The Biography of Master Xuanzang

"Chinese Biography · Tang Ci'en Temple: Biography of Master Xuanzang" is a biography of a sage who has lived for thousands of years.

The flourishing Tang Dynasty was the peak of the ancient Chinese civilization and the most brilliant period of cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries.

The eminent monk Xuanzang of the Tang Dynasty was an important envoy to promote cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries and the revival of Buddhist civilization in the East. In order to "go to the false scriptures and seek the true scriptures", Xuanzang traveled west alone to India to seek the Dharma. On the way, he went through hardships, endured hunger and cold, crossed the desert, went through snow mountains, and fought against thieves. With his own feet, he created a cultural road from China through the Western Regions, Persia (now Iran) to all of India.

keyword: Brief Biography of Sina Buddhism Master Xuanzang

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The flourishing Tang Dynasty was the peak of the ancient Chinese civilization and the most brilliant period of cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries. The eminent monk Xuanzang of the Tang Dynasty was an important envoy to promote cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries and the revival of Buddhist civilization in the East. In order to "go to the false scriptures and seek the true scriptures", Xuanzang traveled west alone to India to seek the Dharma. On the way, he went through hardships, endured hunger and cold, crossed the desert, went through snow mountains, and fought against thieves. With his own feet, he created a cultural road from China through the Western Regions, Persia (now Iran) to all of India.

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Why is Master Xuanzang called "Tang Sanzang"?

Master Xuanzang, a great monk in the history of Chinese Buddhism, is also a rare figure in the history of the Chinese nation. Until now, many scholars in the world still admire his virtue and achievements. In the works of many modern scholars[ detailed ]

Where did Master Xuanzang end up in history

In the Tang Dynasty, Maitreya belief prevailed. The greatest purpose of Xuanzang's pilgrimage to the west is the "Yogi Earth Theory", which is said to be a sutra theory by Maitreya Bodhisattva. When Xuanzang died in his old age, he made a vow to go back to life and lead Maitreya Bodhisattva in the inner courtyard. And according to[ detailed ]

Heart Sutra and Master Xuanzang's unique experience

Dharma Master Xuanzang is an experienced person. As long as it is Buddhism, it is the supreme, profound and subtle Dharma. It is all a disaster. We must believe in it and believe that it is true. The most widely circulated version of the Heart Sutra was translated by Master Xuanzang [ detailed ]

Dharma Master Xuanzang, who is unswerving

Master Xuanzang (600-664) was born in the Sui and Tang Dynasties, an outstanding translator, and the founder of Faxiangzong. The mage has been intelligent, honest, gentle and elegant since childhood, with extraordinary appearance. He follows Brother Zhong to recite the classics of Confucianism and Taoism, and is diligent in learning. When Xuanzang was 13 years old, he followed Brother Zhong Jie in Luoyang[ detailed ]

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 The Road of Xuanzang Episode 1
The Road of Xuanzang Episode 1

In the seventh century AD, Xuanzang, a monk of the Tang Dynasty, set foot on the Silk Road. He would go to the far west to seek Buddhism. Growing up in a Buddhist temple in Luoyang, Xuanzang had a chance to experience the wisdom of Indian Buddhism in a foreign monk.

 The Road of Xuanzang Episode II
The Road of Xuanzang Episode II

In 627 AD, Xuanzang came to Gaochang, the largest country in the Western Regions. The king believed in Buddhism and hoped that Xuanzang, an eminent monk from the Tang Dynasty, could stay in Gaochang and guide the lost sentient beings. Xuanzang, however, was still determined to go west and seek the true meaning of Buddhism.

 The Road of Xuanzang Episode III
The Road of Xuanzang Episode III

In 628 AD, Xuanzang experienced a tragedy of human relations in the "Living Country". The king's new princess colluded with the king's son to murder the king and seize the throne. After staying in the "Living Country" for more than a month, Xuanzang's team embarked on the journey to the west again.

 The Road of Xuanzang Episode IV
The Road of Xuanzang Episode IV

In the summer of 631 AD, at the age of 32, Xuanzang finally arrived at the Buddha's hometown, Kapilawei. Xuanzang found that the places where the Buddha was born, where the Buddha was nirvana, and where the Buddha first turned to Falun were sparsely populated and rare for monks.

 The Road of Xuanzang Episode 5
The Road of Xuanzang Episode 5

In 645 AD, Xuanzang finally returned to Chang'an, the capital of the Tang Dynasty. A grand welcoming ceremony was held in Chang'an City. This is an important day in the history of Chinese Buddhism, because what Xuanzang brought to the Tang Dynasty is an invaluable spiritual wealth.

 The Road of Xuanzang Episode VI
The Road of Xuanzang Episode VI

In 645 AD, the cause of the Tang Empire was flourishing. In Luoyang, Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty summoned Xuanzang to write a book about his travels to the west and support him in translating Buddhist scriptures. From then on, Xuanzang translated scriptures in the daytime and wrote books for the emperor in the evening.

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