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Master Shengyan's Introduction to Buddhism

According to the latest research results of contemporary Buddhism, Master Shengyan outlined the basic context of the development of Buddhism in simple terms, restored the original appearance of Buddhism, and revealed the basic teachings of Buddhism.

Sakyamuni's way of becoming a Buddha, the teachings and enlightenment of Buddha, the origin of Buddhism in India and the development of its religious group. What are four holy truths, five aggregates, twelve karma, cause and effect, idealism and nominalism, living Buddha and living Bodhisattva. The foundation of learning Buddhism, how to learn Buddhism, and the order and method of practice. The content is concise, accurate and authoritative. It is the best reference book for you to understand Buddhism and practice.

The most authoritative and easy introduction book to learning Buddhism recognized by the Buddhist community. The famous Buddhist master, Master Shengyan, leads you to the door of Buddhism!

keyword: Holy Master Introduction to Buddhism

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Introduction to Buddhism (I)

I was born sick, and my mother believed in Guanyin and was immortal. My brothers and sisters converted to Taoism, and I also participated in the Dharma Association of Taoism. Although Taoism is not authentic Buddhism, the belief center of Taoism, "Holy Buddhism", is actually Guanyin Bodhisattva. When I became a monk in my childhood, Langshan Mountain in Nantong, Jiangsu Province, worshipped the Great Holy Bodhisattva, who was originally an eminent monk from the Western Regions who came to China in the era of Emperor Gaozong of the Tang Dynasty. His name was Sangha

Introduction to Buddhism (2)

When Chinese people fill out resumes and other forms, they will probably fill in the word "Buddhism" in the column of "religion"; In other words, most Chinese people, who consider themselves Buddhists, are more or less related to Buddhist beliefs, except for the believers of various old and new sects, such as Catholics, Christians and Islan, who have been baptized or participated in the initiation ceremony and know that they are not Buddhists.

About the author

  • Sheng Yan, born in 1930, became a monk as a teenager. He had been closed in Kaohsiung Mountain for six years and studied abroad in Japan. He obtained a doctor's degree in literature from Lizheng University. He once served as editor, professor, director of the magazine office, and president of the Bible Translation Institute. He founded the Chinese Buddhist Institute, founded Fagu Mountain, Sangha University, Fagu University, and Social University, and set up foundations for meditation, culture, education, and charity in China, And the branch doas also cover Europe, Asia, the United States, Australia and other continents.
  • He is an educator, writer, more importantly, a religious expert and an internationally renowned Zen master. He has spared no effort to promote "spiritual protection", "racial harmony" and "world peace" at home and abroad for many years.
  • Among the honorary awards he has won, there are more than 10 kinds, including the Presidential Cultural Award, the Executive Yuan Cultural Award, the Executive Yuan Social Leader and Style Award, the Zhongshan Literary and Artistic Creation Award, the Zhongshan Academic Works Award, and the Frederick II Peace Award.
  • He has published more than 100 books and has translated more than 10 languages. He was invited to write columns for China Daily, China Times, Liberty Times and other major newspapers, as well as magazines such as Tianxia and Health.
  • Master Sheng Yan's TV program "Dafa Drum" has been broadcast for more than 12 years. Its practical and life oriented content has been highly praised by the audience. This series is the essence of the program content.

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