Mount Lushan Donglin Giant Buddha Amitabha

Manjusri Vows, Puxian Persuasion, Tathagata Teaches Records

·Manjusri Bodhisattva said in the Samadhi Sutra: "When I die, I wish to eliminate all obstacles, see the Buddha and live in peace."

·The Avatamsakitesvara Praise Sutra says, "When I am dying, I will remove all obstacles and meet Amitabha, the Buddha, and I will have the peace of life."

·In Qixin Lun, Bodhisattva Ma Ming showed the best convenience, saying: "If you recite Buddhism wholeheartedly, you will die, and there will be no retreat."

·In the Lengja Sutra, the Buddha told Da Hui: "The great name is De Bhikkhu, and Jue is called the dragon tree. He was happy for the first time and died in a peaceful country."

·In "On the Past Life", the Heavenly Bodhisattva demonstrated the essence of the Pure Land and laid a solid foundation for the future generations.

Here are five Bodhisattvas. The other Bodhisattvas who cultivate the Pure Land are unrivalled.

Praise the Pure Land : All beings in the nine realms are separated from the gate, and cannot become Buddhists. All Buddhas in the ten directions can't push the masses to sprout with this method. It is based on Huayan that all the people in the sea comply with the top ten wishes. "Fahua" means that we know the truth of all laws. The most convenient trip, Ma Ming showed in the letter. Easy way to speed, dragon tree in "Posha". The wise man who came after Sakyamuni said "Ten Doubts" and dedicated himself to the West. Amitabha showed his eternal brightness and wrote "Four Materials Slips" to chant Buddhism all his life. To be saints and sages, everyone is interested. How futile! [Full text]

The Five Classics of Pure Land are free of charge

Regular Script of Pure Land Five Classics

Chanting Buddhism, Dharma, and Greatness, all Buddhas and Tathagatas are born in the mind of their origin, which is the most important part of the teachings of Buddhism and Zun's generation. Therefore, the selection of its fundamental classics is related to the profound and great succession of Buddhism, and the great virtue of its founder also works carefully here. The selection of the fundamental classics of the Pure Land Sect was finalized after more than a thousand years of materials and slips were dropped to the hands of Master Yingguang recently. The "Amitabha Sutra of Buddha Saying", the "Sutra of Buddha Saying Infinite Life", the "Sutra of Buddha Saying Infinite Life", the "Sutra of Shurangama", the Great Power of Bodhisattva Chanting Buddha's Perfection ", and the" Avatamsaka Sutra Prajna Bodhisattva's Wishes "were included as five. [Full text]

The Establishment of the Thirteen Ancestors of the Pure Land Sect in China

The theory of establishing ancestors of the Pure Sect began in the Song Dynasty, and the ancestors did not have the same inheritance relationship as the legal system of other clans, but were recommended by later generations according to their achievements in cultivation and promotion of contributions. [Full text]

First ancestor Lu Shandong Master Lin Huiyuan

Around Master Huiyuan, the spread of the Pure Land Sect in China

With the translation and dissemination of the classics of the Pure Sect in the last years of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the Buddhism chanting method, which is difficult to believe and easy to practice, experienced a tortuous process from the observation and exploration of four disciples to the final acceptance of faith at the theoretical and spiritual levels.

In the early days of the spread of Buddhism, there were many Chinese believers who secretly practiced Buddhism. Que Gong Ze in the Western Jin Dynasty is the earliest person who made a wish to live in a pure land and was verified in literature. Duke Que was a monk who dedicated himself to Buddhism and Buddhism, and the generation of Jin and Wu died in Luoyang. The Taoist custom set up a memorial meeting in the White Horse Temple. At night, the Buddhist scriptures were turned around. At midnight, they heard singing praises in the air. They looked up to a person with a magnificent shape and a beautiful appearance. They said, "I am Duke Que. This life is a happy world in the West. I came to listen to the Buddhist scriptures with all the Bodhisattvas." ...... [Full text]

Life story

Master Yuangong (334-416 AD), a native of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, was born in Yanmen Loufan (now Daixian County, Shanxi Province), a scholarly family for generations. Yuangong was intelligent when he was young. When he was 13 years old, he traveled with his uncle to Xuchang, Luoyang and other places. Be proficient in Confucianism and bypass Laozi and Zhuangzi. At the age of 21, he went to Taihang Mountain with his mother and younger brother Huichi to listen to Dharma Master Dao'an speak the Prajna Sutra. Then he understood the true meaning and sighed: "The nine stream theories of Confucianism and Taoism are like chaff." So he became a monk and followed Dharma Master Dao'an to practice. Throughout the life of the master, his moral career can be summarized as four: ...... [Full text]

Buddhist thought

Master Yuangong's pure land thought is the theoretical crystallization of the ancient Indian pure land religion's initial spread in China, the product of the collision and blending of Buddhist culture and Chinese culture, and also related to the catalysis of the suffering reality in the Eastern Jin Dynasty and Yuangong's personal learning background. Here is a summary of the characteristics of Yuangong Pure Land: ...... [Full text]

Second ancestor Chang'an Guangming Good Guidance Master

Handed down works

The master's posthumous works are composed of five volumes and nine volumes, including four volumes of "Four Essays on the Taoist Classics", one volume of "Praise to the Past", one volume of "Conceptual Famen", two volumes of "Praise to the Dharma", one volume of "Praise to the General Boat", as well as other verse popular in China.

The "Four Commentaries on the Sutra" was written by the master through induction after sincerely chanting Buddhism and praying. When the master wrote his own book, Guan Jing Shu, every night the holy monk (Amitabha) fell asleep and instructed how to write; When the work is finished, all Buddhas come to give light to prove it.

"The Second Patriarch of the Pure School, Guangming, Good Guide, Master's View," Introduction>>

Life story

Master Shandao (613-681 AD) was born in the ninth year of Daye in the Sui Dynasty. He was born in Sizhou (Shandong Linzi), Anhui Province, and became a monk at a young age. The master's original track is unpredictable. According to the Biography of the Past of India, good guidance is the incarnation of Amitabha. Master Lianchi also said, "A good guiding monk is the incarnation of the legendary Amitabha. Seeing that he is refined, rigorous, and beneficial, he can still feel people's confidence from generation to generation. If he is not Amitabha, he must also be a couple of Guanyin and Samantabhadra." ...... [Full text]

Buddhist thought

Master Shandao's Pure Land thought has strong religious feelings in belief; In theory, it inherits the Pure Land thought of Tanluan and Daochuo, and enriches and develops into a theoretical system of the Pure Land with "He Li Ben Yuan" as the core, which clarifies many theoretical errors of the Pure Land and provides a good foundation for the spread of the Pure Land in China. In general, the master completed the theory system of Pure Buddhism with the core of "his power and original wish" from the perspective of understanding and opportunity, and greatly smoothed the birth of all Buddhas. ...... [Full text]

Tanluan and Daochuo

Master Tanluan and Master Daochuo have made indelible contributions to the construction of the basic idea of the Pure School. They also specialize in the pure industry and aspire to the future. They are also among the meritorious Goldman Sachs. However, among the thirteen ancestors listed by the Pure School, there is no outstanding historical case. I think that since Tanluan, Daochuo, and Shandao have an obvious inheritance context, we take the master of Shandao as the representative, and list them as the second ancestor. They interact with Master Huiyuan. One is to attach equal importance to others, and the other is to highlight the original wish of others. The reference coordinates of these two major Buddhist teachings provide a broader choice space for Chinese practitioners. Spring orchids and autumn chrysanthemums are good at their beauty. There are only differences in response to opportunities, and there is no real difference.

Master Tanluan of the Northern Wei Dynasty wrote "Notes on the Past", "Praise Amitabha Keta", and "A Brief Discussion on the Meaning of the Peaceful Pure Land". According to the meaning of the "Infinite Life Sutra" and the teachings of the Dragon Tree Bodhisattva, he advocated the theory of "He Li Ben Yi", which provided a solid foundation for the construction of the theory of the Pure School. The "Anle Collection" by Master Daochuo, inherits the teachings of Master Tanluan, and emphasizes that you can go to the Pure Land according to Amitabha's original wish. We set up the teaching judgment of the Holy Taoist Sect and the Pure Land Sect, and strongly advocated that in the end of the law era, all living beings must follow the Pure Land Sect.

Master Chengyuan of Nanyue, the third ancestor

Life story

Master Chengyuan (712-802 AD) was born in Mianzhu County, Sichuan Province. He began to learn Taoism from Tanggong in Chengdu. When he was 24 years old, he left Sichuan to learn Taoism from Yuquan Temple in Jingzhou. Later, he followed his teacher's order to go to Hengshan Mountain (southwest of Hengshan County, Hunan Province), the Nanyue Mountain, to receive the full precepts from Tongxiang Lawyer, and to learn scriptures and laws under his seat. Master Wen Huiri left Beijing for Guangzhou. Master Wen Huiri went to meet him and respectfully asked for Dharma. Master Huiri taught us that we should not be good alone. We should practice Buddhism Samadhi in accordance with the Infinite Life Sutra to help the masses. From then on, Master stopped all kinds of karma and specialized in Pure Land. In the first year of Tianbao (742 AD), Jingshe was built on Mount Hengshan, called Mituo Terrace, and only scripture statues were placed. The master practiced hard. If someone provided food, he would eat it. If no one provided food, he would eat wild fruits, flowers and plants. Clothes are just for keeping out the cold. People who come to seek the Tao in admiration of their fame often see a person who is weak, dusty, and bears water with a negative salary. They all think that he is the master's waiter and despise him. They know that he is the master after inquiring. As the Master Wanyuan put down and practiced Buddhism, he became a Buddhist chanter and often felt that the holy land was in front of him. ...... [Full text]

Buddhist thought

Master Chengyuan devoted his whole life to the practice of chanting Buddhism. He did not want to write any works. No works of the master have been handed down, so the master's Pure Land thought could not be studied. However, from the experience of Master Chengyuan's cultivation, he seems to follow the teachings of Compassion and Three Zang, adhere to precepts, and specialize in Samadhi, so as to benefit others and achieve the unique demeanor of a generation of ancestors.

Establish the Boat Taoist Temple

The master cultivates all living beings, is good at establishing the middle path, and randomly sets up teachings. In order to enable all living beings to prove the truth of Taoism early, the master earnestly taught Buddhism, and wrote the name of Amitabha in the streets and lanes, engraved on the mountains, rocks and valleys, and earnestly encouraged all living beings to pray for a pure land. There are many followers, and there are more than one thousand disciples who accept Dharma before and after.

Later, the Emperor Daizong regarded Master Fazhao as the national teacher. When he heard that Master Fazhao said that his teacher was of great virtue, he also respected Master Chengyuan and gave him more courtesy. He gave the temple where the master lived as the Banzhou Taoist Temple.

Master Fazhao of the Fourth Ancestor and Wutai Bamboo Forest

Handed down works

The master has practiced Buddhism all his life. He is diligent and diligent, and has many unique feelings. It has also written three volumes of the "Pure Land Five Buddhist Chanting Chanting, Observing and Doing Ritual", and "Pure Land Five Buddhist Chanting and Practicing Ritual Praise".

Master Fazhao's case of praying to Manjusri Bodhisattva

Manjusri said, "It's the right time for you to recite Buddhism today! All the practice sects have never failed to recite Buddhism. The most important way is to provide for the three treasures and to practice both happiness and wisdom. So what is the most important? In the past, I learned all kinds of wisdom because of watching Buddhism, chanting Buddhism, and providing. So all the Dharma, Prajna Paramita, deep meditation, and even all the Buddhas were born from chanting Buddhism. So I know that chanting Buddha is the king of all dharma. You should always recite the supreme Dharma King, so that there is no rest. " "In the west of the world, there is Amitabha Buddha. The Buddha's will is incredible. You should continue to recite without interruption. After you die, you decide to go back to life and never turn back." ...... [Full text]

Life story

Master Fazhao (747-821 AD) has many unknown life experiences. It is said that the master was from Nanliang. He first came to Lushan from the Eastern Wu Dynasty. He admired the whereabouts of Duke Yuanyuan, joined the Western Taoist Temple, and specialized in Zen. One day, he entered the nirvana and was shocked to see Master Chengyuan waiting at the Buddha's side. In the middle of Yongtai (765-766 AD), he climbed Hengshan Mountain, the southern mountain, and learned Pure Land Dharma from Master Chengyuan. Later, he began to study Buddhism. In the summer of the fourth year of the Later Dali (AD 769), the master opened the Five Meeting Buddhist Chanting Center in the East Temple of Hengzhou Lake. ...... [Full text]

Buddhist thought

Master Fazhao's Pure Land thought is mainly embodied in the concept of five Buddhist chants. According to the master's statement, these five Buddhist chants are actually taught by Amitabha. The Five Meeting Chanting Buddha embodies the characteristics of the Pure School of Buddhism, which uses sound to do Buddhist work. The sound melody of the Five Meeting Chanting Buddha can resonate with the sound of the Western Pure Land, which is an incredible method. It is a pity that these five Buddhist chants were only passed on for five hundred years at the end of the Dharma, and now they have become famous. It is also the result of the fact that all the people at the end of the Dharma valued their life and happiness. ...... [Full text]

Wuzu Xinding Wulong Shaokang Master

Life story

Master Shaokang (? - 805), whose common surname is Zhou, was born in Jinyun County, Zhejiang Province. Mother Luo Shi sleepwalked on Dinghu Peak. A jade maiden gave her a green lotus flower and said, "This green lotus flower is very lucky. It's sent to your place. When you give birth to your son, I hope to love it." On the master's birthday, green light was everywhere, emitting the fragrance of hibiscus

At the age of 15, the master received the precepts, learned the law for five summers, and went to Longxing Temple in Jiangning, Jiangsu Province to listen to Huayan Sutra and Yoga Theory. In the early Tang Zhenyuan period, when visiting the White Horse Temple in Luoyang, I saw the words in the Buddha Hall shine brightly for many times. After a careful look, it turned out that it was the "Westernized Daowen" by the master of good guidance. The master was surprised and pleased. He prayed again: "If you are destined for the Pure Land, you should shine more brightly." After the prayer, it was really bright. After seeing Si Ruixiang, the master swore, "If you rob a stone, you can grind it. I hope it will not be easy." Later, the master went to the studio of the good guidance master of Guangming Temple in Chang'an to pay a respectful tribute and make a big presentation. Suddenly, he saw the portrait of Master Shandao rising in the air and said to the master, "If you follow my teachings and become passionate, you will be able to live in peace and health someday." ...... [Full text]

Buddhist thought

Master Shaokang also mainly used his body to promote law, and wrote very little. However, it is not difficult to see that his Buddhist thought is based on the idea of a good guide master. Shaokang's reverence for the good guide master can be seen from his name of the newly built prayer hall in Wulong Mountain: "the good guide monk Amitabha Taoist Temple". In many aspects of teaching and practice, he was greatly influenced by the master of good guidance. He testified and chanted Samadhi, and inspired all living beings to chant Buddhism, just like the master of good guidance.

The reason for being honored as the "Later Good Guide"

The Second Patriarch was good at guiding Buddha to recite, and the Master Shaokang also recited and transformed Buddha. Such signs are rare among the ancestors of the Pure Sect. The world calls good guidance the embodiment of Amitabha, and Shaokang the successor of good guidance. According to records, the master opened the Pure Land Taoist Temple in Wulong Mountain, and more than 3000 people gathered on fast days. The master ascended the throne and asked the four disciples to look at his face, that is, sing Amitabha loudly. Every time you recite, you will see a Buddha in your mouth. If you recite ten times, you will see ten Buddhas. The master said to the public, "You who see Buddha must die."

Hangzhou Yongming Longevity Extending Master, the sixth ancestor

Handed down works

Master's works are very rich, including more than 60 books (articles), such as Zongjinglu, Collection of All Kindness, Ode to God's Habitation, Idealistic Code, and Bodhisattva's Precept.

Cultivation style

It is a regular lesson for the master to walk 108 Buddhist things every day, such as chanting, chanting, worshiping, repenting, chanting, sitting and saying. Every day, worship ten Buddhas, Sakyamuni, Manjusri, Samantabhadra, Maitreya, Avalokitesvara, Shizhi, etc., and recite the holy name of Amitabha 100000 times a day. Feed every night.

What does the "Four Materials of Zen" say Interpretation of Master of Photoprinting

There is Zen and Pure Land, just like a horned tiger, who is a teacher in this world and a Buddha in the next life. Without Zen, there is a pure land. Ten thousand people will go there. If you see Amitabha, why not be enlightened. There is Zen but no pure land. Ten people will waste their time on the road nine times. If there is a cloudy place, follow him. No Zen, no pure land, iron bed and copper pillar, thousand kaleidoscopes and thousand lives, no one to follow. [Full text]

Life story

In the middle of the night, the master saw the lotus flower in front of the statue of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva suddenly in his hand. Master thought that he had two wishes. One was to recite the Dharma and Chinese Sutra all his life, and the other was to benefit all living beings all his life. Remembering these two wishes, he was happy and silent, hesitated to advance or retreat, and could not self-determination, so he made two lots. One is to meditate on the lot, and the other is to chant the sutra of all good and solemn Pure Land lot. The master prayed in front of the Buddha, picked it up with his hands, and got the Pure Land lot seven times. Therefore, he devotes himself to cleaning up. ...... [Full text]

Buddhist thought

Master Yongming integrates Mahayana Buddhism, inherits the idea of Cimin, Sanzang, integrating all sects and returning to the Pure Land, advocates the integration of Zufo, interpretation and Buddhism, and compromises Dharma, Sanlun, Huayan and Tiantai, and integrates them with Buddhism. Later generations, the various sects gradually merged into the Pure Land, started with the Three Zangs of Compassion, and started with Master Yongming. The master returned to the Pure Land as the third generation founder of the Fayan Sect, and thus became the sixth ancestor of the Pure Sect. One person has two ancestors, which is rare. He is also the most qualified for making Zen and Pure Material Slips. He interprets the internal relationship between Zen and Pure Sect, and constructs a reference system for future practitioners to make rational choices about Zen and Pure, which has a great impact on future generations. ...... [Full text]

Master Chang of Zhaoqing Province, Hangzhou, the seventh ancestor

Life story

Master Chang (959-1020 AD), who was born in Qiantang, has a common surname of Yan. He became a monk at the age of seven, and received the solemn precepts at the age of seventeen. The virtue of the master is mainly embodied in self serving achievements and initiation of association and chanting Buddhism. In the middle of Song Chunhua's reign (990-994 AD), the master specialized in purification in Hangzhou Zhaoqing Academy and carved the statue of Amitabha Buddha in sandalwood. The carved statue of Buddha burned incense and swore: "I, together with a thousand people and eighty monks, will start from today to develop a Bodhi mind. When we are poor in the future, we will do the Bodhisattva deed. We are willing to do our best to repay ourselves and live and rest the country." The Follow Lushan Heritage and Build a Clean Walk Society was attended by 120 officials and dignitaries. The Prime Minister Wang Wenzheng (Wang Dan) was the head of the society. Su Yijian, a Han Dynasty scholar, wrote in his composition: "Give the hair to bear its feet, and pluck out its body to invite its method." It can be seen that the master Daolong Desheng has great power to feel people's hearts. On the twelfth day of the first month of the fourth year of Tianxi, he sat in the temple and chanted, "Here comes the Buddha!". The believers present saw that the ground was golden, and they retreated after a long time. At the age of 62, he was Master Yuanjing.

Buddhist thought

Master Chang has not written, so his Pure Land thought cannot be examined in detail. The virtue of the master is mainly embodied in self serving achievements and initiation of association and chanting Buddhism.

The master strictly adhered to the precepts and had no hindrance to eloquence. He pricked his blood to write "Huayan? Pure Conduct". It has been like a day for decades to transform himself by chanting Buddhism. In the practice of chanting Buddhism, the master paid attention to introducing Huayan? Jingxing Product to standardize and purify the body and mind of the chanters, so as to ensure the achievement of Jingye. The Lotus Club changed its name to the Pure Walk Club, chanted Buddhism with discipline, stopped watching and carried out activities, which deeply implied that the master promoted the ingenuity and profound purpose of the Pure Sect.

In the historical materials of the Pure Land Sect, there are only a few hundred words recording the deeds of Master Chang. But the master laid the foundation for the prevalence of Pure Land Sect in the Song Dynasty.. During the three hundred years of the Song Dynasty, the Pure Land Buddhism was very popular, and the belief in Pure Land was deeply rooted among the people. At that time, in the southern region centered on the Wuyue State, there was a trend of imitating the Hui Yuan Jie Lian Society of Lushan Mountain to chant Buddhism. Both inside and outside the court, from the public officials and noble gentry to the common people were involved. During this period, the Lotus Society was initially founded to gather people to chant Buddhism, advocating the integration of conviction, aspiration and pure conduct. It was the provincial master who chanted Buddhism for survival.

Master of the Eighth Ancestor Hangzhou Yunqi Lotus Pond

Handed down works

The master has written a lot of books, including 4 volumes of Amitabha Sutra, 3 volumes of Collection of Past Lives, 1 volume of Pure Land Debates, 1 volume of Zen Pass Strategies, 5 volumes of Sanskrit Net Precepts, 5 volumes of Sami Synopsis, 1 volume of Guijie Bianmeng, 1 volume of Jimen Chongxing Record, 6 volumes of Water Land Dharma Association Rites, 10 volumes of Lengyan Moxiang Record, 3 volumes of Bamboo Window Essays, and 3 volumes of Yunqi Relics 3 volumes, 2 volumes of Miscellaneous Records of Mountain Houses, etc. Later, his disciples collected more than 30 kinds of master's works and compiled them into "Cloud Qifa Hui" for circulation.

Pure Land Collection of Master Lianchi, the Eight Ancestors of the Pure School Introduction>>

Enlightening French: Praying Buddhism

If a person is rich and noble, he can use it readily, and just recite Buddhism; If people are poor and their families are small and tired, it's time to chant Buddhism; If a person has a son, the worship will be entrusted, and it's just time to chant Buddhism; If one has no children and is alone and free, it is time to chant Buddhism; If the son of man is filial and can be supported safely, it is just time to chant Buddhism; If the Son of Man is rebellious, he will avoid love and just recite Buddhism; If a person is healthy, he can recite Buddhism while he is healthy; If a person is sick and is close to impermanence, it is time to chant Buddhism; If people are old and have few prospects, it is time to chant Buddhism; If you are young and have a clear spirit, you are just chanting Buddhism; If one is idle and has nothing to worry about, it is time to chant Buddhism; If people are busy, ...... [Full text]

Life story

Master Lianchi (AD 1535-1615), who was not allowed to speak of Xie Hong, had the name of Buddha Hui and was named Lianchi. Renhe people in Hangzhou were born into a family of generations. At the age of seventeen, he is famous for his knowledge and filial piety. There was an old woman in the neighborhood who recited Buddhism every day. The master asked why she recited Buddhism every day? The old woman replied: The former husband held the name of Buddha, and he died free from illness, so he knew that it was incredible to recite the merits of Buddha. The master was moved when he heard the words, so he sent his heart to the Pure Land and wrote "Life and death are big" on his desk. Or sit and lie, day and night. His father died at the age of 27, and his mother died at the age of 32. The master decided to become a monk. ...... [Full text]

Buddhist thought

Master Lianchi was born in the late Ming Dynasty, when the Dharma and Taoism declined. He revived the lotus wind with his own true practice. His pure land thought has become a unique style. For more than three hundred years, his rhyme is still flowing. Here are three summaries: (1) single mention of pure land and integration of various sects; (2) Chanting Buddha contains all merits and virtues; (3) Pay attention to the precepts and encourage people to chant Buddhism. ...... [Full text]

Seven Brush Gouges, a famous monk

Benevolent mountains, five tripods and three animals are not paid enough. If you get separated from the dust, you will be successful. It's a big reason for being born. How to analyze the feelings? Filial children and wise grandchildren are fond of studying in a vacuum. Therefore, the five color gold seal is drawn. When will the love of a couple end? The living ghost and the living ghost live together, but they still break up after the fate. Yu, prepare for you two, wear flails and ribbons, look at the enemy, and find their own ways to go, so he has a hook with the fish and water couple. ...... [Full text]

"Bamboo Window Essays" online reading

Master Ouyi of Jiuzu North Tianmu Lingfeng

Handed down works

The master is the most prolific among the ancestors of the Pure Sect. Before his death, he left behind Zhan Cha Xing Fa, Jie Xiaozao Jingyi, Jie Qiandu Jingyi, Yu Lan Pen Xinshu, Sanskrit Net Xie Xie Zhu, Da Fo Ding Xuanyi Wenxue, Jin Gang Bu Kong Lun, Ou Yi San Song, Zhai Jingke Zhu, Da Cheng Zhiguan Zhiguan Shiyao, Legacy Sutra Xie, Zhou Yi Chan Jie, Consciousness Mind Yao The Eight Directions of Xiangzong, the Mituo Sutra, the Four Books of Ouyi, the Dharma Hua Hui Yi, Zhan Chashu, the Law of Re governance, the Lengja Yi Shu, the Yuezang Zhijin, the Dharma Sea Guanlan, and other works of the ancients were selected and compiled into the Ten Directions of Pure Land.

Among them, the book "The Sutra of Amitabha" is unique for thousands of years, and Master Yinguang particularly praised that even if the ancient Buddha came back, the interpretation of the Sutra of Amitabha could not exceed it.

Pure Land Collection of Master Ouyi, Lingfeng, the ninth ancestor of the Pure School Introduction>>

Enlightening French (III): Ten Don'ts Ask for Action

1、 Mind and body do not want to be free from disease. If you are free from disease, you will become greedy. Greed must break the precepts and retreat. Know the disease of empty disease can not be upset. Pain is the best medicine. 2、 It is easy to live without seeking. If there is no difficulty in the world, arrogance and extravagance will rise. Pride and extravagance will oppress everything. Difficulties in body are also ridiculed. Take adversity as relief. 3、 Study the mind without obstacles. If the mind is free from obstacles, then what you have learned. If you learn something, you will never get it. Solving obstacles without roots is self quietness. Take obstacles as carefree. 4、 Lixing does not seek to be free from evil. If you are free from evil, your vows will not be firm. Will not be firm ...... [Full text]

Life story

Master Ou Yi (1599-1655 AD), named Zhixu, has a nickname of "Eight Bad Men". The common surname is Zhong, from Wuxian County, Jiangsu Province. Father has been praying for his son by reciting the Great Compassion Mantra for ten years, and his mother, Jinshimeng Guanyin Bodhisattva, gave it to him as a master. At the age of seven, the master became a vegetarian. At the age of twelve, he read Confucian books. He took it as his duty to pass on the eternal holy knowledge, vowed to destroy the old and second Buddhists, cooked meat and wine, and wrote dozens of articles of "On the Creation of Buddhism". When I was 17 years old, I read Master Lianchi's Preface to the Self knowledge Record and Essays on Bamboo Windows. I realized the previous mistakes and set fire to the book "Pifo Lun". ...... [Full text]

Buddhist thought

Master Ou Yi's Buddhist thought has permeated Hongfu, so it is only the master's pure land thought that can be briefly labeled as three: (1) chanting Buddhism is to round the heart sect; (2) If you infiltrate all sects, you will return to the Pure Land; (3) Adhere to the precepts strictly and aim for survival ...... [Full text]

Open French (1)

Whether they can live or not depends on whether they believe in their wishes; The high or low grade depends on the depth of reputation.

Open French (2)

When you read Amitabha, you will be familiar with the teachings of the Three Zangs and Twelve Extremes; Seventy hundred cases, the upward authorities, also in Li Xu; Three thousand majesties, eighty thousand fine lines, three clean rings, also in the Xu. Really able to recite Buddhism, put down the physical and mental world, that is, great almsgiving; If you can really recite Buddhism, you will no longer be greedy, angry or foolish, that is, you will hold the precepts; If you can really recite Buddhism, regardless of who you are, you will endure humiliation; True ability to chant Buddha, without interruption, means great progress; If you can really recite Buddhism, you can no longer chase delusions, that is, great meditation; If you can really recite the Buddha without being confused by him, that is great wisdom. Try to make it simple: if the physical and mental world still hasn't been put down, greed, anger, and delusion still appear, I still care about non human beings, intermittently intermingled with them, and delusions still haven't disappeared forever, and all kinds of other people can't confuse their minds, so they don't really recite Buddhism.

Master obtained the Bhikkhu Ring according to the Zhancha Sutra

At the age of 35, Master Ouyi formally retired as a Bodhisattva Sami in accordance with the Zhanchamu Lunxiang Method and the Repentance and Purity Method. At the age of 46, because he had repeatedly practiced penance diligently, he was not allowed to be pure and round, and his worrying habits became more and more abnormal, so he decided to give up all the purification precepts of the Bodhisattva Sami, and retired as a three adherent. He was brave and determined, vowed to close the gate and restore the appearance of purity. Since he retired as a three adherent of Dan, Master Ouyi has been diligent in honoring the Thousand Buddhas, Ten Thousand Buddhas and Zhan Chaxing Dharma, and finally won the new year's round of purification and the monk's precept in the second year (47 years old). Later, he wrote a book lamenting that "there is no other way to get a clean precept when you want to read the end of life, but to give up the method of chakra phase." [Full text]

Ten Zu Yushan Puren River Closure Master

Handed down works

There are not many Buddhist works by the master, but they mainly focus on pure land discussions, such as Pure Land Warning, Shi Zhi Yuan Tong Zhang Jie, Lian Zang Ji, etc. Among them, "Pure Land Warning" is the best book to highlight his Buddhist thought. There are many experiences about learning Pure Land Dharma in the book, indicating the essence of chanting Buddha to live in Pure Land.

The six years of Master Jieliu's "Lianan" in Fahua Mountain, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, was the period of specializing in Pure Land Buddhism, while the thirteen years of Master Jieliu's work in Puren Academy was the period of his spreading the Pure Religion, advocating the pioneering spirit of "fighting and chanting Buddhism seven times" since the Qing Dynasty. In the early stage, it was self-study, and in the later stage, it was to educate the public. In the process of self disciplining, the Master of Closure summed up many valuable experiences with his own practice experience and study of the Pure Land classics.

Life story

Master Juelu (1628-1682 AD), who was not allowed to make policy decisions, had a common surname of Jiang, and was from Shunkang in the early Qing Dynasty. In the third year of Kangxi's reign, the master married an nunnery in the Xixi River, Fahua Mountain, Hangzhou, specializing in purification. In the ninth year of Kangxi's reign, the master lived in Yushan Puren Hall, advocated the Lotus Society, and the followers became more and more popular. He also tasted the Seven Advancing Buddhas. He once launched the Seven Buddhas for three years. He had a unique name, only dedicated and diligent, and had a style of learning. His merits are boundless. ...... [Full text]

Buddhist thought

The pure land thought of Master Jue Liu focuses on practice, sincere and sincere. He always wants people to practice the pure land as the law, leave the fire house of Saba, and live in the blissful lotus state. This is to mark the Master's Pure Land thought as three: (1) true faith and sincere wish to achieve a clean business; (2) Stimulate pedestrians' aversion to pleasure; (3) The interpretation of one mind without confusion. The master paid attention to true practice and hard work. In the process of practical practice of pure karma, he gave rational guidance, said the truth, said the truth, and took the opportunity to apply medicine. It was really the enlightenment of all beings in the end world. ...... [Full text]

Master of Hangzhou Fantian Provincial Temple, the eleventh ancestor

Handed down works

Master Sheng'an has written Pure Land Poems, Western Vow Notes, Bodhi Heart Persuasion, and Biography of the Past.

"Persuading the Bodhi Heart" and its simple translation in literary and vernacular

In this way, we can get the name of true Bodhicitta. This bodhicitta is the king of all good; There must be a reason to initiate. There are ten kinds of causes in today's words. What is ten? One person recites Buddha and is grateful. Both are grateful to their parents. All three of them are grateful to their teachers. Four people read the benefactor's grace. Five people read the kindness of all living beings. Six people think that life and death are bitter. Seven respect their own spiritual reasons. Eight people repent their karma. Nine people want to live in a pure land. Ten people have to stay for a long time to study the Dharma. [Full text]

Life story

Master Sheng'an (1686-1734 AD), who was born in Changshu, Jiangsu Province, tabooed the real sages and thought Qi Back to Xianlin Temple in Yinhang City, do not go out of the house, and make efforts to clean up your business. Then he was invited by the disciples to become the abbot of the Fengshan Brahma Temple, so he refused all predestination, pure land, formed a long-term Buddhist prayer club, and strictly established a protocol. At six o'clock in the day and night, they encouraged each other. People called him Yongming Master again. He has been the abbot of the ancient temple for more than ten years, and has many disciples. ...... [Full text]

Buddhist thought

Most of the pure land thoughts of the master of the provincial nunnery were developed from the true practice. His writing and enlightenment were based on his own words and did not go through empty talk. Here is a summary of the master's thoughts as follows: (1) To develop Bodhi mind and achieve pure karma; (2) To denounce the madness of Zen and return to the Pure Land; (3) Delighted and disgusted, pull out love pile; (4) Self discipline is the first step in intensive cultivation. To briefly describe the pure land thought of Master Sheng'an, I deeply feel that words flow from the real heart, and do not talk about mysteries, do not stack up names and appearances, but talk about it in a gentle way. It is all homely and plain, and it is also the pearl of pure land. ...... [Full text]

Twelve Ancestors Red Conch Master

Handed down works

The master has many works circulating in the world, such as Mongdong Buddhist Monk's Remains, Thoroughly Understanding Buddhist Monk's Quotations, Shichan's Teaching Rules, and Chanting Buddha and Buddha.

Enlightening French (I): Ten types of faith with weak confidence in governance

Ten kinds of faith: First, there must be death in life; 2、 Human life is impermanent; 3、 Round trip road insurance; 4、 The duration of bitterness and interest; 5、 Buddhism is not empty; 6、 There is a pure land; 7、 If you wish to live, you will live; 8、 Never retreat after birth; 9、 Becoming a Buddha all one's life; 10、 Legalism.

Enlightening French (II): Eight Essentials of Sixteen Words

The 16 words "True is life and death, and the heart of Bodhi. With a firm belief in the wish, and the name of Buddha" are widely said to be the eight essentials: 1. True is life and death, and the heart of Bodhi is the way to learn Tao; 2、 To believe in the wish and hold the name of Buddha as the authentic Pure Land; 3、 It is convenient to start by focusing on the mind; 4、 To overcome the current troubles, as a matter of vital importance; 5、 Adhere to the Four Commandments as the foundation of Tao; 6、 With all kinds of ascetic practices, to help the cultivation of morality; 7、 The goal of purity is to keep one mind in order; 8、 All kinds of spiritual strength are used to prove the past.

Life story

Master Qiewu (1741-1810 AD), who was not aware of the situation, had the name Qiewu. He was also called Netang, also known as Mengdong. He was born in Fengrun, Jingdong, and had a common surname of Ma. The master is young and unique, and he likes reading for a long time. His classics and history are all well known. At the age of 22, due to serious illness, he felt that his body was fickle and sent out a world ambition. After the patient recovered, he went to Fangshan County to cast his hair in Rongchi, an old monk of Sansheng Nunnery, and was given a vow In the fifth year of Jiaqing, the master retired to Zifu Temple on Hongluo Mountain, intending to die here. The four disciples were attached to many followers. The master was a Dharma person and never tired of it. So he accepted the public, shared joys and sorrows with the public, carried firewood and water, and repaired the house on the mud wall, thus becoming a place to study Buddhism. " ...... [Full text]

Buddhist thought

In his early years, the master learned from meditation, and after returning to the Pure Land, he was dedicated to revealing the purpose of chanting Buddhism and practicing it. Later, the disciples collected these teachings of the master into two volumes, including the previous poems and verses, and the master again deleted most of the sect sentences. It can be seen from this that it can prevent the corruption of Zen Buddhism and protect the heart of the pure sect. [Full text]

Suzhou Lingyan Master of the Thirteenth Patriarch

Master Yinguang Zhongxing Modern Pure Land Sect

Master Yinguang (1861~1940), whose name is Shengliang, said he was always ashamed of being a monk, and because he admired the founder of the Pure Land Sect of Buddhism, Master Huiyuan, who practiced in Mount Lushan, he was also called a successor. The common surname of the master is Zhao, his name is Dan Gui, his name is Shao Yi, and his work title is Ren. From Chicheng East Village, Mengzhuang Township, Heyang (now Heyang), Shaanxi. The Master, who has made great contributions to the rejuvenation of Buddhism, especially the Pure Land Sect, is one of the most influential figures in modern Chinese Buddhism. Master has a high prestige among Buddhists. He is good friends with modern eminent monks such as Xuyun, Taixu, Dixian, etc. Master Hongyi even worships him as a teacher. His position in the followers of the Pure Land Sect today is unmatched. He was honored as the 13th Patriarch of Pure Land Sect by later generations. The supreme magic weapon left by the master to the later generations, "Master Yinguang's banknote", has more than one million words in the front and back three editions, which is the guiding light of the Pure Land practitioners, and is known as the "Little Tibetan Sutra". In 1930, Master Yinguang went to Baoguo Temple to close the door, during which he set up Honghua Society, which was widely associated with the magic weapon of scriptures and had great influence.

Classic opening French

No matter at home or in an nunnery, you must respect your superiors and subordinates. It is intolerable to others, and it is impossible for pedestrians to walk. Work on behalf of others and make people beautiful. Sit still and think about your own mistakes, and gossip regardless of others. Walking, sitting, sleeping, dressing and eating, from dawn to dusk, from dusk to dawn, a Buddha's name, without interruption. Either murmur or meditate, and cannot afford to read other than Buddha. If they are together with delusions, they should be taught to eliminate them at the moment. Always have a sense of shame, and a sense of repentance. Even if I practice, I always feel that I am shallow and don't boast. Take care of your own family and ignore others. Only look good, not bad. It seems that all people are Bodhisattvas, but I am a mortal. If you can do as I said, you decide to live in the Western Paradise.

Master Buddhism

Master Yinguang's Pure Land thought inherits the blood of ancient Buddhas and ancestors, and follows the root mechanism of modern living beings. His words belong to his ancestors, and his words are true to the truth. It is the true meaning of the French language flowing from a great store of light, which allows the contemporary living beings to study and obey the treasure. Yin Zu is a master of all sects. He has a profound knowledge of the world, and his practice of chanting Buddha has reached Samadhi early, so his words are extremely attractive. Yin Zu's thought on Pure Land is very rich. Here are five points: (1) Pure Land Dharma is the only way for all living beings to emerge from life and death at the end of Dharma; (2) Confucianism and Buddhism are promoted together, and the world comes out of the world and the law is recognized; (3) Advocate cause and effect, potentially pull back the plunder; (4) Honest respect and shame, learn from hardship; 5) Family education is the foundation of peace. Yin Zu's pure land thought is broad and rich, which can be seen from the five points above. From it, we can also see the plain family style of Yin Zu's education. The essence is concise, and the medicine is not too mysterious. Although he was knowledgeable about the three Tibetan and worldly learning, he made great contributions to the rejuvenation of the modern Pure School by returning to the tradition of Buddhism. Today, more than half a century later, his French and personality style in Wen Chao still have a profound influence on enlightenment. ...... [Full text]

The reason why we call the master the Great Power Bodhisattva

Yang Xinfang, a resident: Ji Meng mourns the Master of Light Printing

On the 23rd night of November in the National Calendar of the 25th year of the Republic of China, I stayed at the Zhang family and shared the bed with Xiaojuan. In the middle of the night, when we fell asleep, we could see the Guanyin Master standing on the island. The sergeant is about ten feet long, with solemn wreaths, holding a bottle, as the world has painted. Yu Ze was in a boat, and the boat came close to the island. The sergeant waved to Yu and said, "The situation is so great that Bodhisattva is now teaching all living beings in Shanghai. Why don't you faint and not go to hear the Dharma?". The sergeant also said, "Monk Yinguang is the embodiment of the great trend, and will become reconciled four years later." In the spring of the 26th year, I went to Suzhou to visit my teacher and tell him my dream. The teacher scolded, "Don't talk nonsense! Don't talk nonsense! Anyone who abuses the holy will be slandered. You are not allowed to talk to others about this dream, otherwise you will not be my disciple!" Fang obeyed the teacher's commandment and didn't dare to tell anyone about this dream. Even before Mr. Fang did not mention it. Only between two or three relatives and friends, a short word can be heard. My heart still steals. I think my teacher will live in the world later. If he has lived for four years, he will take advantage of the general trend of coming back. It has been four years now, and the fruit has been sitting and melting. Hearing the news, tears welled up. ...... [Full text]

Master Benkong: Pursue the first great teacher from beginning to end

On September 23 of the lunar calendar, Master Geng of Guanzong Temple wrote a letter asking him to write an article in memory of Master Yinguang. Since there are still ten volumes left in the three parts of the book, he sent a speech. In the middle of the night of the 24th day, He Qi suddenly got a dream. He saw my teacher in one of the great halls, which was magnificent and beautiful, spread out a yellow seat to worship the Buddha. He was tall and bright. When I was ordered to pay homage to Buddha later, I immediately asked, "After ten years of devotion and sincerity, I can see now, and I wish to show mercy and enlightenment." The teacher said, "You should learn from yourself, and don't get tired of it. When you are dying, I should come to pick you up." I said, "When you see the teacher, you are good with each other and bright, and you can get the most powerful Buddha?" The teacher said, "Yes, right!". ...... [Full text]

● Life Biography of Master Engraving Life Story - Text Version >>

The founder was born "> The founder was born

On the 12th day of ancient December, 1861, the 13th generation founder of the Buddhist Pure Land Sect, Master Yin Guang, was born in Chidong Village, the foot of Ruluo Mountain, Heyang County, Shaanxi Province, the holy land of China. His surname was Zhao Mingdan Gui, Shao Yi, Zi Ren, and his surname was Shengliang, Yin Guang, successor.

Confucianists and Buddhists benefit from both of them "> Confucianists and Buddhists benefit from both of them

In 1880, the master studied Chang'an with his elder brother. When he went to Tongzhou to test his talent, he went to the Ci'en Temple of Xi'an Big Wild Goose Pagoda to become a monk. Later, he was persuaded by his elder brother to go home, but when he was at home, his heart had returned to Buddha.

The Buddha's Heart Seeks Shaving as a Monk "> The Buddha's Heart Seeks Shaving as a Monk

At the end of 1880, the master was dragged home by his elder brother and stayed idle for more than 80 days. Because of the Buddha's desire, he was determined not to move. In 1881, he volunteered to join the Lianhua Cave Temple in Wutai, Zhongnan Mountain. He worshipped Monk Li Daochun and became a monk.

Receive the Full Precept and Sacrifice to Buddhism "> Receive the Full Precept and Sacrifice to Buddhism

In 1882, the master went to the Shuangxi Temple in Ankang County, Shaanxi Province, and received the precept of "having enough". From then on, he began his long career of devoting himself to Buddhism.

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