gamers".

Competent unit:

State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television

Supported by:

Management Committee of Wuhan East Lake National High tech Zone


China Audio Video and Digital Publishing Association


Game Publishing Working Committee

Wuhan China Optics Valley Creative Industry Base

Wuhan China Optics Valley Internet Game Industry Alliance

Keynote speech

Sun Shoushan: Game enterprises win and establish a sense of responsibility

We are delighted by the sustained and rapid development of China's game industry; But the problems accumulated and exposed in the rapid development are also worrying. Problems such as low content quality, lack of high-quality works, serious imitation and plagiarism, anomie of market order, one-sided pursuit of economic benefits, and neglect of social responsibility still exist to varying degrees.

Tencent Cheng Wu: Dream of the Ninth Art

In Cheng Wu's view, China's truly formed game industry has not been 20 years since its inception. If online games are concerned, it is even shorter. Only by relying on the continuous improvement of high-quality games can such a young industry finally realize the dream of the ninth art.

 Zhang Liangcheng
Zhang Liangcheng: Games become an important growth pole in the transformation of cultural industry

As an important part of the digital publishing industry, online game publishing industry has received more and more attention from the society, more and more recognition from consumers, especially young people, and has become an important growth pole for the transformation and development of the cultural industry.

 Shanda Zhang Xiangdong: How do traditional game enterprises transform?
Shanda Zhang Xiangdong: How do traditional game enterprises transform?

In terms of mobile games, how to transform traditional game enterprises? Mobile strategy, mobile games, mergers and acquisitions, market data, etc. have all proved the boom of mobile games in 2013. Three years ago, Shanda Games established the strategic goal of mobile transformation.

Name: China's "Top Ten Games" Ceremony

Time: 14:00-17:00, Friday, December 27, 2013

Venue: multi-function hall on the fourth floor of Wuhan Science and Technology Exhibition Center

Review the development process of the past year and highlight the development achievements of this year by rewarding outstanding figures, enterprises and units, and works in China's game industry in 2013. Except for the 2013 China Game Industry Support Award, all awards were generated through China Game Industry Survey.

  • Mobile departure sub forum: 2014 or worse
  • On December 28, the 2013 annual meeting of China's game industry was held in Wuhan Optics Valley. At the Mobile Start sub forum of the annual meeting of the industry, the participants shared their summary of 2013 and their outlook for 2014. The guests at the meeting unanimously agreed that the competition in the field of mobile games in 2014 would be even worse.
  • Conclusion: Do a good job in your field
  • Our industry covers R&D, distribution to the platform, the final base, or the department serving everyone. Everyone and every team look at their team's genes, and make the best of our own advantages. Do what you can do well, and do what you can do well. The rest can be handed over to partners. This is the point where we can maintain stability in 2014.
Wang Kai'an, Chairman of Optics Valley Creative Industry Base

It is difficult to start a business in the game industry. It is difficult for small companies to survive. If they have too much imagination, they may not survive. If the company has the strength, I read a data that the game production and export in South Korea is 1.9 billion pounds. In 10 and 11 years, the game industry in our country was between 30 billion and 40 billion pounds, and that in our country was between 30 billion and 40 billion pounds.

Pu Yongming, Vice President of Guangyu Online

IP products are very easy to absorb. Guangyu is not so enthusiastic about IP. The most famous question about IP is actually a very good IP. There are also friends from other companies in the industry who want to buy IP. We didn't say we must make the question into a mobile game. More importantly, Guangyu hopes to improve the quality of the product.

Hu Bing, CEO of Youai Interactive

The first is to study the changes of users, and the second is the research platform. Third, the channels are different, the channels of the platform are different, the users are different, and the needs of the users are also different, that is, one grid, one matrix, to find the gaps in the middle. In 2014, our strategy is to find gaps.

Wu Chunlei, CEO of the Pearl of the Eyes

In fact, I hope my producers can go out more and have a look at the format of the industry and have a communication with everyone. I hope so. When it comes to 2014, the word "really tragic" is our common aspiration. As our own attitude in 2014 is still focused, I also urge all developers to pay attention to this word and focus on your own field.

UC Jiuyou Yu Xianwen

2013 was the year of rehearsal, and 2014 was the year of grand play, but it was a pity that those who did not participate in the rehearsal did not. To sum up all the views, we should have confidence in our ability to integrate and judge to reach our own position. Next year's market link will be more refined, and what we are good at and what we are not good at will be clear at a glance.

On the spot report

91 Wireless Zhang Yu: The mobile game market will exceed 20 billion in 2014

At the platform broadcast theme forum, Mr. Zhang Yu, Vice President of 91 Wireless, delivered a speech. He said that the competition of mobile games will become more and more fierce next year. The number of mobile games products will reach more than 1900. Creativity is the key to the success of mobile games. Small teams should focus on leisure games.

  • Sina Game Kang Bosheng: Grasp user preferences and push targeted IP content
  • Kang Bocheng, a Sina game player, made a speech on the platform webcast forum. He said that the game content was directly promoted to users, and users might not buy it at all. But after understanding the characteristics of some users, he pushed the game content they were interested in according to their preferences, and the effect was very significant.
  • Xiaomi Liu Jingyan: The profit of peripheral sales is far greater than the game itself
  • Liu Jingyan of Xiaomi Game Center made a speech on the platform broadcast forum. He said that Xiaomi currently has 20 million users and 12 million active users. At present, Xiaomi is considering cooperating with big game companies to sell games around, and says that the sales and profits around the game are far greater than the game itself.
When to invest and how to obtain investment

The 2013 Annual Conference of China's Game Industry was officially held in Wuhan Optics Valley. After the wonderful guest speeches on the first day of the conference and the top ten grand awards ceremony, the conference sub forum Capital Grand View was held on the afternoon of the 28th. Guests on the scene talked about when to invest and how to obtain investment for a game company.

Liu Zhijun, CEO of Upstream Information Technology Shanghai Co., Ltd., Wu Bo, CEO of Shanghai Muhe Network Technology Co., Ltd., Zhang Hanwen, CEO of Shooting Beijing Technology Co., Ltd., Zhao Gui, CEO of Beijing Babel Times Technology Co., Ltd., Chen Xiaojiang, Vice President of Shanghai Fangcun Information Technology Co., Ltd. and other guests attended the ceremony